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Post by Colorado Gull »

Completely correct chunckygull! :goodpost:
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Post by stevegull »

I do like that video, I must say. Good find Danny. And while we're all harping on 'proUKIP' then I should share the clip of Farage I was referring to earlier, where he tears one the beaurocrats (**** off, spell check) a new one:

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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

I like it but he is just too offensive towards other nations / people to be taken seriously.

He started really well daring to have an opinion but then let himslef down with personal insults.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by Colorado Gull »

Farage actually got suspended from the EU Parilment and fined after that insult, it was uncalled for and Nigel did apologise afterwards. This won't stop me supporting UKIP!
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Post by Colorado Gull »

If you haven't seen those videos before, then check out this one! Pure genus!

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Post by chunkygull »

stevegull wrote:I do like that video, I must say. Good find Danny. And while we're all harping on 'proUKIP' then I should share the clip of Farage I was referring to earlier, where he tears one the beaurocrats (f**k off, spell check) a new one:

it was great and very refreshing to see someone saying what they think and sticking it to 'em but i do agree if farage or ukip are to get anywhere he has to be a bit more diplomatic, tactful and curb what he says. it was bloody good though. :)

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Post by Colorado Gull »

Political news and, as it's me, it's of course going to be 'pro UKIP' but we support democracy so everyone's allowed their say, feel free to bombard your supporting parties propaganda if you so wish, I do it every time I post on this thread. This post, will be all about the Eastleigh by election and the Bulgarians (if you don't know about this from the word 'Bulgarians' alone, get ready for a catastrophic shock.

Firstly, lets start with good news...well good news for UKIP as the latest voting poll for the Eastleigh by election have been presented. A fantastic 36% are considering voting UKIP, 22% Labour and Lib Dems and 14% of those who normally vote Tory, are seriously considering voting UKIP. Ok, so it's only a poll, but that shows fantastic reading for UKIP and alongside this, UKIP have polled nationally at 14% again, while the Lib Dems are at 8%.

Well that's the good news out the way, here's the bad news. Next year, 2014, Britian are opening their immigration doors to the WHOLE of Bulgaria and Romania. Bulgaria, is the poorest country in Europe, with the majority below the poverty line, they are struggling to eat. Yes that's incredibly bad and I feel for the Bulgarians, but we cannot have them coming into our country! 4 million Bulgarians say they want to come into Britain when migration laws are relaxed next year. On day ONE, Bulgarians will be able to claim benefits, claim NHS health care, be given a house and not one word said against will change that law (funnily enough, that law is from the EU, but because Britian is such a 'push over' country nowadays, we're going to welcome the Bulgarians in open arms). This is wrong that we as a country have an open door immigration system when youth unemployment is at 22%, people from different countries can claim housing benefits in one day (EU law) when we are in a dire state as a country as it is.
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Post by Colorado Gull »

To add to that, according to a MSN poll, UKIP are set to take the seat from the Lib Dems in Eastleigh with over 13,000 votes and at 38%. Labour at 35%, 19% Tory and a gloomy 4% for the Lib Dems.

Lets see what happens on the 28th of February, when the Eastleigh by election takes place!
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Your point about the Bulgarians and Romanians is a good one and it worries me. I have to start this reply with the words, "i am not a racist" because it seems nowadays you have to apologise for having any detrimental views on immigration as you're a racist apparently. My points about eastern european immigration are that it is one sided.

For example, British people have as much right under European law to move to Poland/Romania/Lithuania/Hungary/Bulgaria/Latvia/Estonia and get a house and benefits, just as the people from those countries are entitled to come here and do likewise. I've not a problem with that, i have a problem with the fact it was always going to be one way traffic. These countries are generally poor and so who can blame their citizens coming to the Uk for freebies if they will be better off and looked after? The thing is for every family from Eastern Europe that comes to our shores, how many British families go the other way? Nail hit on head i think and cue mass numbers of people coming to Britain to settle and hardly any British people going the other way.

This has a knock on effect on public services and employment. Housing too is also an issue. I registered for housing in my local area but was told unless i was effectively homeless i wouldn't even get a look in as they worked on the basis of 'greatest housing need'. Which is fair enough but a family of 4 who arrive from Romania and go to the housing services will always be in greater housing need than i and as families coming over and claiming homelessness is a never ending conveyor belt, i will NEVER be able to get social housing in my own country unless i've got a million kids because there will always be the next eastern european arrival in front of me based on the criteria of greatest housing need.

I come from an Austrian background and they are in the EU but we don't see hordes of Austrians coming to Britain to live, because it is a prosperous country and the Austrians are generally happy living in their own country, they don't need another country to look after them. Like i said, if i was from eastern europe i would probably do the same and come over to Britain, you can't blame them, it's the system.

