Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...
Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 04:49
Good God, you've got more to say on the Emet/Gullscorer lovein than you do on Hargreaves 

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Doubt it.Gullscorer wrote:I wonder if he'll now begin to appreciate some of my truly funny and brilliant jokes; there's a huge selection to choose from on the jokes thread.. :~D
That's because David, that the EEB v GS love-in is far more interesting and worthy.Southampton Gull wrote:Good God, you've got more to say on the Emet/Gullscorer lovein than you do on Hargreaves
SuperNickyWroe wrote: That's because David, that the EEB v GS love-in is far more interesting and worthy.
Whatever.Southampton Gull wrote:
Couldn't agree more that it, or anything else for that matter, is of far more interest than your opinion :na:
chunkygull wrote:BIRTHDAYS! I b@st@rd, f*ckin hate 'em. Another poxy year older.![]()
Whats to bloody celebrate, yourself and many others you love a year closer to the grave.![]()
Hearing stupid cheesy Happy Birthday greetings from people when you just want to forget about, let it pass and carry on like a normal day. People who dont give you time of day or a second thought all year round, then its Happy Birthday! Then they get offended or cant understand when you say F*ck Off! :slap:
My family know how I feel about this $h1t but still they persist with it and wonder why on that day Im such a grumpy b@st@rd. Mind you if people werent to know its not their fault.
My Mother in Law thinks you should be grateful to make another year and each one should be celebrated and the occasion marked. B0ll0ck$! Its the date you were born on and thats it, what a crock of $h1t.![]()
Im grateful to make it through each year and still be here, but, why do I have to be happy and make a song and dance of it, I bloody hate it, ever since I was about 20. It just signals change, and once in your 30's its downhill fast. Each year passes and you arent what you were a year ago, eventually pulling you towards your appointment with the Grim Reaper. :-o
Its just an indication of how fast your time is running out! How many times when you are talking about stuff do you say, oh I cant believe that was a year ago/2 years ago, 5 , 10, 15. AAARRRGGGHH.![]()
What about presents you say, Oh Yeah, a load of tat or tools, or car cleaning stuff, or just a load of old $h1t you dont want. Then the look of disapointment on peoples faces when you dont start leaping about, springing 10 feet in the air, punching the sky, doing cartwheels or whooping like a stupid f*ckin' yank at a baseball game after you have opened their gift. I can feign appreciation and thanks, but, my problem is that when i get something I dont really want or need or its not of use to me I feel so bad and guilty and really horrible and quite upset that somebody has spent money on me and they really didnt need to or shouldnt have. I know it will probably sit in the cupboard or on the shelf gathering dust, and that makes me feel like crap.![]()
Take the example for instance, I got a pair of trainers there is no way I would wear a couple of years ago, trainers aint cheap, so this makes me feel terrible, but whilst they were still in the box I stored them in the back of a wardrobe. Hilariously, of late the wife has been storing all Birthday presents and Christmas presents here, guess what, scatty mare has only wrapped em up and given 'em to me again this year.It's alright though I faked it and havent let on, yet! :no:
Ditto all the above except multiplied by a million this year. Absolutely sh1t and depressing birthdays are. Just glad I was working and could virtually forget about it. I dont understand anyone who would want to celebrate it take time off work for it after the age of 18 or possibly 21. How can you celebrate a day that makes you miserable, depressed, reflective (not in a good way), meloncholy, tearful and down right p1$$ed off. The worst part is my parents get a bit upset by how I feel and they dont want to respect my wishes and leave it alone, then I feel bad because I know my reaction to things has upset them. In general I just feel a bit guilty and bad for loved ones who buy me presents or cards and anyone else who knows and tries to be nice or kind about it when I just feel grumpy and pissed off, then I just look at myself and think " God, I am such a c*nt for being like this", or am I ?I know people mean well and it is nice that they think of you, but I **** hate b@stard birthdays! Oh well another year closer to the grave, joy, lets celebrate it!Postby chunkygull » 30 Apr 2014, 22:08
Done a little research - Jehovahs witnesses dont celebrate Birthdays - A lot of Muslims dont and those that do are only supposed to up to a certain age - Many parts of Africa and asia dont celebrate or only do up to or after a certain age.
Cards look quite nice and I suppose they are okay, but it just seems such a waste of money and there is the environmental issues to consider also. Some people just chuck there cards in the bin after a couple of days but that just makes me feel bad because of the effort and expense people went to, so I end up keeping them all. I have a massive stack of Birthday and Christmas cards in my loft. (Yeah, i know, f*ckin' sad)
Same with presents i never ever get anything I would want or need and it just makes me feel annoyed at myself and quite bad for the people who bought them. If I want something I will go and buy it. I bought a dvd boxset on ebay (dirt cheap) of the complete series Of Blackadder with every single episode in it, the wife said "oooh have you bought that as a Birthday present to yourself"? I was like, "no I F*ckin' havent, why the f*ck would I do that, I bought it because Blackadders F*ckin' brilliant, Blackadder f*ckin rocks, and it was cheap, thats why I bought it, nothing to do with a poxy birthday"! ( I got a Police Academy complete collection boxset dirt cheap an' all )
Its just the whole me, me, me, lets celebrate, I want to be spoilt, this is the anniversary of the day I was born attitude that I dont get. You were spawned on this day, so f*ckin' what, whoop - de- f n'-doo!
(Christ, all this ranting, raving and moaning, Ive been watching too much Alf garnett on youtube I reckon)
I just dont like getting older and I dont see it as a cause for celebration, yes Im grateful to still be here, but for crying out loud it means Im edging closer and closer to the end and the whole thing just seems to go way too fast as it is without bloody making a big deal about it and wanting a fuss.
If I dont like it or want to celebrate it, why the f*ck to those around me feel they have to? Just dont buy me any presents or cards, shut the f*ck up about it, let it pass and dont do f*ck all and then I will be happy and you will have given me the best Birthday of all.
This years has been a particularly $h1t depressing one as it means I am now a year away from being B@st@rd 40, I am not amused, it is really bothering me and P1$$1ing me off, all I keep thinking is - Where has the time gone? What have I done with my life? Where is my life going? How long left? Am I now halfway there or do i have less? I feel like crap compared to 10 years ago and that means in another 10 years I will feel much worse! The last 39 years have gone really fast, christ if whatever I have left goes that fast whats the F*ckin' point?
(If you werent depressed before you probably are now folks!)
Oh well only another 363 days to go until the big 4 0!
This is racist clap trap. Intermarriage between people of different ethnicity is NOT genocide.Gullscorer wrote: 21 May 2017, 10:53 To hate blacks is, obviously, to be racist. But to hate the white Caucasian race? And to actively plot for its extinction? Sounds a bit far-fetched.
So I decided to investigate. Seems it has something to do with the EU. And with the recent waves of immigrants and refugees from Africa and the middle East. For me, at the moment, the jury is still out. More research to be done.
I'm totally against any form of racism. But I'm also against social engineering and manipulation of populations by powers-that-be. You can begin reading about this for yourself. Conspiracy theory? Or evil reality? Certainly food for thought: