Who's lost hope?

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Scott Brehaut
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

Just don't send him the bill - it might send him over the edge again ;-)

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Post by Dave »

Scott Brehaut wrote:Just don't send him the bill - it might send him over the edge again ;-)
To late bill already sent, however at the end it does say. "From the enlightenment of music, comes the wisdom of silence" So hopefully he will be ok.. :)
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Bitchie Renault

Post by Bitchie Renault »

austrianandygull wrote:You're just one of those people in life that i wouldn't get on with
What; honest/straight-talking/realistic/adult?

I guess refusing to answer the points against you is a step in the right direction from your previous reactions, a few more rungs up the ladder of humanity and you might be able to engage in two way conversation. :~D
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Anyway, back on topic. I don't think i've lost hope totally whilst we still have 12 games left, i still cannot see where the sudden improvement and confidence to string a few wins together is going to come from but we're in the same boat as everyone else down the bottom regardless of who is in form and who isn't right now. It may be the case that our appalling run of form ends and picks up just at the right time whilst those who picked up in the last month or so find another bad run coming. We just have to have the hope that it's the latter and that is not beyond the realms of possibility.
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Post by friendlygas »

Never give up hope. We looked like we were getting right out of it but 1 point out of 9 in the last week with Burton and Exeter to come to us in the next week and we are right back in it again. There are twelve games to go and you need to win 5 , not impossible as you may win saturday and confidence returns. I am taking it that 50 points will be enough although that is not definite this year as it is so close at the bottom. I will be a lot happier if we win a couple of our next three games but am not confident. Certainly hope that our final game at your place doesnt have anythin g on it!!
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thanks for that gas, yes it would be terrible if it went down to the last game against you, lets hope we are both safe by then and can just enjoy the last game of the season.
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Post by Bloggy »

I really don't want a repeat of our last day at Barnet 00/01! But the Rovers game is taking on an ominous look about it at the moment...
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Post by Dave_Pougher »

I've now lost any remaining hope I might have had,, no signings and quotes form the offical site "United’s current predicament is not desperate but certainly very worrying" Is anyone at TQY watching the previous MONTHS matches? Pointless Feb continus into March then

Question to the board ,,, errrr,,, at what point does it become desperate?
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Post by brucie »

I have now lost all hope as well. We were promised action,promised signings and our plight lies in the hands of messrs Baker and Phillips who are little more than a pair of fools.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Baker does have an air of Mark from THE HOTEL about him i reckon................... :nod:
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its not like they arent trying, they have been working hard to get faces in, simon baker knows as well as any of us what is needed.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

My comment is only a bit of a joke RR, i haven't really commented much about the board during my nearly 2 years on here mainly because i don't really understand what they do or how it all works. It would probably be unfair of me to have a go at them given i don't know what they have been trying to do behind the scenes but what i will say is this. This whole desperate situation is so upsetting and demoralising for us fans and especially when it is totally needless and unecessary. Like Villa in the bottom 3 of the Prem, there is just no way it should be happening. The world and his wife has seen this point coming from a country mile off ( like at Villa too ) so why have we ended up here? Like i said, i don't know what goes on behind the scenes at Plainmoor, i only see what goes on on the pitch and so i feel i perhaps am only in a position to comment on the players and management but we needed players like, yesterday, so if they are dilly dallying and still faffing around looking then it's probably too late lads. I'd just offer the current players an hugely grotesque increased win bonus and i'm sure we might see a few wins between now and the end of the season to keep us safe.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
CP Gull

Post by CP Gull »

Certainly disappointing that it doesn't look like we have had any success in adding, despite looking to at the very least add cover for Downes who has been out for over a week.

Unfortunately " contacts" doesn't necessarily equate to signings. Clearly Knill is of the opinion that we need to add all over the squad and yet, it appears, we haven't been able to add a single one. I have previously suggested we need four additions and I reckon Knill is ideally looking at a similar amount, but without success. In the meantime, we go into a crucial relegation 6 pointer with he same squad, who ultimately have failed miserably over the last 7 games and are crying out for new additions.

Would love to think we can find something from somewhere and get the 3 points tomorrow but as we all know it's always been a tough place for us to go and sadly if we do lose tomorrow it just piles the pressure on even more and we slip inexorably closer to the drop zone.

The fact is we should have been doing our "shopping" two months ago, when we were in a far stronger position. We won't be seen as anything attractive now, and if I'm honest, I have to question whether the strategy of looking for experience is the right one as quite simply those players are inevitably harder to find and at least if we had of got a couple of quality young 'uns in it would have given everybody a lift - players and fans alike - as it is we go into battle with a squad that is lacking in quality in certain key areas and bereft of any confidence.

In the meantime another game slips by without any action being taken to address the problems ... no matter how hard some at the club have no doubt been trying. All rather depressing, and you worry whether it is ever going to change for the better this season, or whether we are indeed doomed and paying the price for the lack of urgency shown earlier in the season. Whether it was quite simply complacency, or there really wasn't any money to support Martin Ling at the time, only the board will know, but it is starting to look too much like too little, too late to me.

Here's to praying for a " miracle" tomorrow!
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Post by Southampton Gull »

ROADRUNNER wrote:its not like they arent trying, they have been working hard to get faces in, simon baker knows as well as any of us what is needed.
Does he now? Action was needed well before now but as usual it's been left as long as possible.............

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Post by Dave »

Towards the end of Novemeber I started to get a sinking feeling about this season, after allways being the one on this site to stick to the one positive,even I started to post concerns which something I have never done before on this or any forum.

The thing that is frustrating me the most right now, after the Wimbledon game at home stood around with some friends and faces in the crowd we know, I stated this is the start of a long relegation battle, oh how they all laughed, strange they laugh no more, casting my mind back through articles, newspapers and general stuff released from TQ1 via the media, I can not see or remember anything that remotely suggests anyone from the board down at our club had a grasp of this situation, ok I may not have the money to put where my mouth is and invest in the club, however what has that to do with it anyway, as along time S/T holder and someone who has always brought stuff for myself and son from the club shop, I do atleast part with afair bit of money I earn as far as the club is concerned, as fan yes it is making me feel angry right now.

Many along the way have protested the club has no money and can not afford to keep pushing for promotion, all the way along I kept saying it is not about promotion, it is about stablity, I could see it, a small problem that needed a little fix before the problem compounded itself and got to big to fix, it seems to me people in high places at the club could not see it, as stated by others January was the month. Yes the board are acting at a great pace now, money has been raised, Alan Knill has the backing, sorry "all to late" Players who were open to a loan move have pretty much gone, those who have not at this stage of the season are quite happy to sit tight and see what the summer brings, so yes it is going to be hard for Alan Knill to bring in loans.

So we may have to go with what we have got, I have said all along, this squad should not be anywhere near the bottom 2 in this league, believed for a while now and still do, our biggest problem is " mentality" Each and every player who is in the starting 11 needs to stop take a long hard look at themselves before going out for kick off, they all need to ask them selves do they want be a part of creating further football league history for our club, or do they want to just roll over and help consign our club to a double dip into the non-league, something no club has yet recovered from, the mind is a very powerful thing, use it.

Already said untill maths say there is no hope then there is hope, and despite all said above have have never been one to cry over anything let alone spilt milk, it really is time for some Rafa style unity.
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