Also i have stopped shopping at TESCO as they have an entire isle in my store devoted to Polish goods. I complained to the manager saying i came from an Austrian background and why didn't he have an isle of Austrian produce and that he was a racist. If i was a British person moving to Poland for a better life i would want to buy Polish goods and live like a Pole, we bend over backwards and at some poit it has to stop. I even highlighted to the store manager an A4 refill pad i had in my trolley, it had details of what it was in Hungarian, Slovakian, Polish, Lithuanian and something else. I said it's PAPER! Surely someone from eastern europe can work out what the f*ck it is without needing it written in their own language?! We have help all over the shop for eastern europena immigrants written in their own language. Why? If i go to Poland or wherever, i learn to read Polish or i'm completely f*cked. The sooner this country starts thinking like this the better IMO.

Just to end, i'm not racist, many immigrants come over here to live work and integrate, it's just OUR COUNTRY'S BENDING OVER BACKWARDS ATTITUDE THAT SUCKS!
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Is this post classed as a valid political point or just another rant? :lol:
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by Colorado Gull »

Very valid Andy, good post!
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Post by chunkygull »

i am absloutely loving this thread.i have enjoyed and pretty much agreed with everything everyone has said so far.it looks like a lot of us are on the same page.

doesnt it strike you as odd that we are told by the media that everyone loves the idea of gay marriage or we all want immigrants coming here or this is racist or thats racist.i have seen studio audiences on some programmes cheer and applaud when asked if they agree with gay marriage or do they think immigration has helped our country or other questions i know average working class people feel differently about.. i am sure a lot of this behaviour is people feeling they have to be seen to feel that way because it is the right on thing and if they dont thay will look bad.

when you actually have conversation or debate with real people you truly find out a proper idea of what the general public or ordinary working class feel.

a lot of thought and opinion is forced upon us or we are being told what to think. we are constantly being reminded of what a tolerant multicultural society we are but thats only because we have been forced to be.

i am sure a lot of people or mp's, tv personalities, celebrities, newspaper people say certain right on/politically correct opinions and things or feign shock and horror at ism's or non politically correct statements just to look like they are ok and not to put a foot out of line. i truly dont think a lot of people in any spotlight show us how they feel.
we are then told if we do not feel that way then we are horrible and indecent or racist or homophobic or whatever.

i have already aired my opinion on gay marriage. in short i dont have a problem with it. each to their own.
it should be up to the church though.

i have nothing against immigrants coming here.however at tough times like now we should have the right to be able to pull up the drawbridge on the unskilled and the skint and say sorry no vacancies, we are not in a position to keep you. we should be more like australia, new zealand and canada. immigaration based on a point system and whether you are coming in with enough money to support yourself and a job,career or trade plus accomodation lined up. emigrating to these countries is desirable to many brits and other nationalities, but is extremely tough to be granted permisson and to be accepted in.

we keep getting told the immigration policy of the last 15 years has enhanced our country and the british wont do the crappy jobs. well with 2 and a half million unemployed and all the normal average joe jobs that a lot of brits could really do with already being taken by immigrants i have to disagree. if there were millions of jobs out there that british people do not have the skills for or they simply cannot do them then that is fine, but that isnt the case is it.

Question: does anybody know roughly how many immigrants are counted in our unemployment figure. how many of these are claiming dole/job seekers.
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Post by stevegull »

Good post 'Chunky'. (NEVER call your girlfriend this btw, it doesn't go down well)

I think what was wrong about that gay marriage debate was that the 'pro' gay marriage people took the easy route to win the vote by just immediately saying that anyone who was against the proposal is a homophobe. That is simply not the case. They saw an easy way to tarnish ANYONE who spoke out against it so it led to the leaders obviously bowing their head in the hope of winning more voters.

I also agree with you regarding the comparison to our immigration system compared to that of Australia and others. Why can't we have the right to ask for some skills or something else that is beneficial to our country? If you want access to our terrific free NHS service and other perks of living here then I think you should have SOMETHING tangible that helps our country grow. This is one of the major pitfalls of the EU in my view but I am still not completely convinced that leaving the union would be best for our country. I remain to be convinced by the two sides of the argument closer to the date (if conservatives win, of course).
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Post by Colorado Gull »

stevegull wrote:This is one of the major pitfalls of the EU in my view but I am still not completely convinced that leaving the union would be best for our country. I remain to be convinced by the two sides of the argument closer to the date (if conservatives win, of course).

Why do you think that Steve!?
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Post by oxgull »

dannyrvtufc4life wrote:To add to that, according to a MSN poll, UKIP are set to take the seat from the Lib Dems in Eastleigh with over 13,000 votes and at 38%. Labour at 35%, 19% Tory and a gloomy 4% for the Lib Dems.

Lets see what happens on the 28th of February, when the Eastleigh by election takes place!

Well I certainly hope so Danny. According to the MOS the Lib Dems will hold the seat albeit with a reduced majority. I think UKIP have opened up another front politically that gives voters another option in a time of pink Tories and purple socialists that you could not separate with a fag paper. Good to meet you yesterday in B & L when Forever Dave introduced us. Best of luck with your political career and here's to trading with Europe and not being ruled by it. As I said yesterday we joined the Common Market NOT a Franco German dominated European superstate. I lived in Germany and the Netherlands for around 14 years but realised that we are different and a one size fits all just won't work, much like my German and Dutch friends did.
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