Dave Harris R.I.P

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Post by teeboo100 »

To say this news hit me like a steam train this morning is an understatement Dave was a cracking fellow i have spent many a trip and social engagement with Dave and his lovely wife Nancy over the last few years. As has been alluded to the supporters bus will be a much poorer place for not having David with us next season. I have had a conversation with his wife this morning and have let her know that there are some messages on here regarding Dave and also the lovely piece on the main site regarding Dave which I hope with give her some comfort that the Torquay united family have her in our thoughts. A thank you must go to torquay united and Tim the website fella and Andrew candy for his kind words and lovely photo that they put up cheers chaps. once again rest in piece Dave myself and others will miss you very much the world got a bit poorer today for you not waking up to it cya fella xx
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Post by SBP »

I can only echo what everyone else has previously stated. I am extremely shocked to hear this sad news and my thoughts and wishes are with Nancy and family.
Supporters like Dave are the very backbone of a club and TUFC will miss him dearly.
One small story to share with you all involving Dave was a pre season friendy 2 years ago at Tiverton when Martin Ling first took charge and things were all over the place after Buckle left.
Dave and Nancy were behind me and my sons entering Tiverton's turnstile when as soon as he got in Bill Philips and Simon Baker were walking around. Dave went straight for them. The whole summer of discontent came out with Dave as he gave them what for. Neither of them could really say anything but try and calm him down.
It was brilliant, he was right of course. I then spoke with him after BP and SB scuttled away. We looked over and saw a new Goalie "Bobby" looking a bit overweight doing some drills with Kenny V. Dave said " Who the hell is that". He started again as you can imagine.

God bless

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Post by Richinns »

Very sad news indeed. RIP Dave - a true gent and supporter of the gulls
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Post by Trojan 67 »

robbotufc wrote:Just wanted to say Torquay United have lost one of it most loyal supporters today, Dave Harris who for many years stood on the popside with supporters like myself and Trojan 67,our thoughts are with his wife Nancy and family, R.I.P buddy..

I'm saddened by the news of Dave's passing and my condolences go to Nancy and Dave's family.The Popside where we stand hasn't been the same since Dave and Nancy moved across the pitch last season to sit in Bristow's Bench. He and Nancy would often wave to us from their new perch and we would wave back.

What a cracking sense of humour he had. The banter has been missed and will be missed.

Rest in peace Dave.
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Post by Behind-the-Gulls »

Yellow and Blue blood ran through Dave's veins.Yes,he could be very critical of players and management but this was borne out of his love for the club and the passion and commitment for his beloved Gulls was always so evident.
Sincere condolences to his wife and family.
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Post by DonnyGull »

Sorry to hear the sad news about Dave and would like to send my heart felt condolences to Nancy and the rest of Dave's family and friends.

It is ironic that the news on the Forum of Dave's passing, came on the day that Elliott Benyon resigned for the Gulls, a player I know they admired and treated like a son, Elliott always took the time to speak to them.
A couple of seasons back, Dave and Nancy had a lovely photo taken of them at Grimsby - by the Official TUFC photographer. Me and my son happened to be in the photo too. A couple of weeks later at a game at Bury, Dave and Nancy approached me and my son as we were about to go through the turnstiles (we didn't know them at the time) and asked if we had seen the photo (we hadn't).
Dave and Nancy told me that they had brought a copy of the photo and Elliott Benyon had had it signed by all the Torquay players for them - they were chuffed to bits with it.
Dave and Nancy went to the trouble of taking our address and forwarding a photocopy of the photo to us, we were also thrilled to receive it from them - following this they always took time to speak to us, when we saw them.

RIP Dave - You will be missed by all fellow Gulls.
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Post by Dave_Pougher »

Really sorry to hear this news, I try to remember the good times when these things happen.

I was going off my rocker at Swindon during our league one encounter during our comeback. I was sat in front off Dave and he shouted at me
vigorously and understandably "sit down!!" I looked at him and said nothing. As I left at the end I noticed he kept looking at me as we all filtered out. He waited for by the stairs,, here we go I thought, not really knowing the guy. He had waited to apologise for having a go at me !,, such was the measure of the man.

RIP Dave, our area of the pop won't seem the same.
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Post by hector »

I didn't know Dave at all but when I first read this, I thought I knew which bloke on the Popside he might be, so I was sad to see on the official site, he was who I thought he was and that he had passed away. Best wishes to his family and friends and the club have certainly lost a loyal fan.
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Post by Dave »

R.I.P Dave.
Formerly known as forevertufc
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