Agreed, but there needs to be a strong opposition regardless of the political colour, of the governing party, not just for the working class, there always needs to be checks and balances for the good of everyone.arcadia wrote: 05 May 2017, 20:31
I agree with you for but we need good opposition or things will get tough for the working class.
Problem going into this election, despite austerity cuts, NHS and social care funding, no promise not to raise taxes, the Tory's being regarded as an unpopular government, and so on and on, must political pundits agree it's not a case of whether the Tory's win, it's by how much.
And this is a massive problem, the main opposition Labour are hell bent on blaming the media for their woe's, yet wont look at themselves, probably because they've hijacked by momentum.
They have a now bomb proof leader, Corbyn, comes across as a nice well intentioned bloke, however can't get enough of his own party to work under his leadership, Corbyn when it comes to his party policy, is clearly as confused, as Scooby do, and no matter how much his supporters play down, explain, twist, and try to delete Corbyn's past associations, the evidence of who he sympathises with is there for all to see.
Then McDonnell, march's with and endorsed by communists , admits to being a Marxist, and then with have Diane Abbot, never said anything with underlying racist connotations, and when asked what do 2,5's make, would probably answer 55.
The next problem is, the best answer the SNP, Greens, and some Labour/LimDems can come up with is, a progressive alliance, this is just a lazy way of trying to cheat democracy, instead of doing what they should be, that's taking a long hard look at despite all said above, the Tories have just won council seats in places they hadn't for 40 years, and are polling near 50 % popular support.
The opposition has to get it's act together, otherwise, we're going to be a one party state for 20 years and more to besides. It will be a total shock if the Tories do not win by some margin on June 8th.