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Post by MellowYellow »

We were told that the club were: "extremely heartened and enthused by both the quality and quantity of applications received" and Dr Harrop told us that  "It is a very important decision, and we want to get the right person".   We are now lead to believe that out of all the hundreds of applicants with quality experience, it appears, we  are  to be lumbered with Gary Owers of underwhelming, Bath City. ... ers-467595

Then it started to dawn on me, they have got the 'right person'!  This "very important decision" will no doubt will be based, on GI's strategic 'five year plan' of the demise of the club as GI patiently play the waiting game for the 'Plainmoor' freehold,  .  The have looked futuristically at who could manage our club in the sixth tier of English football namely the National League South.  Of equal, if not more  importance is the person appointed needs solid experience on how to run a mediocre  part-time club to reduce budgets namely,  GI's outlay.

Yes, I have boycotted matches (in protest) after the Solihull game,  appalled at the standard of play and very tired and weary of trying to keep faith in owners who have no interest in the club, other than as a financial speculation and accumulation for non-footballing reasons.   And yes, I did quietly hope  I could return to the fold. I was almost praying that my views and opinions were mislead and ill-informed upon the appointment of  a fully experience manager who would be given the resource to, not only, manage us in the National League but also have the experience to manage us in the football league next season, in line with our glorious leaders vision and as told by 'Mr Goatee'  the salad muncher, who was tasked with the said long awaited appointment.

Yes, I am very angry about this whole fiasco and No I will not be subject to the calls of 'give the new manager a chance'. This appointment is no more than a puppet figure prepared to do as he told by a new director of football (yet to be announced, but we all know who it is) who in turn will be briefed by those holding the purse strings to maintain the status quo, namely 'lose at all costs'. And a mightly good job they are doing of it.

Anyone who thinks 3 points out of 30 in this league is acceptable without some form of protest must, in my opinion, be blinkered to what is actually going on within the club.  I will always be 'Torquay til' I die' and will fight the cause both in human and financial terms, but I will not be taken as a fool and therefore have no intentions of supporting GI's 'unwritten vision' for the club (if it indeed it can be called a club any longer) for to do so would only be an act of betrayal to a club I and many others of the community have been loyal too for many a year.
Last edited by MellowYellow on 13 Sep 2017, 08:07, edited 1 time in total.
CP Gull
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Post by CP Gull »

Well we quite literally have to wait "a month of Sundays" for the new Manager to be appointed and when he does it is very difficult not to feel very underwhelmed. I suspect not many amongst the fanbase will have ever heard of Gary Owers and those that have may well probably be more familiar with his playing career than his managerial one. Personally I know very little about Owers the Manager - and I suspect I'm not alone! At least, rather depressingly, he will have very current experience of National League South where given yet another abysmal result last night it seems ever more likely we are heading.

On news of his "imminent" appointment, I took a look at the NLS league table (Bath City are currently 8th) - I have given up looking at league tables for the last month or so, for obvious reasons - and was gobsmacked to see Truro City ( Ben Gerring et al) riding high in second place!!! That's the same Truro City that we (admittedly only in a PSF) destroyed 6-0 just a few short weeks ago! I'm no expert on the standard of that League - there are others on here who are far more qualified to judge- but it does strike me as a hell of a lot weaker than the NL North where the likes of Salford, Harrogate, York, Kidderminster, Darlington and Stockport all compete!

You cannot help feel that the club have not done a very good job of managing expectations in so far as this appointment is concerned. Geoff Harrop talked the job up and the job requirements (success at this level, experience, contacts etc) and he also allowed the local media to build up expectations, when clearly they (the Herald Express) didn't have a clue as presumably no one amongst them, least of all Dave Thomas it seems, have the ear of the decision makers at Plainmoor anymore these days. Remember it was only two weeks ago when we were "informed" by the Herald that there were four NAMES in the frame - all managers with a proven track record of success at this level (and above for some) - let's remind ourselves they were Ronnie Moore, Paul Cox, Micky Adams and Richard Money with a "mystery" ex PL player - later suggested to be Kevin Davies - all in the mix.

it must come as a source of some embarrassment to the HE Sportsdesk (and some bemusement to Harrop no doubt!) that at various times over the last four weeks they have made Mark Yates, Ronnie Moore, Paul Cox, Richard Money, Graham Westley and finally Kevin Wilkin their "hot tips" with even the odd "out of left field" randoms like Des Bulpin and Kevin Davies thrown into the mix, not ever mentioning the name of Gary Owers until he appears in the chair sat next to Harrop at Bromley - and seemingly only hours before his appointment is about to be confirmed. It's a sad day, in my opinion, when Dave Thomas - the TUFC correspondent for nigh on 50 years now I reckon - isn't given the courtesy of being informed by TUFC as to what is really happening. To the extent that he (DT) now seemingly has to rely on whispers from fans and forums for information - a poor show on the part of TUFC in my opinion.

