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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

I hate Game Shows. Especially The Million Pound Drop and The Bank Job both on Channel 4. Basically if you're over 30 and live outside the home counties and have a job that isn't a chartered accountant or IT consultant then don't fecking bother applying to get on the show as a contestant. You've go no chance. If you're 50, from Tadcaster and have worked all your life as a drayman or something menial and would love the chance of winning some extra much needed cash then **** off. Your use to society is no more. Our society now insists that we must be forced to watch young go-getters who somehow have top jobs even when they don't know how many legs a giraffe has, answer the most basic of questions incorrectly and then somehow win loads of money and tell everyone that it will buy them loads of new shoes or a sports convertible. **** OFF!!!! Go back to London and live your life their with all the other plastic folk detatched from the real world! ( Sorry Brady, come to think of it Brady hasn't posted for ages, maybe he's won millions on a game show somewhere and gone to live in America!). Then there are the two presenters to consider, Davina McCall and George Lamb. Davina is hyperactive, grunts like a saddleback and couldn't present a cat whilst Lamb is morose, shuffles about the studio at 0.5 miles an hour and sounds like his batteries need recharging. Oh George, stop flicking your **** hair you ponce - just get it cut or put a hat on. Do summat as it makes me bilious mate.

If you're over 30, have a normal job and live outside London then daytime quiz shows like Pointless are probably best for you. They'll let you on. You get on telly and get the chance to win the equivalent of a years wages in Zimbabwe. Back to the day job then.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by Heritage gull »

Aussie wrote: Nearly mate, got myself a stash of V.B. Stubbies as well now!
You legend! ;-)
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Post by Glostergull »

Ggggrrrrrrrrr. If anyone else calls us Railway enthusiasts anoraks I am going to stuff the rough end of a pinapple up where the sun don't shine.
I have just been watching a programme about Eddie Stobart, I am not a particular fan just a passing interest untill my dinner goes down.
Talk about anoraks. They even put Bus enthusiasts in the shade. I cannot believe that anyone could get worked up about a lorry, its just a means of getting freight from one place to another. It's an anonamous wheeled box. It has no real personality. it's just a box on wheels.
Now whereas trains had a bit of personality in them once. Now mostly gone. The Lorry never has.
To see young girls swooning about the lorry and one saying if I had a choise between This lorry Driver or JLS I would choose the lorry driver. I am not knocking th drivers who thought it was just as Bonkers as I did but really. Yes they do a good job, But to idolise a trucker who shifts beef or Cabbages. shoes and Tools is just so sad that I find myself wondering about our world, open mouthed.
yes many young boys use to collect enngine numbers in the olden days. it was a decent hobby, there wasn't so much to do in those days. Some engines had names and it made them a bit different, they were different colours and different sizes and if you didn't work them right they didn't run very well. you only got out what you put in.
Not so the modern vehicles. Turn a key and they just start.. No real skill in getting them going like a railway locomotive. No where near as much responsibility as driving a train. But they get far for attention and we get called anoraks. I ask you. if we are anoraks, They are the cheapest cagoules every worn. :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :slap:
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Hush you damned anorak ;-)

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Post by Louis »

People who don't understand merge in turn. It's to save congestion so by being a d++k and blocking both lanes you're causing more traffic and by being an idiot and not letting someone merge infront you are too being a d++k and in actual fact neither left or right lane has priority over the other.

To the 90% of drivers too scared to use the right hand lane, enjoy the delays and don't moan about those that do and save time.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

I can sort of understand that Louis but i'm the opposite i'm afraid and sadly a dick! :'( Take a familiar scenario where a dual carriageway suddenly gets merged into one lane but motorists are notified of this by road signs a mile or so ahead. Cue bonehead motorists who bomb down the inside lane to try to get to the very head of the queue and cut in. Sensible road users attempt to pull in in turn well ahead of the one lane thus attempting to create a smooth flow of traffic. All these knobheads do is cause the traffic to go slower as other motorists have to keep letting them in right at the death. If someone comes bombing past me and then tries to get in front of me then they can forget it. Also i saw a lorry driver once deliberately block both lanes so that this sort of thing couldn't happen and not only did i give im the thumbs up but traffic flowed as it should. Maybe i'm a dick but to me this all makes sense. :-D
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Post by Wisconsin_gull »

