Why so negative?

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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Spot on post Dave. The key to it all is the word 'BALANCE'. There are some people on here who cannot read properly and take it literally when i say we need to go gung ho. They miss the bit where i say there are times and places to go gung ho and times and places to go negative. They think i want gung ho every week and call me unrealistic and that i don't know what i'm talking about. I will ignore these people as they can't read and interpret basic information.

I have no objection to Ling being cautious in games, it has worked really effectively on occasions however, there is no purpose for it every time we step out onto the pitch. That is my point. It's all about balance.

As you say Dave, the key point is balance and it is something Ling hasn't got right yet and in terms of the way we play and also in terms of the way we use some of our players. It is frustrating and often blatantly obvious what needs to be done but without wanting to be accused of some second coming or managerial maestro which some on here have done and recommending that i manage the team if i know best, i feel Ling still hasn't learned and it's been nearly two seasons.

The balance is not right and it affects how we play, the results we get and ultimately the number of fans we get through the gates.

Spot on Dave. :goodpost:
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by stefano »

austrianandygull wrote:Spot on post Dave. The key to it all is the word 'BALANCE'. There are some people on here who cannot read properly and take it literally when i say we need to go gung ho. They miss the bit where i say there are times and places to go gung ho and times and places to go negative. They think i want gung ho every week and call me unrealistic and that i don't know what i'm talking about. I will ignore these people as they can't read and interpret basic information.
Definitely the way to go. Ignore everything you don't agree with. People on here can't read? How condescending. Read back through your posts and you will find the most confusing contradictions ever as well as insults towards people who happen not to agree with you and then insincere apologies because you immediately do it again. Anyway I'm 60 years of age and 50 seasons supporting (yes you have insulted people in my age group before) so thank you very much for your Tribute induced posts (I do like Tribute mind) and Good Bye!
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Please tell me my contradictions then and i shall either defend them or hold my hands up for being inconsistent.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

On one post, i think it was the Aldershot one, i posted an opinion. Nickgull came on and brought up comments i had made about him totally at random because he disagreed with my post. I didn't ask for this and as a consequence another argument was started, not by myself but by Nick. I had apologised to Nick and moved on, i still had the right to post things he may have construed as negative though and the first thing he doesn't agree with he references ME in his post! Why am i to blame for this?! I was going about my business and then Nick fans the flames again and it's my fault?
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by Neal »

Why so negative? Its frustration pure and simple. Many fans invest a lot of their emotional happiness, success and self esteem in their club. Therefore when the club does not achieve what "they" expect then frustration kicks in and they feel down and fed up.

Personally I don't invest my general happiness in anything I cannot control.

I have supported Torquay utd for over 35 years mostly through thin time and I don't think it would have been mentally very healthy to have linked the success of my club with my overall happiness.

We will have good times to come but we will have some bad ones as well.

Some people cope with defeats by letting off steam and releasing those frustrations, others look hopefully for the next success. Being negative is part of that coping mechanism.

This league this season in my opinion is a poor std. There's hardly any difference between top and bottom which could make the 2nd part of the season very interesting. Take Torquay for example we could easily be fighting for promotion or relegation.
Plymouth Gull

Post by Plymouth Gull »

austrianandygull wrote:On one post, i think it was the Aldershot one, i posted an opinion. Nickgull came on and brought up comments i had made about him totally at random because he disagreed with my post. I didn't ask for this and as a consequence another argument was started, not by myself but by Nick. I had apologised to Nick and moved on, i still had the right to post things he may have construed as negative though and the first thing he doesn't agree with he references ME in his post! Why am i to blame for this?! I was going about my business and then Nick fans the flames again and it's my fault?
Do we have a 'head banging against wall' smiley?

I really cannot be bothered to even reply to this as it's just going round in circles. I get very little enjoyment posting these days, it isn't debate/discussion, it's constant argument and abuse which just isn't write.

I might continue to read from time and again but consider me out, this time for good. Cheers to all who've made it fun over the last few years.
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Post by gullintwoplaces »

Some of the above comments make me very sad. I have also been watching and supporting the Gulls for a very long time (first game 1964), so think I can comment in a "balanced" way. I am shocked that some folk on here (Coley particularly, and Brucie, come to mind) comment like Stadler and Waldorf, ready to jump on the manager and some of the players with a rare (very rare indeed) pat on the back.

I guess that for some folk this forum is just for negative comments. How sad is that? I guess that this reflects a cup half empty mentality (or, in the case of Brucie and Coley, cup one quarter empty). I much prefer cup half full, makes me a happier person.

For me, I see the current set up, manager and players amongst the better times for the Gulls. We have been through some dreadful times in my time as a fan, the Webb and Roberts years come to mind. We have also had some great success, and the past 25 years have produced thrilling ends to the season for the most part. For me, Martin Ling is one of our better managers. He HAS acquired and developed players, take Olejnik, Downes, Craig, Howe, Saah as good examples.

