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Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:10
by Plymouthgull
Seriously underwhelmed. Will givce the guy a chance but, the fact that many CUFC fans believe we have made a serious mistake worries me. Also, perhaps the board would like to explain there decision beyond the obvious 'he was the best candidate' because given the field I am somewhat confused.
Also not sure why but feel really deflated - cannot help thinking that the board only succeeds in p****ng of most fans these days ( yes I knoew rthey saved the club but that does not warrent unquestioning belief in all that they do. Will consider picking my games next season.

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:13
by miltonkeynesgull
tommyg wrote:I don't advise reading through this as it will make you feel even more depressed: ... 287&page=1" onclick=";return false;

Underwhelming and uninspiring appointment. Sacked by Cambridge and failed to get the Grimsby job. I'll still support him but he has a big job on his hands. If O'Kane and Zebs go then I really do fear for our future.
Not good reading but I do like this bit: "A match made in heaven as far as I am concerned. Just desserts for torquay for thier tatics at wembley. cant wait to see them back in the conference".
What on earth are they on about...unless the 'tactic' they speak of was taking our chances when they didn't 8/

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:16
by diamondgirl
Thanks Tommy. Against my better judgement I DID read it. Should have taken your advice. Do you think the club will take my season ticket back. Should have waited, me thinks. :'(

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:19
by Regiment
lets back up a couple of weeks. there were plenty of gulls fans (myself included) pointing and laughing at Bristol Rovers and their "fantastic new manager".

i'm not surprised, or bothered by the opinions of the CUFC fans. they're still pi**ed that we ended any hope they have of getting back into mens football.

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:20
by BritishGAS
Martin Ling?

Well I bet none of you were expecting that?

What happened to all of your so called top notch candidates?

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:21
by royalgull
Cost money.

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:21
by tommyg
I wonder if the plan is still to employ a player/coach?

I would guess that Ling may want to bring his former assistant John Schofield with him. And If Veysey ends up following Buckle up the road then another former goalkeeper of ours - Kevin Dearden - may return as he worked with Ling at Orient.

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:22
by Awayday
Welcome to the club Martin, wish you the best for the forth coming season, look forward to seeing what you can with the remains of what Buckle hasn't taken from us. To be honest you are in a no win situation mate, we don't have a team to talk of, therefore if we get related it will be your fault rather than the board's fault for not giving you the money to buy players with. If you keep us up you won't get any credit because the fans believe we should be expected to stay up any way, and if we are promoted or get to any sort of play offs you will only get the Man Utd fans of Devon turning up just so they can say they have been to Old Trafford.

Give the bloke a chance FFS.

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:23
by Jeff
CP Gull wrote: Saah still has another year on his contract with Cambridge - so a fee would be required. You are right though, it does sound as though he is a favourite of Ling's and I wouldn't be surprised if he made a move for him, but it all depends what sort of fee CUFC hold out for I imagine. ... 44,00.html
Saah is shown on the givemefootball list though: ... =50&page=2" onclick=";return false;

so not sure what the situation is there. Anyway, I'm getting way ahead of myself predicting potential signings.

The more I think about things, the less disappointed with things I am. Ling has got success in his background, that much is fact. He also has good contacts - experienced lower league player, and who set up a scouting network.

Although this has caught everyone out, he is comparable to every one of the famed "shortlist" - success, more managerial experience than all the other applicants (Hughes aside), contacts and a more high-profile playing career. The down-side is that he has a failure in his past, but then so does Hughes and the only reason the other candidates don't is they've not managed anyone yet.

At least now we've got a manager and can start building again. Plus, I've heard some very encouraging noises about backroom staff so things could take an up-turn soon ;-)

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:23
by basil75
Sure he did well at Orient, but he did terribly at Cambridge - his last job.

What type of business offers a job to someone who failed miserably and was sacked at a lower level in their last job.

Don't get me wrong, I'll support Ling - but the board have now completely lost my confidence and if Ling does well - the board got lucky and don't deserve any praise.

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:25
by tommyg
Do share Jeffrey. Could Hargreaves be in Ireland getting his coaching badges?

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:27
by Warwickgull
Exactly what I was thinking miltonkeynesgull.

A number of Cambridge fans really are going to take every chance they can to wind us up as best they can about this appointment. The Cambridge fan seems to think Ling was simply awful on one hand, and also goes on to suggest the cracking job he did at Orient was all down to his assistant, lol, come on give me a break.

Not a popular appointment by the looks of it but why crucify the guy before his first day in the job, as a poster mention earlier its like Hancox or Cornforth has been appointed. :scarf:

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:27
by miltonkeynesgull
tommyg wrote:Do share Jeffrey. Could Hargreaves be in Ireland getting his coaching badges?
From what I've heard it's unlikely to be him. Would love to be wrong though.

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:28
by Jeff
tommyg wrote:Do share Jeffrey. Could Hargreaves be in Ireland getting his coaching badges?
Its not often that I get the inside track of stuff! I'll wait and see if it comes true myself first!

Re: Martin Ling

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:30
by CP Gull
tommyg wrote:I wonder if the plan is still to employ a player/coach?

I would guess that Ling may want to bring his former assistant John Schofield with him.
I bleddy well hope not - never forgiven him (Schofield) for an incident at Plainmoor while playing for Lincoln I think where he headbutted one of our players off the ball in the lead up to a corner kick, leading to lots of blood and possibly a broken nose for one of our players (can't remember who) - all missed by the officials of course.