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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

:bow: :lol:

It's good to let it all out chunky, that's what this thread is for and by jove are you letting it out mate! :lol:

Queues get on my nerves though, you can't go ANYWHERE in this country without having to bloody queue. The one that i hate is when someone just beats me to the counter in the chippy and then orders for a small country. All i want is a bag of chips and be on my way but now i have to wait for the tosser in front whilst he orders the contents of the North Sea. Then when he has gone, the lady behind the counter says "JUST WAITING FOR CHIPS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! argggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh!! :@
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Post by chunkygull »

you know what really grinds my gears.

Inconsiderate "bastard" drivers.

i can honestly say hand on heart i have never been one for road rage. i have always been a calm and placid type of person, ask anyone, i have to be also as part of my job. o:)

BUT, the more i am driving the more fuming i am getting with mindless morons behind the wheel or faffy birds doing their make up whilst driving.

or just as bad, tw@ts who cut a corner as they turn into a road nearly smashing up the front of your car and lo and behold you look at them closely and they are yapping on the holy mobile phone, obviously the call was just so important they had to take it and it is insignificant that they are putting everybody elses lives in danger. or at the very least increasing the potential of smashing up your car that you have had to work hard to pay for, has cost you a bastard arm and a leg to keep running and you might actually be relying on it as part of your job to earn a bloody living.

anyway, the most annoying thing. i know a lot of people have to be somewhere at some time i appreciate that. in my job i have lots of back to back appointments a day and people are really relying on me. time is tight and im usually running late. i do tend to rush a bit sometimes and overtake the slow or dawdling.(they are worse than speeders). :no:

the one that annoys me most. im driving along nicely, got an appointment etc, 2 lane road, im out in front, no problem. road turns into a merge into single lane. suddenly a car on the outside decides hes got a real sense of urgency.

the driver of the other car has suddenly morphed into lewis f***ing hamilton. he has to get in front of me, he just has to, his life depends on it, all his hopes, dreams, ambitions and indeed his very soul is riding on the fact he has to be in front of me. no, no he cant be second behind my sh!tty little car can he. :-o

so my little car cant keep up this kind of pace and i have to be content with a car in front. no problem methinks the car in fronts a bit lively i'll still get to my job on time.

suddenly the complexion of this picture has changed. the car in front does not want to go fast anymore, indeed he has slowed to about 25 mph in a 40 zone. he has suddenly become a sunday driver.

in fact he has gone from thinking he's vin diesel in the fast and the bloody furious to playing out a scene from driving miss daisy.

im now running late, bright red with fury, stress levels through the roof, palpitations, sweats. im obese for f***s sake my heart cant take this sort of trauma. :@

he must surely have had a very good reason for driving like he was on a race track and then suddenly forgetting how to use his accelarator once he was in front.didnt he?

but i really do understand, the driver had to be in front of me, he just had to be, it gave him a much needed boost to his self esteem and made him feel incredibly important. he cant be expected to sit behind any other cars, oh,no, no,no that is probably beneath him.he had all the time in the world to get where "he" was going, but it surely isnt as important that the poor b@stard behind him had to get to a job and was now running late, therefore giving himself a f***ing coronary due to the stress.

inconsiderate is an understatement for this next one.

driving to a job, a little bit swift, but safe, road is totally clear. 2 way traffic, a car appears on the horizon, hammering along like burt reynolds in smokey and the bandit.

said car is coming towards me, i slow down. suddenly there is a car parked on the other side of the road. instead of slowing down and waiting for me beghind the obstructing vehicle on THEIR side of the road the oncoming vehicle overtakes it, speeding, swerves me. as the "female" driver went past she scowled at me, put her arm in the air, hooked her thumb to the right and yelled "f***in get over".

yes of course i thought, certainly my dear, excuse me for inconveniencing you, your need is obviously greater than mine and you must really need to break the rules of the road. bless you. 8/

and pardon me whilst i just shout back "f*** off you cheeky inconsiderate f***ing c**t.the obstruction was on your b@stard side." AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH! :@

i could go on ,but that will do..... for now.

anyway, inconsiderate "b@stard" drivers.

thats something that really grinds my gears.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »


If you trawl back through some of the posts on this thread chunky you'll see some of my posts about drivers. There is also one which is the similar to your first complaint except i'm the speeding driver but hear me out. I'm coming off a roundabout onto a dual carriageway and shortly i find out i need to be in the left lane in order to take an exit from the dual carrigaeway. On my inside lane ( the lane i need to be in ) is somebody going about 6 miles and hour so i speed up quickly in order to get past him so i can then pull in and get off at the exit. As soon as i start speeding up the absolute bell end in the car does the f*cking same!! It's like it's NOT A RACE you total faff! Why have you taken offence that i have overtaken you? All i'm trying to do is get in lane because you were previously going slow and i thought it would be easy to make the manouevre with the minimum of fuss. Now it's a f*cking trauma because this bloke decided to be a c*ck.