The report for 2012 for me reads:

Doing well: new facilities, points won, our defence, Rene Howe, fighting spirit for many games.

Doing OK, but room for improvement: our midfield, holding on to a lead.

Substantial improvement needed: converting goalscoring opportunities into goals and the entertainment value that this would create.
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Post by hector »

I agree - I was that initial meeting when the TUST was starting and it looked as though Bateson was about to finally sell the club. The utter mess that TUFC was in at that point was one from which I would never have imagined we would be where we are today. Simon Baker's interview in the Herald makes perfect sense when he describes the wreckage of a club he helped take over. I was a harsh critic of the regime of Bateson and his family because I never felt they had the interests of TUFC at heart or put them first before their own agendas. His spin was negative and encouraged low expectations. The myth was peddled that he saved the club but that was nonsense.

But the people in charge now saved the club. That cannot be disputed. The shell of the club that Bateson left behind and was handsomely paid for was a disgrace. 4 players, no youth team, no staff. It was little more than a name and some kit. So for us to have enjoyed 4 play-off campaigns, two trips to Wembley, another to Old Trafford, cup runs, a new stand (a proper stand, not the bus shelters Bateson built) is nothing short of miraculous and something we never dared imagine. When we were relegated in 2007 and the future seemed to be Mervyn Benney in charge, I honestly thought our future was in the Conference South or lower. So to be complaining when we are still a only a couple of points off the play-offs doesn't make sense.

We should be grateful for what we have and even though things could be even better, eg Plainmoor is a bit soulless these days, things could have been a whole lot worse when you consider the mess the Bateson Family left this club in.

(I have posted this in reply to Dutchgull on a different thread but it fits on this one...apologies for that)
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

I really cannot be bothered to even reply to this as it's just going round in circles. I get very little enjoyment posting these days, it isn't debate/discussion, it's constant argument and abuse which just isn't write.

I might continue to read from time and again but consider me out, this time for good. Cheers to all who've made it fun over the last few years.

We are going round in circles i agree. I have never directly threatened anybody so i haven't abused anyone. I haven't said i'm going to come around and set fire to your house or steal your pets. I have poked fun at people in matchday threads ( i don't know if that what Stefano was referring to when he said that i had slagged off people of a certain age ), if so it is done in jest to make the threads more interesting. Frankie Boyle does it but the difference between him and me is that he means it and i don't. My mum is old, i'll take the p*ss and we all have a laugh, take the p*ss out of me if you want for being mid thirties! AND i get accused of being sensitive! I have thorough respect for EVERYONE on this forum and just because i reply sometimes with a few swear words and angry connotations doesn't mean i hate you and want to have you bumped off! It's madness really. If i was in the pub with some of you then after a while i would be saying don't be a w*nker, how can you think that blah blah blah. It's banter and the way i am. I'm not going to grab you by the throat and threaten you, people on here make out i'm a bad person and it's offensive.

I sent Nick two private mails with lenghty apologies and he didn't have the decency to respond to either to decline or accept. That's the mark of a decent man yes? And Stefano has a go at me for ignoring what i don't like?!!! Hypocrites some of you.

I too will miss the banter, especially with the people who have a sense of humour and know what it's like to have a laugh like Chris (SuperNickyWroe ), Bix ( if you still want to talk betting mate i'll still be logging in but never posting so send a pm ), Scotty - always a laugh, Dave SG a true gent who is as reasonable as they come, Dave ( Forevertufc) who always has valid, well thought out posts which are usually correct - good to meet you at Plainmoor the other week mate ) , Matt who i STILL to this day can't work out but he's a clever man and a funny one too, Gullintwoplaces, Jonnyfive, Gullscorer Mick is always a pleasure to read too, our American friends chip in with some classic input and the lukes who i believe are new who post well as does Brucie who at least has an actual opinion. Coley, my good man, you will have to fight our corner on your own as i have been finally defeated, cheers for the support and just because you have an opinion that goes against the grain it doesn't mean you are wrong. It takes a stronger man to have principles and stick to them rather than following in like sheep just because it's the easier option. Obviously there are others who i stand with regularly at games like Bengull, Scottish, Jaxx, Alex, Gruffalo!, Gaz B, Ben Taylor and others who post regularly and indeed post some cracking stuff. Lovely stuff! ( just for you Ben!) and no doubt i'll continue to stand with you ( unless you think i'm a bit odd and you'd like to leave immediately! ). Hope Troj gets well soon and that's pretty much it.

