forevertufc wrote: 30 Jul 2017, 16:39
The thing is, the remain campaign and their supporters are now getting more, and more desperate. Staunch remainer Tony Blair's own institute for global change commissioned a poll, where 56 % said they would be happy for the UK to leave the EU with out a deal in place, and 75 % said they thought our country's immigration policy was to open, there's no doubt , there's has been a further narrow shift towards vote leave amongst the British people, suggesting the likely result if the referendum was re-run, would be another narrow victory for vote leave.
So project fear is being ramped up. All negative news being put front and centre, any positive news ignored, we saw stories like, British holiday makers could only get 0.88 cents to the pound in airports, but the same news stories neglected to say, the bone idle, lazy or stupid holiday makers who couldn't be bothered to shop around, could have got 1.13 euro's to the pound on the same day at various retail outlets.
The new story, British planes won't be able to take off after Brexit, my god, just how desperate are they becoming. We only have to look at how the British aerospace and tourisms industry is worth to the global economy to realise, it will not take minutes, but seconds for a new, and relevant agreement to be put in place.
The remain campaign continue to mock, ridicule, and just generally refer to leave supporters as ignorant and thick every time they express an opinion, why, because they do not want the British people armed with to much knowledge.
They don't want us to know about single market tariff's, placed on good goods and services coming into member states from outside Europe, these of course would be slashed after Brexit, of course meaning that certain goods and services may well be cheaper to British consumer, but I'll just dream on.
They don't want you to know about the IMF's growth forecast's as posted by SG, that show the British economy is likely to out perform that of France and Italy, the 2nd and 3rd largest in the Euorzone, and only trialing Germany's the largest by 0.1 %, if to many people knew this, we wouldn't believe all this economic doom and gloom.
They don't want us to know anything about a recent CBI report, showing British manufacturing output at it's highest level since 1999, order books at there highest since 1988, manufacturing sector, currently employing people, Brexit was supposed to be costing us jobs, that's why it's another story swept under the carpet. They don't want you know about Amazon, Google, and many other companies committing to the UK.
They don't want to many people knowing, German car manufacturer BWM chose to build it's new Mini in Oxford, rather than Germany or Holland.
They don't want to many people knowing, the German chambers of commerce is already reporting, Brexit is damaging the German economy, just as some of us said all along, that it would, backed up calls from the free democratic party of Germany, for a special Brexit team to protect their country's vital interests, so if we knew all of this, would the British people believe all the nonsense spilled out, that the EU holds all the cards, they clearly don't.
I think talk of a transitional three period after 2019 just makes common sense, if we have to wait an extra three years to get free from the EU, so be it, there always was going be a need for compromise, and of course we need to protect our own interests.
Reaching out for the status quo, because we're scared of change, reaching out for the single market, believed to be worth 12 trillion pounds, when there's a global market our country can tap into worth a reported 40 trillion is nonsense.