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Post by ferrarilover »

Southampton Gull wrote:
The fact you agree with Matt should instantly tell you how wrong you are ;-) Resolution, video capture, better camera, twice the storage space, not having to carry the bricklike S3 (if I wanted a bigger device I'd just use a laptop) 3 times the number of available apps, Android OS is slower than iOS by simple design, S-Voice is useless compared to Siri in terms of speed of launch and clarity and I've not heard of any iPhones blowing up have you? Samsung are investigating a number of S3's doing just that ;-)

Like I've already said, when an Android phone can seriously rival an iPhone I'll be more than happy to get rid of the Apple, it just ain't happening yet.
Resolution higher on the S3, but the proportionally larger screen makes it lower overall, I know which I'd rather have.
Video capture is identical in both at 1080p HD, but the S3 will take stills at the same time as shooting video.
Cameras identical at 8.0MP
Twice the storage, or half if you but the 8GB, or the same if you but the 16, or nowhere near if you use an SD card.
Bricklike S3 which is lighter and thinner than the 4S?
Three times the apps. Have you seen the app store? 99.9% of apps are complete shit. The apps you actually want are available for both markets, difference is, on Android, they're much more likely to be free.
Don't know the numbers relating to the iOS v Ice Cream Sandwich, but having used both, and running the quad-core 1.4GHz S3, it kicks the 4S in the balls. Twice. I can turn on both phones at the same time and be playing Fruit Ninja on my S3 before the 4S has even started up.

Add to this the little things, like being able to charge the S3 anywhere because it uses a generic charging port, 50GB of Dropbox space and automatic sync, face unlock, vibration alert, the LED notification, autodial from text by motion, the tricky camera, the screen that stays awake of you're looking at it, it's all just better than the 4S, better to use, more convenient, more clever and it's stuff you'll actually notice.

I wouldn't be sad if someone gave me a 4S and made me use it, but if I had a choice, I'd plump for the S3. If the iPhone 5 can do anything like they say it can do (have you seen the promo video with the holographic controls?) then it'll be a dominant force once again, but for now, it's just not, which is no shame for a phone competing with competition 9 months newer, which in computer time is about 100 years.

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Post by Southampton Gull »

You can also use your iPhone as an external hard drive (32gb too :) ) and download a song faster than any Android user can transfer it, also use any flash based app and you can buy an iPhone without the need for a contract :lol:

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Post by ferrarilover »

I got my S3 stand alone. This is just it, you can use AN APP to get Flash, I can get Flash anyway. We're back to my Vauxhall Corsa analogy. Yes, I could make a Corsa faster than a 458, but straight out of the factory, it's not.

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Post by Southampton Gull »

Good research Matt but once you get inside the iPhone the possibilities are endless. YES you need to Jailbreak it but that's half the fun, I like the fact I can set my phone up how I like it and it'll outperform an S3 all day long.

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Post by ferrarilover »

Then I'll Root my S3 and we'll start again, except I'll have a more powerful phone to start with, so the S3 will come out ahead again. Truth be told, either phone is far more capable than I'll ever come close to using, but I love the massive screen on the S3, the way it's just smoother and faster than the 4S ( and infinitely better than the 3GS I had for ages) and the fact that I can do odd little things with it, like burst shot on the camera and using the LED light to tell me if I have a text, rather than keep opening the phone.

I do miss iMessaging though.

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Post by Southampton Gull »

I dont miss your iMessages :)

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Post by SteveDeckchair »

Dave, you appear to have swallowed the Apple propaganda hook line and sinker.

Siri? Meh, use it much do you? Thought not, it's crap.
Video capture? 1080p on the s3.
Twice the storage? I've got 16gb internal plus a 64Gb micro sd card.
3 times the number of fart apps maybe. Can you Swype by chance? Overclock the cpu? Play Nintendo and PlayStation games using a Wii controller? All for free.
Multitasking........ I mean proper multitasking, not the iPhone imitation.
Speedwise, the s3 is lightning quick. Quad core.
And I've also seen plenty of iPhone give up the ghost for no reason whatsoever. No exploding s3's though. Yet.....
Size. Yes, I admit it. It's enormous. I like that though. The iPhone looks like a toy and every fecker has one.