Also the one that REALLY p*sses me off is drivers that don't say thanks or even acknowledge when you have gone out of your way to let them in/out. This happens every day on the motorway and one day i counted how many people actually said thanks on a journey to my mums and i got 1 out of 13.

It's like a driver on the inside lane is wanting to overtake a slow lorry and you are in the middle lane approaching the lorry, so the driver stays put but indicates because he wants to get in my lane. Fine, i flash the person (who is ACTUALLY looking at me to see if i will let him out or not ) and let him/her out and they just drive on. No hand acknowledgements, no flashing lights to say thanks NOTHING! It is purely the fact that the person was actually looking at me so whether i let him out or not is a primary feature in his/her brain at that time so what in Gods name makes them not even say thanks! I find it staggeringly unbelieveable and wanted them to crash (no other vehicles to be involved though ) :~D . Selfish, ignorant tw*ts. There is simply no need for it and it is totally unacceptable.

Also, drivers who just pull out and don't indicate. I do this on motorways myself when i am miles away from any other cars but they just pull out into the cars width you have left between you and the vehicle infront. These drivers are often men with suits hung up in the back of silver cars. F*cking morons. Self important tossers who have a management job and think they are 10 men because of it. They are actually probably sex pests at work and think women want to have it off with them when in fact they repulse women and should be culled at birth. No need for these people in society. :@
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Ok so maybe the culling at birth bit was a bit ott but you get the general idea. :)
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by chunkygull »

i have no problem with your first story andy, i know exactly what you mean, that has happened to me as well, you are on the outside lane( this is a clue you might and are entitled to overtake) , see your exit, speed up, all of a sudden the c*ck in the inside lane gets all offended to a degree you would think i just shat on his dining room table or something.

"you are not allowed to overtake sonny jim,oh no, no, no, you're not getting in front of me, my ego couldnt cope with that."

doesnt matter that the guy was driving at a pace i could have ran, and im F***ing obese.what is wrong with these people, they need to get a life FFS.


as for the saying thanks thing we dont have too much of problem with that down 'ere in devon.we are after all humble country folk.

most people say thanks, and if they dont they soon realise they have upset you when you raise your middle finger and shout f***k you, You inconsiderate, ungrateful pr!ck.

makes me feel a little bit better anyway. :devil:
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Post by RussianGull »

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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Just heard on the radio that a convicted murderer serving life has absconded whilst on day release in Preston city centre. DAY RELEASE! MURDERER! We may as well let them all out and close the prisons then if we are going to let people who kill other people go f*cking shopping! Words fail me for once. Great bloody Britain eh? :-/
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Post by cambgull »

I'm still waiting for the day when it becomes an infringement on someone's human rights to lock them up.

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Post by chunkygull »

when "people" are convicted of a crime as hideous as murder, rape and peodophillia they should have all their rights taken away. rehabilitate them by all means, (if you can) but sorry, if you commit these abbhorent crimes you have no claim to the same rights as the rest of the society.


how many times do we read in the paper a prisoner has used the human rights act or gone to the european court with poxy, ridiculous complaints like the mattress on their bed gives them a bad back or the toilet roll irritates their arse.

they shouldnt have any rights. they should be enduring the sh!ttest, most miserable life possible whilst being instilled with the correct amount of character building discipline.

there are too many stories of soft treatment in prison. indeed i have spoken with people who have been inside and when the subject comes up, some p!ss themselves laughing at the system. they arent bothered about going inside, "free bed and board, free gym", is what they say. indeed some have broke the law on purpose when they have nowhere to live etc just so they can go back inside.

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Post by EmetEdadsBeard »

Bloody hell I thought (and was crowned) King of this thread, but I think I've been usurped by ChunkGull! :nod:
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Post by stevegull »

EmetEdadsBeard wrote:Bloody hell I thought (and was crowned) King of this thread, but I think I've been usurped by ChunkGull! :nod:
Nope. You're still King. Chunky is just applying for a 'Prince' position.
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Post by SuperNickyWroe »

EmetEdadsBeard wrote:Bloody hell I thought (and was crowned) King of this thread, but I think I've been usurped by ChunkGull! :nod:
as if. :~D
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Crufts - it's a dog, it's got 4 legs and so long as it is looked after properly and given an enriched stimulating life then who cares what it looks like?!! It's just exploitation to make the owners feel important. Pathetic .
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Oh and owners need to be able to understand what they are taking on when they get a dog and be able to train it properly so it doesn't develop behavioural problems or becomes difficult. So there! :na:

Oh and why do they persist with the daft names?

Percy Gundog Summersun Vauxhall Zafira the third?!!

What's wrong with Fido? :-|
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Post by Wisconsin_gull »

austrianandygull wrote:Oh and owners need to be able to understand what they are taking on when they get a dog and be able to train it properly so it doesn't develop behavioural problems or becomes difficult. So there! :na:

Oh and why do they persist with the daft names?

Percy Gundog Summersun Vauxhall Zafira the third?!!

What's wrong with Fido? :-|
:clap: :lol:
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