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Re: FACEBOOK - I've succumbed

Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 14:47
by AustrianAndyGull
Luke, does your surname begin with a p? If so i think i denied your friend request by accident. If it doesn't then piss off you weirdo whoever you are!!! :lol:

Re: FACEBOOK - I've succumbed

Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 14:59
by cambgull
It does indeed, I'll re-add you.

EDIT: Scrap that, I think you've actually managed to block me!

Re: FACEBOOK - I've succumbed

Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 23:30
by Trojan 67
happytorq wrote:
I believe that Trojan is a rather...shall we say...'vintage' gentleman, so he might need pharmaceutical help to keep anything up.
Keepy uppy has yet to be a problem. Pointy downy is.

As for pharmaceutical(s), they're sold from drug-stores over there, are they not ?

When I have occasion to see a GP, the good doctor writes out a prescription for medication (drugs).

A street dealer however, provides a stressed out user with drugs (medication).

Confused ?

That'll be the pharmaceuticals (drugs/medication).
