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Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 13:10
by bobby93
Presumably on the squad number front, Poke will take 1, Jarvis will take 8. New centre back 4 or 5, perhaps Cruise the other one, maybe. Oastler could be 2. I'd like to see Lathrope at 4 or something though.

Squad numbers always used to be my favourite part of Championship Manager...

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 08:13
by clemy1989
Will the new CB arrive today i wonder... also i wonder if we will see any trialists at the club this pre-season. ling seems happy with his 24 man squad once the CB signs. but surely if he could move a couple out. players like halpin, yeoman loans. mcphee possible loan then we could unearth a diamond in the rough

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 11:18
by blueboy
Nobodys really mentioned Aaron Downes. I wonder if he's a possibility?

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 11:23
by Dave
Interesting call Bluboy, what was he like during his loan spell with Rovers?

The only thing I would say here, is the lad is from Austrialia , and spent the last 8 years playing for Chesterfield, would he want to come down to Torquay.

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 11:25
by Richinns
blueboy wrote:Nobodys really mentioned Aaron Downes. I wonder if he's a possibility?
Signed for Excreta so is obviously sh*t!

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 11:32
by blueboy
Richinns wrote: Signed for Excreta so is obviously sh*t!
Oh cheers Rich, I didn't realise that, it was only a few weeks ago McGhee was saying he'd like to sign him if he can't bring back Parkes and Bolger. He was a rock for us until his injury then he was pretty bad at the end of the season. Can't see Exeter doing much this season.

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 11:33
by Dave
Are you sure about that Rich, City have signed Aaron Davies, not sure they have signed Aaron Downes.

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 11:42
by Richinns
forevertufc wrote:Are you sure about that Rich, City have signed Aaron Davies, not sure they have signed Aaron Downes.
oh - how embarrassing! My bad!

Aaron Downes is clearly not sh*t where as Aaron Davies clearly is!

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 11:46
by blueboy
Richinns wrote: oh - how embarrassing! My bad!

Aaron Downes is clearly not sh*t where as Aaron Davies clearly is!
Ha no worries! He was an absolute rock for us when he first signed on loan but then got injured and only played a couple of games at the end of the season. He didn't look fit then and put in a few shakey performances. He had a serious knee injury at Chesterfield and was out for a long time so I guess there's a risk attached with him. If fit though he's a quality L2 defender and not much get's past him.

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 17:22
by gurneygibbs23
soon as martin sorts this we can get on with what will hopefully be another excellent season. If Eunan stays and we get this decent centre back then we can do top 3. Signing Billy Bodin is the best thing this club could have done(realistically) to get us promotion this season. Hope Martin can offload a couple more, glad McPhee is gone, now get Macklin out and Leadbitter on loan maybe. Get some wages freed up to get loans in.

We need three players to get around 10-15 goals like last season... we had Howe, Mansell and Stevens.
I suspect Howe, Bodin and Stevens will do this.

Anyway exciting stuff

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 11 Jul 2012, 09:46
by Richinns
Richinns wrote: I suspect Monday/Tuesday
Spot on with that as always!

According to the paper it seems unlikely new CB will not be in place by the time they return to training (Thursday). I wonder if we have missed out on Ling's top target/s?

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 11 Jul 2012, 09:54
by royalgull
Having watched Reading's reserves/youth team yesterday (including Big Angus) I think we should seriously try and sign Michael Hector on a season long loan, unit of a CB, young with tons of pace, he spent the 2nd half of last season with Barnet. Also Gozie Ugwu who is a young centre forward who was with Ebbsfleet on loan last year looked a very good prospect who I'm certain could fill the Atieno role perfectly, as in a back up proper striker to Howe.

There were loads of scouts/personell from other clubs there, including Steve Coppell, Martin Allen (who i expect to take Obita back to Gills and possibly Hector) and Mickey Lewis who is Oxford's asst manager.

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 11 Jul 2012, 10:45
by Richinns ... ith-Raynes" onclick=";return false;

Could it be we missed out on him?

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 11 Jul 2012, 13:08
by cambgull
Didn't realise Raynes was available and happy to come to League 2. He would've been a great signing and I'm sure he will do well at Oxford.

Re: Ellis Replacement Soon..

Posted: 11 Jul 2012, 13:45
by AustrianAndyGull
Downes is a decent player at this level and i've seen him loads of times at Chesterfield over the years. Would be great if we could get him down to Plainmoor.