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Post by usagullmichigan »

Andy why get so worked up? We all have opinions, you don't back down on yours and I don't on mine but I don't start foaming from the mouth about it. I don't dislike you and I have not insulted you like you have me.
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Post by Dave »

Andy it is normaly me talking you down, so thanks for that one mate, even though judging over the last few minutes think my services are need again.. :)

usamichigan, fully understood your post, I am not personaly angry with supergulls either, even though it was his post that drew out my little rant.

supergulls says why let the truth get in the way of good story, well thats the problem the truth was not really told, it was left open and vague, yesterday Taylor only added to the mystery when he could have ended all speculation with one short sentence, as could any one at the club at any time. Why was there need to keep all so dark.

And thats all I was trying to say, if there had been clarity, then there would have been no rumours, no B/S stories.
Formerly known as forevertufc
Plymouth Gull

Post by Plymouth Gull »

Andy, again? I give it a week. :)
Bitchie Renault

Post by Bitchie Renault »

austrianandygull wrote:I still don't see the problem though if people want to make up stories, it's interesting to read.
Surely making comments like this just strip you of any credibility.
austrianandygull wrote:I've had enough of this site, it's pure poison. Enjoy it and fester in your own self importance. I'm a better man than you and i can hold my head up that i'm not right up my own arse like some of you on here.

Cue retort about ( had enough of this site for the fourth time ) yeah it's so f*cking funny isn't it. Good riddance!!!!!
PMS? Bit over the top isn't it?

Maybe usa is right, you should consult the 'Brucie's guide to having a thick skin and sticking to opinions despite the fact that they are completely and utterly gaga' :~D
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Post by Dave »

I know Andy, met him and I can say with out doubt, he is a very nice, pleasent lad. Andy you were doing so well mate, look just come back give it and take it all on the chin... :clap:
Formerly known as forevertufc
Bitchie Renault

Post by Bitchie Renault »

Oh and getting back on topic, Get well soon Lingy, we all get viruses at some point in our life, some last a few days, some last a few weeks, sure you'll be back on your feet soon. Unlike some who are just sick in the head indefinately :)
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

What are your opinions then apart from coming on and having a pop at me on here hard boy?

Cheers for the support lads but i'll leave this site to newcomers with loads of opinions like Bitchie itchie coo over there.

MOD EDIT: Removed insult. (Nick)
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

I don't need any of this sh*t! Hope to meet up with you again Dave and the usual crew soon mate and thanks.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
Plymouth Gull

Post by Plymouth Gull »

Yes, back on topic. The timing doesn't help, it really is a crucial time so to be without our leader is concerning. I'd like to think he'll be back for Rochdale, but if it is serious then would we consider getting someone in short-term to cover it? I mean, with all due respect, Taylor and Veysey are looking out of their depth in the games they've been in charge. It may be a different opinion to most, but if it is more than a virus then I'd like to see either: a) clarification so we know what is going on, or b) someone in temporary charge who can just steer the side for a few games.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Shouldn't have called you a dickface but why don't you actually come on this forum with some opinions instead of just to have a go at me? What's your problem? It's been two or three times now.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Can you actually answer this ?
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by MidDevon »

The last think I wanted to do was start any animosity between supporters, especially as we could be getting our first sub 2000 crowd on Tuesday night, we need everyone to get behind the club. Cheer up everyone, worse things happen at sea!....and you do have Valentines Day to look forward to next week ! </3

Anyway, my feelings on the matter are unchanged, in that I believe that as no-one has heard from Lingy, no-one actually knows how he is. The rumours will continue that he has joined Portsmouth, he got told off for having a verbal slanging match with supporters and threw his toys out the pram, he got annoyed that he had no budget in the transfer window and has gone on a sulk, he has eaten a Findus pie and is actually ill.....who knows?

I suppose the reality is that as no-one has spoken to Martin, no-one will truely know what the issues are, and I believe that IS the case...he has just not been in touch.

I think the club will have to issue a statement next week perhaps after the Rotherham match or it could all go a bit silly
Plymouth Gull

Post by Plymouth Gull »

Andy, calm down and take a breather.
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Post by SuperNickyWroe »

if hes got a virus, then I hope he has a speedy recovery and gets well soon.

if hes off to portsmouth - thats up to him and TUFC will still be here and we will get another manager.

thats the simplicity of the situation - anyone on here that cant see that must be nuts.
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Bitchie Renault

Post by Bitchie Renault »

austrianandygull wrote:Shouldn't have called you a dickface but why don't you actually come on this forum with some opinions instead of just to have a go at me? What's your problem? It's been two or three times now.
hello Andy.

Following the sentiments of NickGull, maybe you just need to take a breather....

Firstly, not sure calling me a 'dickface' is useful dialogue, and does add another layer to the often fragile perception you publicise.

I do have lots of opinions, but clearly not quite as many as you :) I've been following TUFC for 35 years, have seen a few amazing highs and dozens of painful lows in that time and I can say from all that experience that where we are right now; mediocre crowds, mediocre performances, etc is nothing new. That's not to say it's acceptable and we should always aim for better, but then constantly sniping at the team, the manager and the players will achieve very little and if anything will only make things worse. The more people around the club with a level head the better, irrational ranting and raving and more than anything starting gossip or spreading that gossip could actually cause some serious damage.

Maybe your 'threat' to leave the site for the umpteenth time suggests that you might have an imbalance to other's viewpoints. I don't know you, you may be a decent fella, but you do come across as a bit 'wobbly' at times.

I like a bit of debate, enjoy a differing opinion, but do question the stability of where those opinions come from and how they are delivered.
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