You can probably tell I don't really like iPhones. I'd have thought a techie such as yourself would have jumped ship ages ago. You know it makes sense, join the revolution. If Apple has their way, the world would be a very boring place.....
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Post by ferrarilover »

Southampton Gull wrote:I dont miss your iMessages :)
You started it! Going to text you now, just to teach you a lesson :devil:

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Post by Southampton Gull »

SteveDeckchair wrote:Dave, you appear to have swallowed the Apple propaganda hook line and sinker.

Siri? Meh, use it much do you? Thought not, it's crap.
Video capture? 1080p on the s3.
Twice the storage? I've got 16gb internal plus a 64Gb micro sd card.
3 times the number of fart apps maybe. Can you Swype by chance? Overclock the cpu? Play Nintendo and PlayStation games using a Wii controller? All for free.
Multitasking........ I mean proper multitasking, not the iPhone imitation.
Speedwise, the s3 is lightning quick. Quad core.
And I've also seen plenty of iPhone give up the ghost for no reason whatsoever. No exploding s3's though. Yet.....
Size. Yes, I admit it. It's enormous. I like that though. The iPhone looks like a toy and every fecker has one.

You can probably tell I don't really like iPhones. I'd have thought a techie such as yourself would have jumped ship ages ago. You know it makes sense, join the revolution. If Apple has their way, the world would be a very boring place.....

Don't be silly, I've told you that I hate Apple with a passion, I do however love the fact that I can bypass and attain things they don't want me to have. So Apple certainly haven't had their way with me.

Yes I've overclocked mine, and SD memory cards? BAHAHAHAHA, slower than Matt's old Focus. Why would I want to play Nintendo games?

Basically it seems that if you're a man with a passion for orange laces and real feminine pursuits, live out in the wilds of Cambridgeshire and swap love songs with your friends or want to play games for under 5's then the S3 is for you. :rofl:

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Post by SteveDeckchair »

should have known not to get into a debate with you! I like the sound of real feminine pursuits though Dave! He he.
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Lol, in all seriousness mate I actually went and tried out an S3 today as two of my nephews work for o2. I really didn't like it to be totally honest but it obviously has a few advantages at the moment over the 4s. I tried a few things with it but the Android platform really isn't for me and the one thing I discovered was how slow the S3 was to load video from sites like youtube and tvcatchup, it was buffering like mad while my iPhone 4 was playing uninterrupted loading the same videos.

Believe it or not my contract is over on the 28th of this month and if it wasn't for the impending release of the iPhone 5 I might have given serious consideration to the S3 as one of my biggest gripes with the iPhone is the bluetooth. My old N96 connects to my car stereo for handsfree whereas the bloody iPhone doesn't even know its there and the S3 would connect easily enough. There's supposed to be a change with the iOS6 so I'll wait and see what the iPhone 5 is like and if the bluetooth problem is overcome as I've been told.

Incidentally, of the 4 lads working in the o2 shop there was a 50/50 split over which one they preferred, to me that says the S3 is a lot better than I gave it credit so I'd have to concede my long held belief that nothing even comes close to the iPhone.

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Post by happytorq »

I wouldn't worry about it too much. iPhone 5 will be out in less than a month, most likely
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Post by Southampton Gull »

I know mate, I was told it would be around the 21st of next month. As always though I'm sure Apple will put that date back ;-)

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Post by SteveDeckchair »

I don't have any problems at all with Youtube videos over 3G or HDSPA. Short loading time and no buffering at all. I tend to use the YouTube app rather than over the web though and I guess it depends on signal and network.

As with all things 'new', it takes time to get to grips with it. Once you appreciate what you can do with an android though, you'll never darken Apple's doors again. Jailbroken or not!

Umm. Gone a bit off topic this one! He he.
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Steve, I already know what can be done on an Android platform mate, I've tinkered with Android phones for years so it's hardly a new concept. Once the 5 comes out on iOS6 it will be back to how it was. SAMSUNG who?

By the way, the two phones were sat right next to each other in a comparison test. Same network and same signal. I also uploaded a 100mb video to youtube before the S3 even started. The S3 is better than I thought, based on experience of the S2 but it still isn't good enough for me to veer away from the iPhone.

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