Hi Numptenumpte wrote: 06 Aug 2024, 09:12 Thought it was a really good transparent insight into the financials and running of the club from the Bryn group before the share issue info.
The wage bill last year and staff bill slashed and expected income this year higher to hopefully break even. AS youd expect, an empahsis on the matchday experience and eeking out extra £'s from those attending. To be fair to the Bryn group (or Micheal) i think it was not about squeezing every last £ out of everyone attending but offering a longer duration experience that makes everyone come back but you certainly did see the limitations of the stadium crop up in them attempting to do so. Not sure anyone asked about moving to a new stadium!!
At the end of the day though, its what goes on on the pitch that will draw punters in. No point having a great after match band in Boots if youve just got thumped 3-0 and no one ever goes to a match to see what the half time entertainment is. If i understood correctly almost £1M on playing budget last year compared to £500k this year and no doubt (whatever the results) more value for money this season even if only on the effort front.
As for the share issue, I will do it but interested to see the prospectus and how you can invest (basically give it away). Im interested in the £1k option but not up front so hope theyve thought about that. Otherwise itll be half that.
I'm Matt Gorman, the chap who was sat at the end of the table at the forum trying to explain the Community Share Issue (CSI)..
It's great to see that you are interested in the CSI. It really is a great way of fans (through the trust) becoming part of the club and providing an important injection of capital at the same time to help the club move forward. Thank you for raising a question on the CSI. As you can imagine, there will be a lot of these and I (together with some of my other TUST Board colleagues) will do our best to answer these as we go along. We also hope to make a record of these on the CSI landing page when launched, by way of a reference so thank you for taking the time to ask this. I will take the opportunity if you dont mind just to provide the TUST email address of info@tust.co.uk if you or anyone else has any specific queries on the CSI. Whilst I will do my best to monitor the board (whilst doing my day job!), the email address can also be used if you have any specific or personal queries.
I also want to be open with you and say, those of us involved with the CSI are all on a learning curve, so I will always be honest and say if I don't know the answer to a question, but I will find out.
The simple answer to the question you have posed at the moment is that payment through the platform we are using for the CSI (crowdfunder) will only accept single payments as oppose to a number of regular payments. Part of the issue is the offer will be open for a fixed period of time (we anticipate 4 weeks) and the terms of whether or not it is successful will be dependent on the sum raised within that timeframe. There is the option to extend the offer if necessary, but in reality it will not be to a period of time that will accept regular payments. Also, being completely honest we are trying to keep the administration of the offer as straightforward as possible.
You do raise a good point and it is something we are looking at to see if there are any workarounds. We fully appreciate that not everyone can afford to invest into the CSI or indeed at the levels they would desire due to other pressures on finances at this time.
I look forward to hopefully seeing you name on the CSI subscribers list in due course (although your proper name I guess!!)
Best Wishes
Matt Gorman