Now either something has gone seriously wrong, or the club have failed to manage expectations, if we end up appointing the little known Gary Owers - who whilst ticking the experienced and hopefully contacts boxes - does not measure up in any way shape or form in terms of managerial successes on his CV to the aforementioned applicants (if indeed they ever were!).

I do have my own thoughts on why some of these men may have turned us down - clearly our ever worsening league position won't have helped and for some our salary, playing budget and location may be unattractive - but I also wonder if the "structure" that they would be asked to "manage" under might have played a part too. I have a feeling that part of the problem with Nicholson was that he largely went it alone on player recruitment without involving the so called "Head of Recruitment" very much at all. I do wonder if going forward we might see a "committee" style of transfer policy - the sort of set up which irked Paul Cox so much recently that he resigned his position at Barrow - employed at TUFC so that it isn't just left to the Manager to bring in players but that the likes of both Hedges and probably Harrop too have a big say on who is brought in. That sort of policy may well have not sat well with the more experienced and proven Managers that were originally being linked with the position.

I wish Gary Owers well, but I think our position now is a pretty hopeless one and Nicholson has left the new man with a squad that is not "fit" for purpose in every sense of the word! But of course his recruitment policy was very much character over ability - which is why Bromleys "flawed" hat trick hero from last night Brett Williams didn't fit in. It's just a shame that most of the "characters" that Nicholson have recruited are either physically or mentally weak - and in some cases both!
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Post by Villagull »

Wonder if this drawn out news will be followed by the fact his war chest will be less than what my 8 year old has in her piggy bank.
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Post by Bristol_Gull »

The topic 'sad' on this forum is apparently written by Paul Sturrock who put himself forward for the role but was not even considered...

So much for giving every manager the respect he deserves.

I'm waiting with anticipation to see an announcement today, it looks like Owers is in from the certainty in the speculation but it could still be inaccurate, it would be easy to jump to conclusions having seen him watching the game but it does not necessarily mean he has been appointed, though other sources seem to also verify the appointment.

It's a very disappointing time for Torquay and it's been a catastrophic domino effect caused by a handful of individuals at the club, both before and during this new ownership regime.

If the potential to get the freehold at Plainmoor falls through then hopefully this lot will bugger off.

On a side note I'm hoping to be starting a new business this year and if it turns out to be mega successful then I'll buy the club myself!
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Post by Bristol_Gull »

I spoke too soon...

Gary Owers has literally just been confirmed as the new head coach ... ead-coach/
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Post by westyorkshiregull »

CP Gull wrote: 13 Sep 2017, 08:00 Well we quite literally have to wait "a month of Sundays" for the new Manager to be appointed and when he does it is very difficult not to feel very underwhelmed. I suspect not many amongst the fanbase will have ever heard of Gary Owers and those that have may well probably be more familiar with his playing career than his managerial one. Personally I know very little about Owers the Manager - and I suspect I'm not alone! At least, rather depressingly, he will have very current experience of National League South where given yet another abysmal result last night it seems ever more likely we are heading.

On news of his "imminent" appointment, I took a look at the NLS league table (Bath City are currently 8th) - I have given up looking at league tables for the last month or so, for obvious reasons - and was gobsmacked to see Truro City ( Ben Gerring et al) riding high in second place!!! That's the same Truro City that we (admittedly only in a PSF) destroyed 6-0 just a few short weeks ago! I'm no expert on the standard of that League - there are others on here who are far more qualified to judge- but it does strike me as a hell of a lot weaker than the NL North where the likes of Salford, Harrogate, York, Kidderminster, Darlington and Stockport all compete!

You cannot help feel that the club have not done a very good job of managing expectations in so far as this appointment is concerned. Geoff Harrop talked the job up and the job requirements (success at this level, experience, contacts etc) and he also allowed the local media to build up expectations, when clearly they (the Herald Express) didn't have a clue as presumably no one amongst them, least of all Dave Thomas it seems, have the ear of the decision makers at Plainmoor anymore these days. Remember it was only two weeks ago when we were "informed" by the Herald that there were four NAMES in the frame - all managers with a proven track record of success at this level (and above for some) - let's remind ourselves they were Ronnie Moore, Paul Cox, Micky Adams and Richard Money with a "mystery" ex PL player - later suggested to be Kevin Davies - all in the mix.

it must come as a source of some embarrassment to the HE Sportsdesk (and some bemusement to Harrop no doubt!) that at various times over the last four weeks they have made Mark Yates, Ronnie Moore, Paul Cox, Richard Money, Graham Westley and finally Kevin Wilkin their "hot tips" with even the odd "out of left field" randoms like Des Bulpin and Kevin Davies thrown into the mix, not ever mentioning the name of Gary Owers until he appears in the chair sat next to Harrop at Bromley - and seemingly only hours before his appointment is about to be confirmed. It's a sad day, in my opinion, when Dave Thomas - the TUFC correspondent for nigh on 50 years now I reckon - isn't given the courtesy of being informed by TUFC as to what is really happening. To the extent that he (DT) now seemingly has to rely on whispers from fans and forums for information - a poor show on the part of TUFC in my opinion.

