The next General Election: who will you vote for?
it is great cant stand Nuttall and UKIP I hope them become as irrelevant as the BNP, im hoping it isn't so large 2 but I have a lot more hope than I did a few months ago going by social media.
Never heard the phrase, be careful what you wish for. See, a strong and powerful UKIP looking to strengthen their performance, and increase their vote share from 12% (roughly 4million votes) most likely would have split the right wing vote, which could have potentially seen a number of Tory held seat fall to the libdems or labour.
Seen a lot celebrations going on around the net at the demise of UKIP, but none have yet figured out what this means for the upcoming election, those opposed to right wing politics shouldn't celebrate to soon, instead of Tory held seats falling to opposition parties, the demise of UKIP, could well mean that opposition parties are going lose seats to the Tory's.
Seen a lot celebrations going on around the net at the demise of UKIP, but none have yet figured out what this means for the upcoming election, those opposed to right wing politics shouldn't celebrate to soon, instead of Tory held seats falling to opposition parties, the demise of UKIP, could well mean that opposition parties are going lose seats to the Tory's.
Formerly known as forevertufc
aye maybe but my problems with ukip and a minority of its voters are much more personnel so ill celebrate their defeat without looking at the big picture
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ManxGull wrote: 19 May 2017, 21:48aye maybe but my problems with ukip and a minority of its voters are much more personnel so ill celebrate their defeat without looking at the big picture
Other people do look at the big picture, and have problems with Labour and LibDems and Women's 'Equality' Party and Greens and SNP and minorities of their voters, and will celebrate the defeat of these parties. In politics as in many other areas of life, it is essential to look at the big picture. Unfortunately, many indoctrinated ideologues refuse to take off their blinkers and ideological spectacles.
but as I said its personel reasons for my dislike of ukip not ideology as in done something personel to me and my family if its my spectacles as you suggest then its spectacles of revenge and hated for a minority of ukip supporters who caused me and mine a lot of misery call me ignorant yes buts not ideological
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In which case, ManxGull, you naturally have my commiserations, but you do sound rather like the woman who has a bad experience with one man (perhaps her father or boy-friend) and then decides that all men are like that, so making the personal into the political. Take care: from such seeds do prejudice and bigotry grow. Better to look objectively at basic principles to see if they stand up.
well thank you and maybe I do being a man I find that a bit funny but ok, I do see how dislike of very one small group of small group of right wingers causes prejudice and bigotry but ok, but do you follow this principle yourself you seem to have little to say on the right its always left ,feminist or pc brigade I see very little about extremists groups the right and what they want to do.
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It's true we're all prone to making mistakes and misjudgements, and we can only do out best to make the right decisions and follow the right path.
As for the extreme right, they exist of course, but not in my part of the world, it seems. From what I've seen they are a miniscule minority who often work in small groups or individually as the recent Islamic terrorist actions have shown, and of course they should not be ignored.
On the other hand, the extreme left has been on the ascendancy for some time. Their power and influence is prevalent in the education system, politics, law, and the media, out of all proportion to their actual support in society. This phenomenon has grown not only in the UK, but in practically all first world countries worldwide. They claim victimhood whilst attempting to silence and censor all opposing views.
This is most noticeable (but only marginally so) in North America, where college authorities cave in to students demanding that talks by those they don't agree with must be shut down.
This is just one example (there are many more):
OK one more: students claiming to be anti-Fascist behaving like, yes, Fascists: ... index.html
As for the extreme right, they exist of course, but not in my part of the world, it seems. From what I've seen they are a miniscule minority who often work in small groups or individually as the recent Islamic terrorist actions have shown, and of course they should not be ignored.
On the other hand, the extreme left has been on the ascendancy for some time. Their power and influence is prevalent in the education system, politics, law, and the media, out of all proportion to their actual support in society. This phenomenon has grown not only in the UK, but in practically all first world countries worldwide. They claim victimhood whilst attempting to silence and censor all opposing views.
This is most noticeable (but only marginally so) in North America, where college authorities cave in to students demanding that talks by those they don't agree with must be shut down.
This is just one example (there are many more):
OK one more: students claiming to be anti-Fascist behaving like, yes, Fascists: ... index.html
Thing is though chief really it all comes down to what one believes you think the far lefts on the ascendancy I think the far right is depends what you believe is far right or far left etc , I think were never agree on it comes it really comes down to what one sees and believes and we could post all the evidence we want and argue till the cows come home it dnt matter, I apologise for some of the behaviour in some of my posts and wnt "attack" you again or take it so personally if ive got a well reasoned argument ill offer it if not I won't and as for America were tame school boys compared to both sides over that are madder than a box of frogs and no comprise in their commitment to there sides is absolute wheres we can agree to disagree and whilst being snipping neither of us throw bricks at each other and that's on both sides
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I asked you to provide evidence that there was widespread violence by pro-EU activists. You posted Breitbart links which had nothing to do with the subject you were talking about. Stop playing the victim, you were caught out lying, accept it.Gullscorer wrote: 14 May 2017, 00:08 OrangeGull, for example, requires me to produce chapter and verse, in citations and evidence, whilst himself making assertions presented as if they were established facts, as in his rant against Donald Trump.
The assertions I made about President Trump are indeed facts. I don't make statements without being able to back them up, unlike others. Nor do I promote half baked racist conspiracy theories.
Source: ... historica/
Since I posted last Trump has embarrassed himself further, bizarrely claiming that no politician had been as badly treated as he has been.
Source: ... y-10881764
I don't think it takes a genius to realise the stupidity of that statement.
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Orange Gull, you're the mendacious one. I provided those links to give you an opportunity to research for yourself and discover the facts. It seems you're not interested. In fact, thus far you haven't backed up any of your own assertions. The links you provided? Sky, like most of the media, is anti-Trump, a most unreliable source; and Politifact, whose media sources are also mainly biased towards the Democrats, is hardly factual, as anybody checking out those sites will see for themselves.
