Richinns wrote:May be this is nothing other than he wants to find a club that pays him. If my job had not paid me for 8th months I would be long gone.
Don't be too sorry for him. He hasn't been there totaly unpaid. The PFA cover a lot of the wages with their insurance fund to make us for this sort of thing.
And don't forget that even at Torquay there are players on wages most of us would only dream about.
The talk of most players at leagues one and two level on salarys at the working mans level is total tosh. You will be very pushed to find even the average ones at only £350 to £400 a week. Most of them are on at least £700 to £1000 a week and many on far more. Thats £3600 to £52000.
Now I dont know about you but I would love to be on £30000 let alone 35k. and those of which there are many on 52k and above are way ahead of most of us. I get fed up with the continual moaning from players who claim they don't have much time to earn it. Oh yeah. well if you work hard at your game and go on to do 20 years in the league then you have earned far more in your lifetime than I will in my lifetime. even 15 years will give them money to set them up in their lifetime if used wisely. If you waste it then thats your fault. Don't come begging to us.
The players who get ( I don't use the word earn as they have it easy compared with us) 3k 0r 4k a week and there are several, might even be a few on more, Well think about it. Thats 150k to 200,00 a year. it takes the average guy 6 to 8 years to earn that. . we have 50 years service to get in before we retire if we don't do our uni now. 45 if many of us do, and that gets us on the average ladder now. 25k to 30k at best for most. x 45 gives 1.35 million. Football players will get close on 1million for a 15 year career and if they survive long then it's far more. and that assumes they retire from all work at 35. come on! they can get a job like the rest of us. it's not as if they have no options after football.
so all that tosh about having a short career doesn't wash with me. They get 2.5 to 3 times what I get on average plus expences, and that is without a career outside football. The games washed up and way over its head in expences. it should wake up to what we have to live with.