Now either something has gone seriously wrong, or the club have failed to manage expectations, if we end up appointing the little known Gary Owers - who whilst ticking the experienced and hopefully contacts boxes - does not measure up in any way shape or form in terms of managerial successes on his CV to the aforementioned applicants (if indeed they ever were!).

I do have my own thoughts on why some of these men may have turned us down - clearly our ever worsening league position won't have helped and for some our salary, playing budget and location may be unattractive - but I also wonder if the "structure" that they would be asked to "manage" under might have played a part too. I have a feeling that part of the problem with Nicholson was that he largely went it alone on player recruitment without involving the so called "Head of Recruitment" very much at all. I do wonder if going forward we might see a "committee" style of transfer policy - the sort of set up which irked Paul Cox so much recently that he resigned his position at Barrow - employed at TUFC so that it isn't just left to the Manager to bring in players but that the likes of both Hedges and probably Harrop too have a big say on who is brought in. That sort of policy may well have not sat well with the more experienced and proven Managers that were originally being linked with the position.

I wish Gary Owers well, but I think our position now is a pretty hopeless one and Nicholson has left the new man with a squad that is not "fit" for purpose in every sense of the word! But of course his recruitment policy was very much character over ability - which is why Bromleys "flawed" hat trick hero from last night Brett Williams didn't fit in. It's just a shame that most of the "characters" that Nicholson have recruited are either physically or mentally weak - and in some cases both!

Agree mate

This isn't the right direction we need a proven manager....someone we all raise our eye brows at ....

Good luck to him , he will need it
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Post by Bristol_Gull »

They have sold Gary and Martin well in the news article.

I do wish them well and will get behind them 100%

Starting with a win on Saturday.
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Post by Richinns »

'Head Coach' that will be Geoff Harrop as DoF then.
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Post by lucy6lucy »

Whats happening to Robbie, no mention on os that he's gone.
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Post by Bristol_Gull »

Richinns wrote: 13 Sep 2017, 08:20 'Head Coach' that will be Geoff Harrop as DoF then.
It would indicate that this is the case but what is the key difference between DoF and General Manager?

Whatever the title; the man has too much involvement at the club!
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Post by Bristol_Gull »

lucy6lucy wrote: 13 Sep 2017, 08:27 Whats happening to Robbie, no mention on os that he's gone.
I bet he'll either get a youth coaching role at the club or re-join Nicho at Bath...
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Post by markw »

There was a radio Devon interview with Harrop about 3 weeks ago , where they described him as DOF , I put it down to normal BBC ineptitude .... Doesn't seem the case at all now ,
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Post by apgull »

Harrop: "I want to pay credit to Robbie Herrera who has stepped up to the plate and worked relentlessly with a team debilitated by injuries, to turn our frightening start to the season."

Feel like that sentence ended before it should have.
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Post by Bristol_Gull »

apgull wrote: 13 Sep 2017, 08:47 Harrop: "I want to pay credit to Robbie Herrera who has stepped up to the plate and worked relentlessly with a team debilitated by injuries, to turn our frightening start to the season."

Feel like that sentence ended before it should have.
Yes. It is incomplete both grammatically and factually.

I know we have given Robbie some stick and he may not have the experience or the fortitude to do what was necessary for us but you cannot argue against the fact his heart was in the right place and that he is TQ through and through so I would thank him for his efforts and wish him well...nothing he has been through with club matters is any fault of his own, he was effectively dangled out to dry!
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Post by MellowYellow »

Richinns wrote: 13 Sep 2017, 08:20 'Head Coach' that will be Geoff Harrop as DoF then.
That is a 'nailed on appointment' - DOF with two muppets to do his bidding. As for the new manager (sorry Head Coach) being given 'carte blanche' to turn things around, I am not sure that is written in the 'five year plan' namely the demise of the club whilst patiently playing the waiting game for the freehold of Plainmoor.

Is it not ironic that in September 2016, the Bath City appeal achieved its £300,000 target to turn the club into a community-owned asset and on the 5 May 2017, the club completed its transition to community ownership. If Bath have given us anything, it is the hope that we can also go it alone.
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