Fans Forum

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Fans Forum

Post by Magpiegull »

In his statement of 31 July, our Chairman said that he was keen to arrange a fans forum in the 'upcoming weeks'. Has anybody heard anything further regarding this?
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Post by Yorkieandy »

What, you mean like all the other fans forums these past few years that have turned out to be so productive?

As usual, they'll sit there and listen attentively for the night, answering questions with some aplomb and decorum and when they get home they'll have a nightcap, brush their teeth, maybe have a dump and get some much deserved kip.

The next day, the night before? It never even happened.

Run the club yourselves or waste your breath again.

Yes, it's negative but just how I interpret the situation. If anyone can provide evidence of successful fans forums where important issues discussed have been addressed and sorted to a satisfactory conclusion then please use this thread to do so.
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Post by tomogull »

Yorkieandy wrote: As usual, they'll sit there and listen attentively for the night, answering questions with some aplomb and decorum and when they get home they'll have a nightcap, brush their teeth, maybe have a dump and get some much deserved kip.
You're wrong, Andy. They put their teeth in a glass ....... ;-)
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Post by MF68 »

The fans forums were attended by fans who only wanted to shout and be heard or stand by the current manager/board no matter what.
I mentioned on a previous thread that rather than have an open forum perhaps the Club would invite a select 10 or 20. This might include the TUST, the Manager, a couple of the bigger sponsors, local business people who are supporters, even the local press and reps from the Council.

The important thing is that the best ideas are harnessed no matter where they come from in order to move the Club forward in any way.

What do you think?
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Post by Dave »

Right now, I think an open fans forum would be extremely counter productive, yes we want openness from the club and communication, but a fans forum held now would just turn in a shouting, slanging, moanfest, which will not get the club or the fans anywhere.

Like the idea above, or perhaps the formation of some sort of supporters council that could pose questions on behalf of the fans in a more cordial setting, with more what I'd refer as rank and file supporters on it, maybe done through TUST or involving the travel club.
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Post by nickbrod »

Or ask long standing season ticket holders.
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Post by hector »

Fans are being asked to support a product that is (over these last two seasons) the worst in living memory, and not only that, throw in additional money towards a players' fund without any say or influence at all. There is no channel for fan's views to be heard, so if a Fans Forum means that those running the club have to hear a few home truths or squirm a little while difficult questions are asked by those supporters having to put up with so much, then so be it. They have brought it on themselves.

A Fans Forum is the least supporters deserve. We are being asked for so much, with so little in return.
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Post by Dave »

Nothing wrong with asking difficult questions, it's the attitude, manner and the way those questions are asked and debated that can often be the problem.

There are a number of professional and articulate TUFC fans that I know, and many others do, would challenge and ask difficult questions, and would conduct themselves in the right manner, give them the questions, and we'll achieve answers.

Nothing has ever be achieved by tackling a small fire by added fire, the result tends to be, the fire gets larger. What do people really think will happen by putting Dave Philips in a room with, Mr Shouty, Mr Angry, Mr Snarly and Mr la la la I will not listen, do we think Dave Phillips will say I'm sorry, the club will put an order in for a 16 plate travel coach and make £1 million available to the manager.

Do we think he'll say, yes, I spent the summer courting G.I , because the club is utterly desperate, on it's last legs and penniless, and there was no one else willing, which appears to be the case, or will making the guy squirm just make a few half wits feel better.

Looking back will not solve anything, the club has to move forward, the two circles approach would be a start, put the things in the clubs control in one circle and prioritise, put the things that are beyond the clubs control in another.

Can another investor be found ? is community ownership the way forward ? two things to be put in the first circle.
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Post by hector »

I think, as club custodians, you have to take the rough with the smooth.

I would agree that there are some - among the support base - who make me cringe every time they open their mouths but the club can hardly say that unless you have a degree, you are not coming along to the forum.

An idiot would soon get shouted down by those who want something more constructive. We all pay the same to get in and therefore - with no Supporters Rep on the board - we should all have the same opportunity to ask pertinent questions.
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Post by Colorado Gull »

forevertufc wrote:Right now, I think an open fans forum would be extremely counter productive, yes we want openness from the club and communication, but a fans forum held now would just turn in a shouting, slanging, moanfest, which will not get the club or the fans anywhere.

Like the idea above, or perhaps the formation of some sort of supporters council that could pose questions on behalf of the fans in a more cordial setting, with more what I'd refer as rank and file supporters on it, maybe done through TUST or involving the travel club.

That will never happen, the club doesn't support the travel club or its organisers.
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Post by gullpower »

I would like to ask Dave Phillips, while looking for sources of new investment, the board will not allow TUST to invest in the club?

As I posted on another thread, the players fund shows how deep Gulls fans are prepared to put their hands in their pockets without getting a stake in the club or a say in its running in return. It is not be necessary for TUST to own 100% or even 50+1% of the club. Why not 20% or 30% depending on how much is raised? For their investment the fans would have one or two supporter directors on the board. Think of the wealth of ideas that this would allow the board to tap into!

I'm sure you must read these forums, so come on Dave Phillips. There are fans just like you who have money to invest in the club, just not as much. Give us the chance to collectively invest in the club.
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Post by hector »

If the current board have invested the reported £30k each (although some claim this is so far untouched) and they are self-professed supporters, then it is about time the mindset was shifted to recognise the contribution supporters make.

Fans of Torquay United, as a collective, match that £30k (and more) every home game. Season ticket holders - almost seven-fold - outstripped that investment. As supporters we 'invest' in the club at every game we attend. The football club would not exist without us - that is indisputable. It could exist without the current board, it does not need GI to exist. Without those, it could always probably get by. Without the supporters, there is no chance.

And yet, stood at the Open Day, at Plainmoor, two days ago, I heard a fan saying how the council should have sold the ground to GI. I stood shaking my head in disbelief.

I sometimes think there are people who just want to be serfs. It suits them.
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Post by Fred Perry »

This match could go EITHER way.

Most of us HATE the obscene amounts of money paid to players in the Premiership.

In some ways , we hope those Clubs go bankrupt, as the rich are getting richer.

Finally , Solihull Moors need all the support they can get on Saturday.

So stewards , do not search the Bras of our female supporters , like those prats at Stevenage Borough did , last Saturday.

Totally out of order.

Narrow the gap between Rich and Poor - go to Plainmoor this Saturday.
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Post by Ray Johnstone »

Great to read that those at TUFC are trying to forge greater links between themselves, the club and the community.

I wonder if any fans are to be consulted during the recruitment process for the incoming first team manager?

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