Southampton Gull wrote: 30 Mar 2018, 16:27 You won't get far shouting others down until you have more facts to back up your argument. There's plenty of evidence to suggest your position is the pathetic one rather than anyone elses. You'd do well to research the subject of loans to clubs and the peril it puts them in.
When those who haven't the capacity to look beyond the veneer but then don't like/understand the message from those that do they shout down the messenger ~ it's the old bark, bollock and bawl of the parade ground expecting people to unquestioningly accept the bullshit that is fed them.
There has been enough research, dilligent investigation and research done into Clarke Osborne and his three decades of malignant involvement with sporting institutions to provide the supporters of this club with all they need to make their judgement. Let them make their own individual judgement; they say you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
It's the unquestioning acceptance of the image of those who want to purvey it by far too many of the supporters aided and abetted by a tame press that lead to the club being outwardly successful under Paul Buckle but with absolutely no sustainable business plan to support it beyond benevolence; gullible acceptance that Thea Bristows' exit strategy involved merely passing the club on with 'no debt' withiout taking the liability aspect into consideration and this latest manifestation of naiveity as shown on here this afternoon.
In pointing these facets out, one invites all sorts of insult and abuse from those who take it upon themselves to attack the messenger rather than the message and this plays right into the hands of 'slow burn' developers like Clarke Osborne who has yet to be taken to task by the local media over his involvement with Bristol Rovers, Hereford United, Reading Speedway and other sporting institutions that have bitten the dust over these thirty years. There is decade plus long story unfolding at Swindon Speedway to acquaint themselves with, but obviously this has been ignored too.
Never mind; let's carry on as those with a modicum of concern over this to be labelled stubborn, ignorant and pathetic; by someone who can't read a balance sheet; who thinks that acquiring a business by calling in a loan is 'buying it'.
There's nothing more one can do if the reader insists on being knuckle headed and one can only hope there is enough impact in the message to influence and motivate those who will make the all important decisions about freehold, movement to a hypothetical new stadium that could be decades away and not even at the identification of site stageg let alone planning applications and the inevitable objections from interested parties that this will inevitably attract.
Yes; those who do think that way would do well to research the subject of loans to clubs and the peril it puts them in; but I'm not so sure they would really understand what they were discovering.