As for promoting 'half-baked racist conspiracy theories', obviously you are referring to my post on another thread, and your dishonest and extremely offensive response. Perhaps people should take a look at my own reply to see what I mean, and judge for themselves.
As for promoting 'half-baked racist conspiracy theories', obviously you are referring to my post on another thread, and your dishonest and extremely offensive response. Perhaps people should take a look at my own reply to see what I mean, and judge for themselves.
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The coming general election is all about Brexit. It is the de facto second referendum the LibDems have been wanting. Why they want a second referendum, I don't know; around 62% of the population now support Brexit.
The choice of government before us is between Labour and the Conservatives. Labour cannot be trusted to deliver anything more than a half-hearted Brexit; it's doubtful that they ever wanted a Brexit at all. In Torbay and in many other constituencies, UKIP came third last time, after the Conservatives and LibDems. Except in a very few places, they have little chance of winning. In South Devon constituencies, it therefore makes sense for Brexit supporters to vote Conservative, not to defeat UKIP, but to keep out the Labour and LibDem candidates.
Thereafter, if Mrs May and her team deliver anything less than a complete Brexit, electors are going to be very, very angry.
The choice of government before us is between Labour and the Conservatives. Labour cannot be trusted to deliver anything more than a half-hearted Brexit; it's doubtful that they ever wanted a Brexit at all. In Torbay and in many other constituencies, UKIP came third last time, after the Conservatives and LibDems. Except in a very few places, they have little chance of winning. In South Devon constituencies, it therefore makes sense for Brexit supporters to vote Conservative, not to defeat UKIP, but to keep out the Labour and LibDem candidates.
Thereafter, if Mrs May and her team deliver anything less than a complete Brexit, electors are going to be very, very angry.
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Crazy Corbyn. Does any intelligent person really want a Labour government and Corbyn as Prime Minister? Ghaffar Hussain's comments are spot on: ... r-attacks/ ... lman-Abedi ... r-attacks/ ... lman-Abedi
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UKIP weren't winning any seats anyway! The council elections showed that they have no relevance anymore, add on the fact that Nuttall is a grade A cretin and they will probably return around 5% of the national vote at best.
FWIW I certainly don't think this election is about Brexit, that boat has long since sailed (hence UKIP now being completely irrelevant). If Corbyn was electable the Tories wouldn't have called this election. The fact that he is not means the tory government seek a larger majority to conduct further cuts of which we are currently seeing the effects:
Police: force cut, consequence: person who commits Manchester bombing reported 5 times including by people at his own mosque for radical behaviour but never arrested as the remaining police were dealing with other things
NHS: Funding cut (in real terms), consequence: longest waits ever this year at A&E, nurses and doctors looking to leave the profession
Schools: Funding cut (in real terms), consequence: class sizes rising and teachers looking to exit the profession
But it is all ok as the money we have saved from Brexit will be able to be put back into these areas (it was on the side of a bus so it must be true!). All we can hope is that the tory majority (bought by Murdoch and other rich elite scumbags) won;t have completely ruined the NHS the next time we are ill!
FWIW I certainly don't think this election is about Brexit, that boat has long since sailed (hence UKIP now being completely irrelevant). If Corbyn was electable the Tories wouldn't have called this election. The fact that he is not means the tory government seek a larger majority to conduct further cuts of which we are currently seeing the effects:
Police: force cut, consequence: person who commits Manchester bombing reported 5 times including by people at his own mosque for radical behaviour but never arrested as the remaining police were dealing with other things
NHS: Funding cut (in real terms), consequence: longest waits ever this year at A&E, nurses and doctors looking to leave the profession
Schools: Funding cut (in real terms), consequence: class sizes rising and teachers looking to exit the profession
But it is all ok as the money we have saved from Brexit will be able to be put back into these areas (it was on the side of a bus so it must be true!). All we can hope is that the tory majority (bought by Murdoch and other rich elite scumbags) won;t have completely ruined the NHS the next time we are ill!
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You gave me a link which led to articles that did not back up your claims at all. As I said before, I'll always be around when you actually want to prove that there has been widespread violence by pro-EU activists.Gullscorer wrote: 21 May 2017, 23:01 Orange Gull, you're the mendacious one. I provided those links to give you an opportunity to research for yourself and discover the facts. It seems you're not interested. In fact, thus far you haven't backed up any of your own assertions. The links you provided? Sky, like most of the media, is anti-Trump, a most unreliable source; and Politifact, whose media sources are also mainly biased towards the Democrats, is hardly factual, as anybody checking out those sites will see for themselves.
As for promoting 'half-baked racist conspiracy theories', obviously you are referring to my post on another thread, and your dishonest and extremely offensive response. Perhaps people should take a look at my own reply to see what I mean, and judge for themselves.
I'd be interested to know what exactly is incorrect with that link from Sky, it quotes Trump's exact words. Your predictable rebuttal that it is Sky, therefore it must be wrong is exactly how Corbynistas respond when presented with facts from the BBC, it's supposedly anti-Corbyn so it must be wrong. Again, please show how the Politifact article is wrong or even biased. The claims made by Trump are clearly disproved. Such as no other administration doing more in 90 days or the inauguration being the most attended in history. I've said it before and I'll say it again, your attitude to sources that contradict your world view is identical to that of the far-left. You've more in common that you realise.
I'm sorry if you're offended (a very lefty phrase) by myself and others pointing out you were recycling white supremacist conspiracy theory. It doesn't change the fact that you were. For someone who is so against fake news, media lies and so in favour of seeking the truth, perhaps promoting long debunked white genocide conspiracies was unwise.
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