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Torquay Vs Plymouth - 17/7/18

Posted: 18 Jul 2018, 10:13
by CP Gull
A bit harsh on Sokolik there “quietgull” ... particularly as he didn’t feature at all last night! I can only assume you are basing your (low) opinion of him based on what you saw at Poole?

Torquay Vs Plymouth - 17/7/18

Posted: 18 Jul 2018, 10:49
by __quiet__gull
__quiet__gull wrote: 18 Jul 2018, 10:04


So the game last night was not overly competitive (Plymouth dominated, they just couldn't hit the target, or bass saved) but did allow for a few of the players to show us fans some of what they have in their football locker. A good attendance CIRCA 1800, I am sure many of you were there and formed your own views/opinions but for those of you that missed the game, here goes:

'it may be worth mentioning that I have done this to enable there to be comparison between two views/opinions as I see 'portugull' has left his above.

Bass - 8/10 - Will be superb for us if we keep him for the season and he is not recalled - minor criticism was that he perhaps should have done better with the goal. Made several fine saves. Likes to punch.

Wynter - 7/10 - Slow start but should make right back his own, seems to be better delivering a dead ball but could just be rusty.

Davis - 7/10 - He has speed and as you know can beat a player, but am I the only one that can see that he just can't cross a ball. If he worked on his crosses he would be deadly.

Niate - 6/10 - Very big, however a bit 'hoof and hope'.

Cameron - 9/10 - Always tough for a defender to get MOM, not really sure MOM is really purposeful pre-season, same as result is of little value....
anyway Bass got MOM and that was a good choice but my MOM would have been Cameron, definitely a superb signing, agile, good in air, passes ball on the floor.

Essuman - 6/10 - did nothing wrong, fairly consistent, as previously identified, vocal.

Gowling - 4/10 - after singing his laudits after the match against Poole, he looked disinterested and certainly not a Gowling you would want in your team.

Dickson - 8/10 - In a game dominated by Plymouth, moved ball quickly and meant midfield had little possession, Dickson showed glimpses of magic, some good passing and trickery that will be hard to come by in the NL south. MUST KEEP HIM FIT.

Nabi - 6/10 - A little lost tonight but clearly has abundance of ability, very, very unfit - probably get 60 mins max from him to start.

Banton - 6/10 - He just needs a few goals, seems low on confidence but he definitely has ability, no gel between midfield thus far, but I think that is fair considering the changes.

Williams - 7/10 - portugull hit the nail on the head! Looks like he is really enjoying his football, I hope he converts his enthusiasm to goals, if he does could be one of the top strikers in NLS.

Reid - 6/10 - His usual self... say no more!

Keating - 3/10 - Really very poor.

Pittman - 4/10 - At the moment can see why he is out of favour. Sloppy crosses after good positioning.

Other observations:
  • Why were Hall and Bobson-Bawling not playing. (Injuries to both? Rest?)
  • The ONLY trialist was naff last season on loan at Guiseley and is only a tiny bit bigger than Chaney (sorry to mention that name).
  • In my opinion we need another striker/forward for sure....
Thank you very much for reading, sorry if you found my post boring... I will try and condense in future.

Torquay Vs Plymouth - 17/7/18

Posted: 18 Jul 2018, 10:50
by __quiet__gull
CP Gull wrote: 18 Jul 2018, 10:13 A bit harsh on Sokolik there “quietgull” ... particularly as he didn’t feature at all last night! I can only assume you are basing your (low) opinion of him based on what you saw at Poole?
You are absolutely correct, apologies, so many new faces.... I have edited my post :)

Torquay Vs Plymouth - 17/7/18

Posted: 18 Jul 2018, 11:38
by TUST_Member_Rob
__quiet__gull wrote: 18 Jul 2018, 10:50 You are absolutely correct, apologies, so many new faces.... I have edited my post :)
I also think a bit harsh on Reid - when you say he was his usual self - that is usually poor.

However he made a few good runs and passes, ive seen more in 2 pre season games than i did last season

Torquay Vs Plymouth - 17/7/18

Posted: 18 Jul 2018, 12:23
by __quiet__gull
TUST_Member_Rob wrote: 18 Jul 2018, 11:38 I also think a bit harsh on Reid - when you say he was his usual self - that is usually poor.

However he made a few good runs and passes, ive seen more in 2 pre season games than i did last season
That is true, I can't argue that Reid did string together a couple of passes.

Perhaps this year will be more his level?

Torquay Vs Plymouth - 17/7/18

Posted: 18 Jul 2018, 12:45
by SBP
Plymouth didnt break a sweat last night, they passed the ball really well and should have hit the net far more. I think their main striker wasn't playing and Bass made some good saves.
From our point of view we have to improve our fitness levels quickly. Nabi and Dickson are way off. With so many new players our organisation was not great, lots of finger pointing and players unsure of their roles especially at set pieces.
Fair play to Williams he looks ready. Bass looks like a good prospect. He's got some kick on him. Davis should be playing at a higher level.
New lads in defense look physical and i do like the natural balance. Once Dickson improves his fitness he will be an important player.
We are still short of goal threat which needs addressing.
Gowling is just not bothered, waste of time. Pitman showed some hunger in the short spell he had.

Torquay Vs Plymouth - 17/7/18

Posted: 18 Jul 2018, 13:46
by kevgull
Overall a decent defensive performance, with a glint of things to come.

We seemed to have formed a decent squad with the exception of a striker. Reid, Pitman and Keating will not get anywhere near the playoffs.

Here’s hoping that we can offload Pitman and or sign a good loan player.

Torquay Vs Plymouth - 17/7/18

Posted: 18 Jul 2018, 15:18
by arcadia
I thought the team was well drilled and only lost their shape after the substitutions and if Reid changed his name you would have thought that he was a new signing the lad did well. Plymouth stepped up the pace in the second half when we started to change players. Gowling who should have a professional attitude was lacking and thought that he needs to get his finger out if he wants a place in this side. In the half-time break the players should be more focused when playing with the ball and not playing about, it gives a bad impression.
In the game against Forrest Green the back line was wanting last night it looked as though Owers has sorted it out.
We will have to see how the side performs against Cardiff it's getting interesting now.