Cats are amazing. Especially the day when our old cat decided he wanted to sleep in the middle of the road. I was sat on the computer and I just heard car horns outside, checked out the window and there's three cars queued one way, four cars queued the other way and this old lady trying to shoo my cat. He kept on just looking up at her with a look to say "p*ss off, love". I ended up having to go out there and pick him up out of the way. Cheeky bugger but a legend!
Cats are amazing. Especially the day when our old cat decided he wanted to sleep in the middle of the road. I was sat on the computer and I just heard car horns outside, checked out the window and there's three cars queued one way, four cars queued the other way and this old lady trying to shoo my cat. He kept on just looking up at her with a look to say "p*ss off, love". I ended up having to go out there and pick him up out of the way. Cheeky bugger but a legend!
ferrarilover wrote:And, according to official guidelines, hide under them during an earthquake.
When I lived in San Francisco. I was opening a beer when earthquake struck. The last thing I thought about was going for a table, I was trying counter act the shaking to avoid spilling.
ironically, after a few beers, you may well have found yourself "under the table" anyway.
anyway, i don't like cats, apart from the big ones, lions mainly, they've got it right. take their pick of the women lions as and when they please, lay around all day and a diet of red meat. if they had opposable thumbs and could crack open a beer, they'd be the perfect beast.
tables are ok though, especially the sports versions, tennis, pool, snooker, football............
usagullmichigan wrote:
When I lived in San Francisco. I was opening a beer when earthquake struck. The last thing I thought about was going for a table, I was trying counter act the shaking to avoid spilling.
What brand was the beer?
I'm off to China next month, expecting a significant tremor at least. I was always told (having been to the city by the bay twice) that standing in a doorway was the best course of action, but if there's a table there,I'll have to make a call on the day.
I'm off to China next month, expecting a significant tremor at least. I was always told (having been to the city by the bay twice) that standing in a doorway was the best course of action, but if there's a table there,I'll have to make a call on the day.
Carona. Yes a doorway is good but a table is the best options. I was sooooo excited I was just watching floor and walls moving. It's a weird feeling and It is never what you imagine. My wife is from San Diego so she is used to it but I was like a kid in Amsterdam window shopping. I am weird though I like extreme things like weather. Like where we life now we get violent thunder storms and occasionally tornadoes. The snow we get though is just crazy. I hope you get a quake though because it is an experience.
I always thought the standing in a doorway and hiding under a table things were to stop you being pelted in the face by some falling debris, not to help you survive your collapsed building.
You really do need to get out more. I mean, really. A thread about cats. it was worse than my jokes. at least they were brilliant and make people laugh.
SEE!!!!!!! Told you that cats were shit hot! They're even on the OS now and being named after our yellow hero's. CATS, they're gggggrrrreat!
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.