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Post by Gullscorer »

happytorq wrote:I'm more than slightly suspicious of a website called "A Voice for Men", anyway - Don't claim to be an expert, but I believe the bepenised (i just made this word up) among us have done pretty well getting a 'voice' in the last, oh, twenty thousand years of human existence or so.
Also - there's nothing wrong with being a 'feminist'. I'm a feminist, in that I believe women should have the same rights as men. It's only because the term got hijacked and given the same meaning as 'misandrist' that it's used as some sort of insult.
(EDIT: something weird happened with the quote. think it was a nesting thing)
There are a lot of (mostly) women who call themselves feminists but the vast majority of them just use the label "feminist" because......oh.....they think they should......because vagina. Most of them believe the dictionary definition of feminism, that it's about 'equal rights'. They generally have very little knowledge of the true history of feminism and it's key players and iconic shakers and movers. What knowledge they do have of these people is only of the good stuff. They tend to have an emotional attachment to the label "feminist". And when you point out facts, and show them all the misandric anti-male legislation that feminists have successfully lobbied for, they usually first deny that these laws and policies exist, and when you prove it to them, they then deny that the people who support that crap are not "real feminists".

In any case, they are not politically active, and generally suffer from ignorance of the issues, wilful or otherwise. They won't acknowledge the issues facing men and boys on anything, at least any more than lip service. But then again, most of them don't do anything to support feminism except lip service either. They are just feminists in name, and provide cover via their use of that label, to the radical "real feminists" with their ideological man-hating agenda.

Everyone knows a feminist woman right? Jill down the road, she's a feminist, and she's a lovely person. How could feminism be anything bad when you know all these women who are feminists who are such nice women.......right? Wrong, these women are just wearing a label, the real feminists are the ones constantly demonizing men and demanding special advantageous treatment for women in virtually every sphere of life. Extreme totalitarian ideological bigots, not averse to using lies, censorship and violence, and of the same ilk as fascists, communists and Nazis. Those are the real feminists.

Want to know what's wrong with modern feminism? This lady elucidates it very well: http://thoughtcatalog.com/janet-bloomfi ... heres-why/ And this one even more so: http://chronicle.com/article/Persistent ... inis/46965 And finally (and most importantly) this: http://www.avoiceformen.com/gynocentris ... part-ii-2/
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Joined: 31 Jul 2014, 10:36
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Post by Steve1234 »

this is really strange thing but i am really happy with this change..
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