Leaking of Confidential Information

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Post by ferrarilover »

Is this really as far as the thinking of some of our 'normal' fans goes?

How do you people survive the 21st Century without being able to access more than about 12 IQ points?

How, for example do you comprehend computers, or cars or mortgages without being able to see beyond the most basic [false] assessment of this situation?

Genuinely baffling, to the point where I'm starting to wonder if Darwin was wrong.

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Post by SteveDeckchair »

Got to laugh at this.

Anyone who thinks a football league manger will base their team selection on a random forum poster has either a very low opinion of football league managers, or doesn't realise the amount of guff that gets posted on these forums.

Unless of course, that opinion is validated by the Chief Executive of the club.......... Oops!
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Post by Dave »

ferrarilover wrote:Is this really as far as the thinking of some of our 'normal' fans goes?

How do you people survive the 21st Century without being able to access more than about 12 IQ points?

How, for example do you comprehend computers, or cars or mortgages without being able to see beyond the most basic [false] assessment of this situation?

Genuinely baffling, to the point where I'm starting to wonder if Darwin was wrong.

Matt my friend, what are you genuinely baffled about ?
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Post by Dave »

A Candy wrote:Some interesting views but it would be inappropriate for me to comment any further. However, I would point you in the direction of other forums where there are also interesting views expressed and in particular on the value of opponents getting team information in advance.
Andy, I fully realize it would inappropriate for you to comment further and I am no way asking you to do so. However I would like to say you are right in what you say, and comments made on other forums about opponents having prior access to our team line ups are right as well. Nobody is disputing that.

What I and some are saying the likely hood of other managers and coaching staff trawling through this or any other fans forums for prior team information and actually believing it, would be some were around 0%

As said most managers are 95 % certain at the start of week, who, and how their opponents are going to play, and will spend a certain amount of time in training through out the week working towards that plan. As I pretty sure you know.
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Post by ferrarilover »

How can none of you see how this might just pan out?
Most of you on here, particularly the Moaner-In-Chief are old enough to remember WWII and the campaigns to keep information, no matter how insignificant, secret.

What baffles me, Dave, is that, rather than give not more than 5 seconds thought to the problem and, as I did, come up with a perfectly reasonable scenario in which Super's information could be used against us, they instead chose to poopoo the suggestion.

If the club wanted the team sheet published three days before the match, they'd do it themselves. Since they don't, perhaps we follow suit and keep 'mum' about it too?

As for some of the other leaps into the unknown which have stemmed from the OP (I'm looking at you, Royal)...

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Post by Richinns »

Let’s not make too much of this.

Andy has politely asked supergulls to curb his enthusiasm in posting the team sheet so that it is not on here before the opposing team receives it (1hr before kick-off)

I am sure super will happily oblige.

I want to say I value supers insight which he provides to the youth team and training and long may this continue. I am sure the club would not want to try to stop this, as after all they are open to the public. I am sure the club would welcome more valuable supporters of this nature who both support the first team as well as the youth teams.

Let’s not make mountains out of molehills and let’s also not create a ‘rage against the machine’ feeling.
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Post by NA Gull »

I agree with Matt. What possible benefit is there in publishing the information before it is public knowledge?

Agree that most of it will never be acted on but if it does get acted on once in a season and it costs us a point that could cost us relegation/play offs/promotion then why even risk it, unless you want to look like Bertie Big Bollox?
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Post by Dave »

ferrarilover wrote:How can none of you see how this might just pan out?
Most of you on here, particularly the Moaner-In-Chief are old enough to remember WWII and the campaigns to keep information, no matter how insignificant, secret.

What baffles me, Dave, is that, rather than give not more than 5 seconds thought to the problem and, as I did, come up with a perfectly reasonable scenario in which Super's information could be used against us, they instead chose to poopoo the suggestion.

If the club wanted the team sheet published three days before the match, they'd do it themselves. Since they don't, perhaps we follow suit and keep 'mum' about it too?

As for some of the other leaps into the unknown which have stemmed from the OP (I'm looking at you, Royal)...

Totally agree, but that's the point, supergulls wasn't posting it 3 days before the game, he was posting at lunchtime of the game, when it's beyond highly unlikely , unless an injury occurred in the warm that a manager would change his line up.

Any manager worth his salt would want to avoid interfering with is own pre-match preparation and the pre-match preparation of his own players unless forced to do so.
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Post by diamondgirl »

The reasons matter not. A TUFC official has, politely, asked for something not to be done. Sureley no more discussion needs to take place?
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Post by Gullscorer »

Mr Candy is absolutely right. It's amazing how information can get around, and quickly and easily gets into the wrong hands. He may be too polite to say this but I'm not: there seem to be some idiots on this forum who think they can run the club better than those actually in charge, and they obviously do not realise the potential damage that posting certain information can cause. It may take just one piece of info, at the wrong time, among dozens of others, one little error, to cause a possible season-changing or career-changing event. I'm not saying Supergulls or anybody else has done so - yet - but if we truly support our club some of us should think long and hard before submitting posts, because it's so easy to make that one vital error..
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Post by Kernowgull »

What I don't understand, is how does supergulls know? Someone inside the club and pretty close to the first team must be telling him. Surely this should be stopped at the source, rather than at an over enthusiastic fan on a forum?
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Post by ferrarilover »

Kernowgull wrote:What I don't understand, is how does supergulls know? Someone inside the club and pretty close to the first team must be telling him. Surely this should be stopped at the source, rather than at an over enthusiastic fan on a forum?
This is the problem with the internet. What you've said here, Kernow, is potentially VERY harmful. Yet, it's completely inaccurate in one crucial detail.

