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Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 01 Jul 2012, 17:22
by usagullmichigan
blueboy wrote: I never said an offer was made, only there's interest.

Despite what some have said on here it's clear money is a big motivator for Eunan. He makes it clear he would have gone had Crawley had offered more.
Not necessarily. It might be the fact that they could agree on clauses or performance bonuses.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 01 Jul 2012, 18:12
by Richinns
blueboy wrote: I never said an offer was made, only there's interest.

Despite what some have said on here it's clear money is a big motivator for Eunan. He makes it clear he would have gone had Crawley had offered more.
Blueboy - you seem like a decent bloke - which is hard to find with most of the Rovers fans that post on here and the forum linked to earlier. No fall out with you but I just find it bizarre that most of the Gasheads have a thinking they have some sort of divine right to attract the big players at this level. Eunan wants to move upwards and currently a move to Rovers is not a step up but rather sideways. He may yet leave (I would think more likely in Jan than now) - but it will not be to a fellow league 2 club.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 01 Jul 2012, 18:23
by blueboy
I agree with you, I very much doubt he'd consider going to another L2 club. Most fans get abit carried away and think they can attract better players than they can, usually out of hope than expectation. It's easy to get an opinion about a club from a tiny percentage on an internet forum, especially after some of the clowns that came on here last summer sprouting crap about Buckle etc but I'd say very few real fans hold much hope in attracting O'Kane. You can't blame a manager for making an enquiry though, but I doubt it'll go much past that.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 01 Jul 2012, 22:17
by brooker
Quote from the Rovers forum

"No disrespect to Torquay,but i cant believe a player with his talent would want to stay where he is."

and how is there no disrespect in that statement!? its utter balls, some Rovers fans STILL don't seem to realise that they're a league 2 club!
I used to work with kids, and it was the same story as here, any sentence that starts with "no disrespect" or "no offence" is bound to be disrespectful or offensive, so stop talking!
No problem with Blueboy though, its nice to here news from other teams, and as he said, every club has their fair share of idiots.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 02 Jul 2012, 15:04
by happytorq
brooker wrote:Quote from the Rovers forum

"No disrespect to Torquay,but i cant believe a player with his talent would want to stay where he is."

and how is there no disrespect in that statement!? its utter balls, some Rovers fans STILL don't seem to realise that they're a league 2 club!
I used to work with kids, and it was the same story as here, any sentence that starts with "no disrespect" or "no offence" is bound to be disrespectful or offensive, so stop talking!
No problem with Blueboy though, its nice to here news from other teams, and as he said, every club has their fair share of idiots.
I try to ignore statements like this. It's not surprising, really. Rovers have some great fans - blueboy has always struck me a decent one - but they do have more than their fair share of people who seem to thing that league 2 is beneath them.

The reason O'Kane is staying is simple.

1. The Crawley offer wasn't good enough (whether that was the money, or maybe they're weren't able to promise a first-team start, I dunno)
2. He knows that nobody in League 2 is in a better position than we are to further his career. Given how close we were to going up last year, it's not totally unreasonable for him to believe that we can go up this time. That sort of achievement is bound to get him noticed, and by bigger/better teams that Crawley and Bristol Rovers.

I'm not surprised that our board are 'keen to cash in' as blueboy said. Of course they are...they're the board, that's what they do..

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 13:09
by Regiment ... 63,00.html" onclick=";return false;

i'm sure i'll be shot down in flames, but i can't help thinking that ML (probably under instruction from above) might be actively trying to sell Eunan, or at least, encourage interest. I don't mean he wants to sell him, because he clearly doesn't want to lose him, but when i read things like this, it just seems to me like he's putting Eunan back in the shop window since everything has died down following his rejection of the move to crawley.

it's not a criticism, as ML is already a star for what he has achieved in the last year, but i can't help thinking if i was in his position i'd be thinking "thank fooj he's still here, i'll keep my mouth shut and hope no one else comes in for him". or could the club be hoping to cash in, money in the bank and all that ??

