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Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 17:01
by UnitedinDevon
Wolborough wrote: 28 Feb 2021, 16:03 I believe we should keep Little. He could prove a key player in League 2 if we make it.
What a terrible waste of £ that would be

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 18:27
by Nick Potkins
Just for the record, here are the 15 who were not available yesterday:-
Davis - long term
Nelson - long term
Wright - long term
Lucas - injured
Cameron - injured
Warren - injured
Lewis - injured
Kerr - injured
Moxey -injured
Little - injured
Nemane - injured
Koszela - injured
MacDonald- suspended
Hamon - cup tied
Boden - cup tied

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 19:07
by Teigngull
Koszela was cup tied you numpty, FACTS before fiction !

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 19:14
by Nick Potkins
Teigngull wrote: 28 Feb 2021, 19:07 Koszela was cup tied you numpty, FACTS before fiction !
Sorry you feel you need to reply in that way. I think you will find he is also injured, but will accept cup tied. Thank you for correcting me.

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 21:10
by Gull in black
Like Hammdog I would like to know more about the fitness of our squad. But GJ likes to keep this info confidential - if his approach means we end the season with just one more point ... its OK with me..

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 21:11
by culmstockgull
Nick, out of the fifteen you mentioned how many will get a contract for next year.

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 21:46
by Nick Potkins
culmstockgull wrote: 28 Feb 2021, 21:11 Nick, out of the fifteen you mentioned how many will get a contract for next year.
Wow what a question. 9 is my guess, but it is only a guess and a lot of water to pass under the bridge yet.

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 21:54
by Teigngull
Contracts ?
Surely it depends what division we're playing in doesn't it ?

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 22:13
by Nick Potkins
Correct with division, that is why I said "a lot of water to pass under the bridge yet" and highlighted a guess.

However, contract discussions will be starting and being had before the season ends. This is a discussion for another day, fingers crossed players return to fitness soon and we can put a run together.

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 23:18
by brucie
Why on earth would anyone keep Little. He is always injured.

Kerr isn't injured (unless it is a mystery ailment) - it is being suggested that he is currently negotiating a contract with another club, because he isn't able to deal with living in lockdown so far away from his family. Presumably he can't be injured (if this information is correct) because if he was no other club would sign him.

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 23:26
by brucie
Out of the 15 above I would say that there were only 3 worth keeping.

They are Lewis, Cameron and Nemane - I guess that the latter two will receive offers from elsewhere.

None of the goalkeepers are really good enough. The likes of Moxey and Little are good enough ability wise but are never fit. The list just goes to prove that its pointless having such a big squad when half of them never set foot on the pitch.

Wrights had two hamstring injuries this year and will be 37 next season. Both this season and last mirror each other -we have done well in the first half of each season but we cannot keep our players fit.

In general the loan signings to cover for these injuries have been dire so its hard to see why what Pete Johnson is being paid for.

Hartlepool signed Luke Armstrong in December on loan and hes scored 9 goals in 13 games. We signed Rob Street who is good at falling over and in all honesty isn't going to score a goal as long as his arse points downwards.

You would think being top of the league we might have attracted better than what we ended up with.

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 08:00
by North Curry House
Nick Potkins wrote: 28 Feb 2021, 18:27 Just for the record, here are the 15 who were not available yesterday:-
Davis - long term
Nelson - long term
Wright - long term
Lucas - injured
Cameron - injured
Warren - injured
Lewis - injured
Kerr - injured
Moxey -injured
Little - injured
Nemane - injured
Koszela - injured
MacDonald- suspended
Hamon - cup tied
Boden - cup tied
.....And it is sixteen with the other sicknote goalkeeper.

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 08:14
by North Curry House
Before anyone comes on with an offensive reply, I now realise that in the list of fifteen Covolon was listed as Lucas.

A bit like listing Moxey as Dean!

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 13:18
by culmstockgull
Nick I think you are being over generous with considering nine, out of the fifteen you mentioned I would offer pay as you play contracts to Warren, Little and Wright, Lewis is under contract for next season and we will be very lucky to hang into the likes of Cameron, Nemane, Whitfield and Evans next season. Koszela needs a season long loan playing every week,I do not think any of the others bring anything to the party.

Gary Johnson and his tactics & mind games

Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 16:42
by Nick Potkins
I know what you are saying, but without discussing that is also 9