Somebody please tell me how we select who sings for the UK in the Euroflippinvision Song Contest - I mean ffs
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Post by Louis »

austrianandygull wrote:I can sort of understand that Louis but i'm the opposite i'm afraid and sadly a dick! :'( Take a familiar scenario where a dual carriageway suddenly gets merged into one lane but motorists are notified of this by road signs a mile or so ahead. Cue bonehead motorists who bomb down the inside lane to try to get to the very head of the queue and cut in. Sensible road users attempt to pull in in turn well ahead of the one lane thus attempting to create a smooth flow of traffic. All these knobheads do is cause the traffic to go slower as other motorists have to keep letting them in right at the death. If someone comes bombing past me and then tries to get in front of me then they can forget it. Also i saw a lorry driver once deliberately block both lanes so that this sort of thing couldn't happen and not only did i give im the thumbs up but traffic flowed as it should. Maybe i'm a dick but to me this all makes sense. :-D
You d+++! Ha ha joke :~D Oh that's fair enough on dual carriageway merges (there's on one the approach to Penn Inn at the moment actually), I was referring to the established merge in turn areas where people don't use both lanes as they should. Sheep drivers.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

I misunderstood your post a little it seems Louis, sorry! No worries about calling me a dick anyway. :-D I've got skin thicker than the scum off the gravy from my local chippy! ( You know, the ones who do crap fish? :lol: ).
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Ignore all that. I've succumbed to a nasty virus that has worsened throughout the day and now i feel like PB did 15 games into his Rovers managerial career. It has now developed into the most serious strains of flu...the man one. :Z
Looking for the lads to churn out the win tomorrow to act as a dose of pick-me-up.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by Aussie »

The price of petrol can F*CK OFF, how come countries with a quarter of the population have fuel at such low prices and we have to get ripped off? Tax, tax and more f*cken tax, getting totally p1ssed off with it now! Someone should start a fuel boycott, I would join it, the gov. will make more money from fuel if they allowed us to be able to afford the sh1t! If everyone didn`t buy any fuel for a set three days a week the Gov. would lose loads of money and realise the publics fury ( one would hope ), the arrogant t0ssers would probably still be too greedy though and live in their "I`m alright Jack" state of living that their used to and reward themselves just like the Bankers who in my opinion refuse bluntly to stop taking the p1ss!
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Aussie wrote:
how come countries with a quarter of the population have fuel at such low prices and we have to get ripped off? Tax, tax and more f*cken tax, getting totally p1ssed off with it now!


Love this Aussie! :lol: Somehow the price of something has become an animate being that can be told to **** off. Superb! :lol: Pissed myself with that one. Cheers mate!

You're right though. The thing is that when the price of a barrel of oil comes down periodically the price at the pumps doesn't but when the price of a barrel goes up..................you guessed it.

The housing market pisses me off too. I got a mortgage on a house in 2001 for £33,500 but had to give it up 2 years later. The house sold 6 months after that for £99,500. So in the space of 2 and a half years the house, and most others had tripled in price. My wages, like many other peoples didn't. I probably got an extra £1000 in that same two and a half year period. How the **** did this happen? It came out of nowhere and has ensured that millions of people will NEVER EVER EVER be able to afford to buy an adequate house. The age old Yorkshire mantra that me old man used to drum into me about working hard and you'll be able to have a good life and get all the things you want was quite clearly a fabrication. If i worked full time on say £16k a year and my partner does at the same wages we could afford to buy a run down house on a sink estate for about £60-70k and that includes a hefty deposit.Why would i want to do that? Make yourself skint to live in a house where you fear for your lives every day and find needles in your garden. No thanks. Rentals have been squeezed as many more people are finding this their only option. Forget council housing too. Not a hope in hell of getting one of those unless i suddenly develop a substance dependancy then claim i need stability to get better combined with my partner having 304 kids. The Government admit there is a housing shortage, no there **** isn't. You walk down any street in any town or village in Britain, there's effin loads of them available, all got for sale signs up and all twice as much as they f***ing should be. There is a family i know across the way from us who has had his house up for sale for nearly four years and he can't sell it. He has reduced it four times. Most people in the general populus are on low to average incomes so can't afford to buy but there are stacks of houses for sale.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Just remembered this from earlier today, and on other occasions also. You go to a McDonalds drive thru and they ask you your order. You tell them they then ask, anything else? NO!!!!!!!!!!!! OTHERWISE I'D HAVE TOLD YOU ALREADY WOULDN'T I?!!!!! JESUS!!
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by Southampton Gull »

austrianandygull wrote:Just remembered this from earlier today, and on other occasions also. You go to a McDonalds drive thru and they ask you your order. You tell them they then ask, anything else? NO!!!!!!!!!!!! OTHERWISE I'D HAVE TOLD YOU ALREADY WOULDN'T I?!!!!! JESUS!!

Now this one I can totally agree with. When I was going to the away game at Argyle with Awayday and RoyalGull we stopped off on the A303 to get something to eat and I placed my order. "Is that meals?" he said, "Did I ask for meals?" I said, "Well some people forget" was the reply. "I'm not f***ing senile" was my answer :@ :@

Cue lots of laughter from those I was travelling with :lol:

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Post by kingsgull »

Wisconsin_gull wrote:Somebody please tell me how we select who sings for the UK in the Euroflippinvision Song Contest - I mean ffs
the worse the entry we have the better chance we have of winning it...its a crap contest...end of.....
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