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Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 22:43
by yellowwot1
Scott you tell more lies than the Tufc board and you know it as many others on here do too, typical Tufc
Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 22:47
by stefano
Scott Brehaut wrote:
None of your posts have been deleted.
I expect there is some sort of in-built word recognition system in place on the forum and if there is less than 20% recognised by the technology then the post is just not accepted. Well just a thought, how would I know?

Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 22:49
by Scott Brehaut
I do hope you can back up your claims.
None of your posts have been deleted.
Actually, scrap that. There was a double post on the Exeter thread that was deleted....but no different to any others that have a double post - usually caused by pressing submit twice whilst waiting for the comment to be uploaded.
So, one post.
All action is logged and can't be deleted, so this can be proven.
Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 22:55
by yellowwot1
Lol Scott, I don't need to prove anything, all regular visitors to this forum will know what's happened as do you, you have been exposed for what you are, I don't need to spell that out so I won't, no need everyone on here that doesn't agree with you already knows what's what, pathetic
Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 22:58
by Scott Brehaut
Sounds like you've got issues.
I've just told you what's happened. Seems like you can't deal with facts.
Now, let's get this back on topic or it will have to be moved like the last one was.
Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 23:12
by SuperNickyWroe
yellowwot1 wrote:Lol Scott, I don't need to prove anything, all regular visitors to this forum will know what's happened as do you, you have been exposed for what you are, I don't need to spell that out so I won't, no need everyone on here that doesn't agree with you already knows what's what, pathetic
will you do me a favour and not post anymore as its obvious you have no idea.
Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 23:15
by Gullscorer
Back on topic, it appears a few people are not enamoured of Messrs Phillips and Baker, but I have yet to see any arguments or facts to back up assertions that they have contributed nothing or have made matters worse. Indeed whenever somebody questions the 'critics' the only response seems to have been juvenile emotional ad hominem (I love that expression; makes me feel almost educated) attacks by certain persons on the questioners. It is to be hoped that, when we are all fully mature, civilized discourse will be the norm..
Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 23:19
by cambgull
yellowwot1 wrote:Lol Scott, I don't need to prove anything, all regular visitors to this forum will know what's happened as do you, you have been exposed for what you are, I don't need to spell that out so I won't, no need everyone on here that doesn't agree with you already knows what's what, pathetic
Perhaps you're just too stupid to use a computer correctly?
If you press alt + F4 it will solve all of your problems.
Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 23:22
by cambgull
Gullscorer wrote:Back on topic, it appears a few people are not enamoured of Messrs Phillips and Baker, but I have yet to see any arguments or facts to back up assertions that they have contributed nothing or have made matters worse. Indeed whenever somebody questions the 'critics' the only response seems to have been juvenile emotional ad hominem (I love that expression; makes me feel almost educated) attacks by certain persons on the questioners. It is to be hoped that, when we are all fully mature, civilized discourse will be the norm..
I do agree Gullscorer. Likewise I see all these posts about how useless Phillips and Baker are, yet have never seen a single post telling us why they are.
Methinks it's a case of bandwagon jumping.
Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 02:42
by DTG
Gullscorer wrote:Back on topic, it appears a few people are not enamoured of Messrs Phillips and Baker, but I have yet to see any arguments or facts to back up assertions that they have contributed nothing or have made matters worse. Indeed whenever somebody questions the 'critics' the only response seems to have been juvenile emotional ad hominem (I love that expression; makes me feel almost educated) attacks by certain persons on the questioners. It is to be hoped that, when we are all fully mature, civilized discourse will be the norm..
GS< I gave this answer to Hector on another thread and it scratches the surface of the problems caused by Phillips and Baker. Feel free to dissect it and tell me I'm wrong.
Edit postReport this postReply with quoteHope or no hope?
by DTG » 18 Apr 2014, 15:30
Hector asked:
It has been said that there is nobody on the Board with football experience which is fair comment, but isn't that the case at most clubs? My perception is that the Board is lacking a real leader. Simon Baker wasn't cut out for the job of chairman and I suspect Thea didn't really want the job but fell into it because nobody else would grasp the nettle. Right - I've had my say and now I'll put on my bullet proof vest and sit back and wait for the bullets to come my way !! Good to have you back on here, Andy, stirring us up again !!
