ferrarilover wrote:
And that is your prerogative. But my point is exactly this, by having ALL the links there, those who want to go to a random forum can do so, but those like yourself who want only to visit our next/last opponents can do that equally as easily, just ignore the other links.
This is the argument that (Christian) religious extremists come up with for Sunday trading hours, in so much that shops shouldn't be open on Sundays because holier than thou types don't want to use them on the Sabbath. Right, that's fine, then don't fecking use them, no one holds a gun to the head of the Archbishop of Canterbury and forces him to spend 14 hours every Sunday milling about his local Co-op. Those of us, however, who get to 1800 on a Sunday and realise we have no chicken for tomorrow night's dinner are forced to wait until the morning because the shops are bloody closed. Madness! It doesn't affect those who DON'T go shopping on a Sunday, so why are the rest of us pandering to them?Possibly in the wrong thread, not massively bothered.
You are probably going to get a very good wedge for being a lawyer. But I do wonder whether you will practice in the world where money is no bar or whether you will practice in the not for profit sector or for those who have no voice.
You probably wouldn't have any qualms going to your local Tesco's on a Sunday because you forgot you chicken. although if you did forget the chicken that late you deserve to go hungry.
But I have first hand experience and knowledge of what opening that extra day has on families. Yes the shopper loves it but most of the time they are not the ones who have to go without a day off the the family,.
Those of us who worked for one of the organisations who decided they wanted to open Sundays made sure that the staff were available to work whether they want to or not.
Don't qoute me on the law. I know that it's illegal to make people work on a Sunday. But they have ways around it.
You either work or find another job. Work or no overtime. Work or Others will get perks where you don't. I can go on and on citing loads of excuses and pressure on workers who have been made to work Sundays just to pander to the bosses need to put as much money in his pocket, etc. I have been there. done it, Got the T shirt. got the mug.
Yes there we people who wanted to work. But a lot didn't and they were not given a choice.
You might call those who don't want unconditional shopping etc religeous terrorists but I find your argument just as biased. I can imagine that if you were then placed in power you would make all religion illegal. Those who followed a thought based idea would be goaled. Big brother would be following us to make sure we followed what you think is right for society.
There are just as many would find you as much of a Zealot or Terrorist as you call them as you think those who follow a belief. I wonder what the Jews would make of your thoughts. or the Mormons. or Catholics etc. society in the West is based on Tolerance. I find your prose more than a lot less than Tolerant. And that is the problem with what you propose.
Your argument would be that religion has caused more wars than anything else. My argument would be that others who are intoloerant have caused more wars the religeon. It's lack of tolerance of any other belief than your own that has caused more wars.
Hitlet caused the biggest through trying to force his beliefs on the world like the Japenese did at the same time. The Balkans have for almost centuries been a force for war based on lack of tolerance for others beliefs. The present Middle East conflict is so also based.
Please try to have a little more tolerance for what others believe before you vent your spleen
By the way, if you bother to read your history properly That fictitious bloke you talk of, He did actualy exist. It's up to you as to whether you believe his claims or not. But he is written about in numerous history books by The Romans and many more. They didn't make him up.. If people want to believe he is who he said he was that is up to them, But I for one would never say to them that they have no right to believe it or to impose my beliefs on them.
And as for the original argument. Yes we have to live in the real world. But you are probably going to be insulated from that as you wouldn't know what it is to be that low in society that you don't know where you next meal is coming from. I really have been there. And it doesn't do any of those of us who get trapped there to be worked to the point where we can't think properly for exhaustion.
If I get the money for a day out to see the gulls or more then I am indeed lucky. But I haven't had a decent holiday for 3 years and the last one was due to some ones elses decency who saw how very near the edge we both were after working so hard we didn't know where we were.
Being trapped in a business world that would say tough luck old bean. But there is no support if your disabled you either work till you drop or go bust.(I work self emplyed because I am disabled. There is no support for us at all). I do what I have to do. I don't preach to others. I sometimes even like the work when people are decent with us even if we still have no money. I can't even put my car back on the road untill things really improve so have to do without. Your idea of society says I have no right to believe what we want. just work till we drop. Repeal the law as you would want to do will put many in the looney bin. it's just not right to work 7 days a week or healthy and a day off together with the family is really needed if the family is to function as it should.
For one supposedly so intelligent I am surprised you can't see that.