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Re: Shirt sales are a joke! Sort this out Torquay!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 21:14
by Eirik
But the club should be able to put some pressure on whoever is running the shop and get them to improve.
Re: Shirt sales are a joke! Sort this out Torquay!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 22:25
by Dave
The club shop is franchised out, and i thought it was to Vandanel, however i have since been led to believe this is not the case, i am led to believe the club shop is franchised out to a sole trader who deals with Vandanel, i am not sure what or if Vandanel have any involvment in the running of the club shop.
I am also led to believe the club takes a 20 % cut from the franchised club shop operation, but dont quote me on that either, this is allways going to be problem, i understand why the club went down the route it did, as i imagine the club is dealing in chicken feed amounts in terms of sales throught he club shop, if the shop came under direct control of the club when you add the time and administration it would probaly end up as a loss leader.
I honestly thought that a major kit supplier would not be interested in working with a small club like our's, however last time we had a thread on this, some posted the small clubs that major kit supllier's do work with, however moving to one of the major brands would not cure all the current problems, yep we would have a better quailty of kit and design, but on our spend, we would still be bottom of the pile when it comes to supply.
Re: Shirt sales are a joke! Sort this out Torquay!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 22:39
by Gulliball
It could hardly get worse. For the past 3 seasons it's been August before we've got the new kit on sale to fans, not even before the start of the season on one of those years.
That said, I think the quality of merchandise is much improved in the last few years. I went to the shop after being home for the Boxing Day game and bought quite a few things.
Re: Shirt sales are a joke! Sort this out Torquay!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 23:11
by AustrianAndyGull
Either way, get some XXL shirts in Torquay or you can kiss goodbye to any more of my cash you friggin' amateurs!!
Re: Shirt sales are a joke! Sort this out Torquay!
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 04:48
by cambgull
CP, you are correct in that it is franchised and operated by Vandanel. However, as with all franchises, the parent company has the ultimate yes or no on certain things. If the franchise is deemed to be failing to order the biggest selling item, then that can be a breach of contract.
Re: Shirt sales are a joke! Sort this out Torquay!
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 09:35
by Dave
Thats interesting , because according to the person who actually run's the club shop, the shop is franchised but not to Vandanel, nor is the shop run by them. As i was getting at in my previuos reply, i wonder who is actually and thruthly running what regard's our club shop.
Re: Shirt sales are a joke! Sort this out Torquay!
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 11:34
by oxgull