Someone inside the club MUST be telling him is an extremely dangerous statement. One which, if as absolute as it seems, would necessarily result in an internal enquiry, someone losing their job, many hours of wasted manpower. This is all in the face of one, completely untrue and inaccurate statement.

What is true and accurate is that someone inside the club COULD be telling him, but that he could find out in other, less harmful ways. As it happens, the latter (that he finds out in a way which is not the fault of a club official) is the truth.

We see this sort of crazy scaremongering (not what I'm saying has happened here, Kernow. Yours is a simple and innocent misuse of language, something far less sinister than that which I am about to reference) all the time in the popular press. Simple misappropriations of language which change completely the meaning of a whole sentence. The alteration of a sentence from "we may be prepared to sell at £145,000" to "we will be prepared to sell at £145,000" is one which could end up costing a man £145,000 when he never intended for it to.
The Daily Wail are fans of this sort of thing. With the opening of our borders (to a very limited extent) to those from Romania, we face the potential, but highly unlikely, prospect that many millions of Romanians will come here. The Wail set upon this and state, unequivocally that "millions of Romanians to flood Britain's shores" when, in truth, "millions of Romanians COULD flood Britain's shores" is the reality of the situation.

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Post by Dave »

One one point, Andy Candy has asked Supergulls to stop posting team information,I can't speak for the poster, however supergulls no doubt has got that point and will refrain from posting further team info, so that point should cleared up.

Yes, Matt is right, it is very dangerous to assume somebody from inside the club is passing on info, all you need to do, is go to seale Hayne on Thursday peer through the hedge from one of the many vantage points, see how the team line up in training and have a pretty good idea how the team is going line up Saturday.

As for player discord, rumours are rife, 2+2 can sometimes make 4.
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Post by ferrarilover »

Of course there's player dischord. We've finally got a FL standard squad, rather than a FL standard starting XI and a bunch of grateful hangers on.

If Chappell gets in the team ahead of Danny Stevens, then Danny Stevens is still happy, because he knows, by rights, that he really ought to be cleaning windows for a living and that any time he gets on the pitch is a bonus. If Chappell keeps out Billy Bodin, then Billy is going to feel aggrieved because he is equally as capable of doing the job, but someone else has been preferred. This is the choice for many a player. Do I go to a big club and become a small fish in a big pond, or do I stay put and remain as the biggest Cod? Doubtless Nick Powell earns more in a week at Man Utd than he did in his whole Crewe career, but he never gets to set foot on the grass at Old Trafford. A subtly different scenario, but one which demonstrates the problem. There are 11 places up for grabs and 22 players to fill them. Not being chosen is to be told that, despite your best efforts all week, you're not good enough*. Being told you're not good enough for Torquay United is probably pretty hard to bear for a kid who has, his whole life, simply assumed that he is the one who will make it, who will be the next Nick Powell.

I'd be worried if there wasn't player dischord. That is not to say, of course, that the club isn't in dire straights and will find itself on the wrong end of some sort of walk out.


*Yes, thank you, I know that there are other considerations, I'm making a point, not writing an Opus.
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Post by SIDGULL »

So many posts on this topic have completely confirmed my views about the lack of intelligence and common courtesy of so many posters on this site. Yes, I know it's a forum and everyone has a right to express themselves as they wish (within certain limits). But just WHY is it that so many just seem to want to tear into anything that the club says or does in such a negative way? If anyone can be bothered you can read through the thread on the other site to see the origins of the statement - oh, and whilst you're there, how about reading some of the more considered views expressed. Not saying I necessarily agree with them all but unlike this site they don't attack with fangs bared from the off!

Is there no possibility that the club is entitled to a degree of privacy over when it releases information into the public domain? REGARDLESS as to whether or not it might influence the opposition's selection, there is a specific time at which the names of the players are revealed. Why would it matter to us, the supporters, whether we get the knowledge in advance of that? I remember a number of seasons ago travelling up to Carlisle and as he was leaving the hotel to travel to the ground I naively asked Leroy who was playing up front. He gave me a cold look (well, it was Carlisle, wasn't it?) and responded along the lines that he wouldn't be revealing that to the opposition manager until the appointed time, so why should he tell me? Fair comment and it showed that Leroy certainly preferred not to broadcast his selection before the time specified.

When it comes to anything to do with transfer speculation, again, if there are leaks they may well negatively affect our chances of landing a good prospect. Now, just a little thought . . . . . .am i really that desperate to know this information before the club believes it is safe to release it? Am i happy that a leak has led me to enjoy the prospect of player X unexpectedly joining us and glowing in this for a couple of days if in reality it puts the transfer at risk? Or would i rather just wait (probably not even knowing anything is being negotiated) and get news once all is confirmed, signed and sealed? Is that such a tough choice?

Underpinning my brief post as much as anything is not whether any of these leaks has or could affect a result or a transfer (although i suspect they COULD quite easily) but the two factors which are, firstly, respecting the rights to privacy that the club should expect and, secondly, responding to other posters with greater courtesy (unless they have seriously pi55ed you off with a personal attack ;-) )
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