i hope i'm wrong.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 13:28
by blueboy
Regiment wrote: ... 63,00.html

i'm sure i'll be shot down in flames, but i can't help thinking that ML (probably under instruction from above) might be actively trying to sell Eunan, or at least, encourage interest. I don't mean he wants to sell him, because he clearly doesn't want to lose him, but when i read things like this, it just seems to me like he's putting Eunan back in the shop window since everything has died down following his rejection of the move to crawley.

it's not a criticism, as ML is already a star for what he has achieved in the last year, but i can't help thinking if i was in his position i'd be thinking "thank fooj he's still here, i'll keep my mouth shut and hope no one else comes in for him". or could the club be hoping to cash in, money in the bank and all that ??

i hope i'm wrong.
Rovers have been doing the same with Carayol. If a club is desperate to keep a player they certainly don't put things like that on their official site.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 13:34
by Richinns
Regiment wrote: ... 63,00.html

i'm sure i'll be shot down in flames, but i can't help thinking that ML (probably under instruction from above) might be actively trying to sell Eunan, or at least, encourage interest. I don't mean he wants to sell him, because he clearly doesn't want to lose him, but when i read things like this, it just seems to me like he's putting Eunan back in the shop window since everything has died down following his rejection of the move to crawley.

it's not a criticism, as ML is already a star for what he has achieved in the last year, but i can't help thinking if i was in his position i'd be thinking "thank fooj he's still here, i'll keep my mouth shut and hope no one else comes in for him". or could the club be hoping to cash in, money in the bank and all that ??

i hope i'm wrong.
Was thinking the same thing but did not want to say it!
Him turning Crawley down could lead to a worse outcome for us than him leaving a week or so ago. If he goes late doors then Lingy has very little time and scope to replace him. Hopefully the best option of him staying (at least until Jan) is the outcome.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 13:38
by Kernowgull
Definitely want Eunan to stay, however if he doesnt for any reason, Id rather see money invested in a striker. I think Morris could do the O Kane role well enough, and whilst obviously as good, him with a quick goal poacher would reap more goals than Eunan and no additional striker, in my opinion.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 13:56
by numpte
If he's only ever going to go for £175k (and who knows what the contract says, could be £300k for a champsionship side) then I think it better he go now and allow time for a replacement than lose him in 1 week, 1 month or arguably even 6 months til the window opens again.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 14:03
by brooker
If he does go, i'd like to see what Morris can do in the centre of the park. He hasn't really got enough pace to play on the wing, and I know some of our fans don't rate him, but against Crewe in the last home game of the season he had a blinder, played the match of his life and really showed his quality. If he could start pulling that kind of form out regularly we wouldnt miss Eunan.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 14:10
by Richinns
brooker wrote:If he does go, i'd like to see what Morris can do in the centre of the park. He hasn't really got enough pace to play on the wing, and I know some of our fans don't rate him, but against Crewe in the last home game of the season he had a blinder, played the match of his life and really showed his quality. If he could start pulling that kind of form out regularly we wouldnt miss Eunan.
I would not go that far!

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 14:30
by happytorq
Regiment wrote:i'm sure i'll be shot down in flames, but i can't help thinking that ML (probably under instruction from above) might be actively trying to sell Eunan, or at least, encourage interest. I don't mean he wants to sell him, because he clearly doesn't want to lose him, but when i read things like this, it just seems to me like he's putting Eunan back in the shop window since everything has died down following his rejection of the move to crawley.
I wouldn't be surprised at all, to be honest. It could be that Ling has been told that players he wants to bring in are too expensive and he needs to sell first (possible, but I don't think that's likely) or it could be that he thinks there's somebody in the squad who could replace Eunan readily (possibly Nathan Craig?)

Or he could just be a genuine guy who isn't very good at guarding what he says to the press.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 06:30
by numpte
Ling doesn't strike me as the sort of person who needs to be told his choices are too expensive.

Sounds to me like he understands the budget thing.

Re: Has O'Kane Gone Yet?

Posted: 19 Jul 2012, 23:01
by Jeff

Dare I say great choice by Eunan, seeing as Sean O'Driscoll has just jacked at Crawley for the Forest job.