May i also finish by asking why none of you never bother to vote on the man of the match thread? Often there are thousands of fans who go to the games and a proportion of those will be members on here so why the hell can't you even be bothered to type in 5 names of players and have your opinion and give the players some credit?! Bothers me that. Just lazy. There are about 14 replies from the 1500 that went to Plymouth, hundreds of you probably use this site. A joke and sums up some of the total apathy of some of you. I know this forum isn't meant to be a massive part of anyones life but if you are logging on after a game then why can't you be arsed to vote? Again, like Brucie, at least we have an opinion. There are lots of threads i have started that may be a bit random but i've tried to get some banter going, some feedback and some more interaction but most of you just aren't bothered. I know lots of you don't have time to bother posting on banal threads and i can understand that but this is supposed to be a whole encompassing forum with views and opinions on loads of things and it makes our forum one of the best i have ever seen.

Louis and others take the time to enable you lot to have a forum and you just can't be arsed to make any effort to make it interesting. Scott does the prediction league and although he doesn't have to HE DOES and you all just take it for granted and post your predictions and never offer a word of thanks! It's most of YOU who have got the problems with manners and politeness and not me, i think Stevegull and a few others have said thanks frequently but nobody else. I'd stop doing it Scott and tell them to f*ck off! Gulliball likewise with his man of the match threads. I don't feel sorry that much for him because he must have that little data to analyse that it must be a piece of p*ss and he'll have it done in 5.

And in addition, i got a glimpse of what some of you are REALLY like during the 'whistle blowing' incident at Chesterfield. The lad done a stupid thing but it was harmless, nobody died and a lot even found it funny. The reaction from some of our fans to the lad was completely unacceptable and out of order and there was a sort of gang mentality forming, even amongst old blokes. It was really embarrassing and really pathetic and i've said before, Dom should have just stood there for 5 minutes and took the abuse and then just kicked off and had a right go because they deserved it. Sat in their seats playing the big men with others inside the ground against a poor lad who probably didn't know what had hit him. No condemnation followed by support of 'it's done now lad and you've got to acceot that you'll be ejected from the ground'. It was shocking and if you were one of these people you need to take a long hard look at yourself and thank the Lord the bloke who blew the whistle didn't look like David Haye coz you'd have run a mile. Unbelieveable!

As people we are not the same, this forum has people who LONG to be the same. It's unhealthy and apathetic and like Nick, i'm out too, this time for good. Not got the energy for arguing semantics and further doing my brain in.

Thank you and Goodnight Vienna
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by HardofHerringGull »

I'll be looking forward to your new posts in a day or two then Nick & Andy! :nod:
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Post by coley in stripes »

Time to chill. However there are certain people on here who think that any negative comment should not be posted and rush to defend.... Yes, we were in the playoffs the last two seasons and expectation is and should be high, but that's nothing to do with the current problems, which decent supporters who care deeply about the Club are rightly expressing concerns ....Give Andy a break, he makes some good points if his posts are read through.
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Post by SuperNickyWroe »

coley wrote:Time to chill. However there are certain people on here who think that any negative comment should not be posted and rush to defend.... Yes, we were in the playoffs the last two seasons and expectation is and should be high, but that's nothing to do with the current problems, which decent supporters who care deeply about the Club are rightly expressing concerns ....Give Andy a break, he makes some good points if his posts are read through.
opinions. great arnt they?
thats what this place is all about.
everyone can post and if you dont like it argue the point.
and just because someone doesnt agree with you (ie the new home kit thread! =D ) thats how it is.
grow up and get over it.

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Post by gullintwoplaces »

coley wrote:Time to chill. However there are certain people on here who think that any negative comment should not be posted and rush to defend.... Yes, we were in the playoffs the last two seasons and expectation is and should be high, but that's nothing to do with the current problems, which decent supporters who care deeply about the Club are rightly expressing concerns ....Give Andy a break, he makes some good points if his posts are read through.
And certain people on here (i.e. yourself) ONLY post negative comments. Just check your history, it makes really depressing reading, anybody would think that this forum is about the most unsuccessful team in the League. And this "certain person" does not rush to defend against any negative comment, I just cannot abide folk who only moan and complain. Balance is what is required, honest comment put in a sensible way.
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Post by Kernowgull »

Coley, the problem isnt negative opinions, the problem is that all the people who have negatives opinions get offended and aggressive if people dont agree with them.

If this is done to get a reaction, then really, get a life. If it actually upsets you that much then again, get a life!!
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Post by ferrarilover »

Yes, concerns are being expressed by a couple of you, which is fine, but you're then presented with the realities of the situation by dozens of people on here and you simply refuse to listen. It's been explained a million times that we aren't top by 50 points because we simply haven't the squad to do such a thing, nor the resources to sufficiently improve the squad. Dinger is doing his best with what he has, which, unfortunately, is being tight and cagey, not expansive and free flowing. Despite being nowhere near last years standard, we're plenty close enough to the playoff places for my liking and a little run of form will likely see us shoot up somewhere near the autos. If it doesn't come, well, never mind, we'll just have to finish in mid-table for a change.

Just stop bloody whining on when really, there's bugger all to complain about.

J5 said, "ferrarilover is 100% correct"
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