That's how I see it also. They have cocked up with their selection of managers but I feel that they are a group of people who have done their best. There is much, much more they could be doing to promote the club but on the whole, I think the consortium, and Thea in particular, have done a decent job. It has just been decisions over managers that have cost us and hopefully they will learn from this.
Hector (Steve) we agree on a lot of things TUFC but this is tongue in cheek, right? On what scale are you measuring "have done a decent job" or "group of people who have done their best" ?? On what level of feckup would you like me to start? The incompetent man management, the completely inept communication, the inability to spend money where it's needed to minimise potential problems, recognising potential problems, non existant PR, absolutely zero CRM, the Marketing skills of Gerald Ratner on a particularly gaff prone day, adminstration procedures that alienate fans, lack of balls to stand up to the local hi-viz H&S stazi costing the club tens of thousands of pounds in revenue (is the Easter Monday game all ticket?), throwing money at white elephants (seale hayne), promoting beyong their skill set (Baker), putting an egotistical feckwit in charge (Phillips), not using recognised HR procedures and Employment criteria, building a new Grandstand that can never be used to capacity when it will be needed most and creating havoc with the playing surface in the process..............can I stop now?
Thea (god bless her) should never be anywhere near the front line but the bunch of gutless fools giving advice find her the perfect "sofa" to hide behind. This club is a shambles and the sooner it is recognised the sooner something can be done about it.
Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 03:33
by Gullscorer
DTG, you and Hector are among our more reasonable posters, but I do get the impression that you are looking at the situation from an unduly pessimistic perspective, with little real evidence to back up your assertions. I am more inclined towards Hector's view that while there have been some poor decisions at the club along with some lack of decisiveness where the board allowed things to drift along, nevertheless they will have learned some lessons as a result, with perhaps a few yet to be learned. Recent team performances have shown that CH has begun to turn things around and he has already indicated the kinds of changes he wants to see at the club and in the squad. Of course nobody, including myself, has been happy with how things have gone in the past two seasons, but I really do feel that things are not as black as you have painted, and I am optimistic for our prospects in the Conference next season. And so I'm quite happy to give the club the benefit of the doubt and to support CH in his efforts over the coming months.
Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 03:55
by DTG
GS, I suppose living half way around the world lets me see the wood for the trees. Some could argue that I can't know the inner workings of the club. Well it doesn't take a Management Consultant to see the problems at TUFC. Any 'O' level Business Studies student could work it out. This Board has performed to a level of incompetence that is rarely witnessed in the business world let alone the Football one. The slack that has been cut for them because they are nice and working for free is amateur. These 'nice' people have cost us our league status, alienated the Fan base (customers), spent Theas money on wild goose chases and unfit for purpose grandstands......the list is almost endless. On no measure of competence does this Board rate anything other than an embarrassment. It's full of "successful" businessmen apparently. Lawyers arn't businessmen, neither are Accountants. Phillips is a Hotelier I believe, so you would think he would understand CRM and Customer service more than anyone, but no. His tenure is littered with poor decision making and egotistical bullshit. This man should be put out of the club without delay. The lawyers and accountants in the club have shown their level if competence by refusing to invest in the right areas and cutting the vital ones. It is the same as a surgeon saving the patient by cutting off his head. I wonder if any of the Board members have the gonads to apologise for their performance, I doubt it they will be too busy pointing fingers at everyone but themselves from behind Theas skirt. There are a number of gutless clowns swanning around the corridors at TUFC and a few good men who stood by and watched them feck it up.
Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 09:42
by PlainmoorRoar
yellowwot1 wrote:Lol Scott, I don't need to prove anything, all regular visitors to this forum will know what's happened as do you, you have been exposed for what you are, I don't need to spell that out so I won't, no need everyone on here that doesn't agree with you already knows what's what, pathetic
This is amazing!
Such utter rubbish!
Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 10:05
by AustrianAndyGull
SuperNickyWroe wrote:
will you do me a favour and not post anymore as its obvious you have no idea.
Well I still post...............

Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 10:29
by SuperNickyWroe
AustrianAndyGull wrote:
Well I still post...............

another problem..