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James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 23 Nov 2014, 22:32
by Rjc70
Loan back to us, please. Happens for others. Surely it's our turn.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 09:23
by Bloggy
As this is the 'James McQuilkin Midfielder signs' thread, can anyone tell me how he got on during his 25-30mins on Saturday?

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 09:36
by Gullscorer
If Luke Young (or any of our best players) moves, it's an indication that the club desperately needs the money. You have only to look at the small attendances at Plainmoor to realise that the club's finances must be (or very soon will be) in very dire straits.

It's not a lack of ambition by the club that's the problem, it's lack of ambition by the supporters, and there's only one real answer: double the Plainmoor crowds from 2000 to 4000. Then we'll be able to keep our best players and give ourselves a chance to make progress up through the leagues.

Unfortunately, the support of many so-called fans seems to amount to nothing more than whingeing, moaning and criticising. It's these 'supporters', not the club, who are the real problem and they must be the real solution. If everyone took a friend or neighbour, and their kids, along to matches, or helped with fund-raising or made regular small donations, and, above all, actually supported their team, things would surely improve.

It's not the team's job to lift the crowd; it's the supporters' job to lift the players..

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 10:56
by ferrarilover
Bloggy wrote:As this is the 'James McQuilkin Midfielder signs' thread, can anyone tell me how he got on during his 25-30mins on Saturday?
Yes, he did very well. He's tiny, but plays a nice style, has a good touch and didn't do anything wrong that I saw. Of course, we'll soon have that coached out of him.


James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 12:29
by Dave
How can we say it's the fans not the club. Not going to be a hypocrite here and change my views to suit, I actually agreed with the club dispensing with the services of Martin Ling, however he was on a rolling contract that seem to mean he would always be entitled to that money if sacked by the club, lesson learnt, no, put Alan Knill on the same contract, but to be fair the money used to pay off one of them could have kept us in the League.

We had two managers last season both were forced into messing around with one free loan after another, to be honest, if you'd put all of them together in one body, no one could have made a footballer out of the lot of them, you only have to look at the impact made by Shaquile Coulthirst (not suggesting any money was paid) for evidence of might have happened had we paid a loan fee for a real footballer (John Marquis for instance) had he landed a month earlier we probably would have stayed up.

For me it was all about business decisions taken at board level. I banged on all last season about lost income that would come with relegation, and to be fair we all knew it, income lost this season is reported to be around £450,000 that grow will to a reported £745,000 with the loss of parachute payment, sometimes a business has to spend to grow and ultimately survive, we could have used AK's pay off to bring in Marquis and one other of like ability and stayed in the F/L, and protected the income that comes with it, also protected the future of our youth set up which is now at risk once the EPPP money ends, as it will now we're a non-league club.

Did we do any of this as a club, no, the club choose to keep it's money firmly in it's pockets and hope for the best , part of me will always believe the board made nothing more than a token gesture and trying retain it's league status looking at the conference remembering the previous two season as a comfort zone, worst of all taking it's fan base for granted in the process.

No one need blame the supporters who've spent their hard earnt money supporting the club at home and traveling miles supporting their club, for the position TUFC now finds itself in, we are, where we are, due to one huge clusterfork made of, the running of TUFC at the very top. As I've said all season, all we can do now is make the best of situation now, it is, what it is.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 12:55
by Bloggy
Thanks ferrari. :)

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 13:00
by Mattpuma
That is where you are wrong. It IS the players job to lift the crowd. They get paid for it after all. It is not the supporters JOB to lift the team but I agree the essence of a supporter is to get behind the team. However constructive criticism is certainly OK, if a team is not performing then they are not doing their job.
In my opinion though constantly berating players is not going to help anyone. Courtney Cameron on Saturday was trying but nothing came off for him. Shouting at him is not going to make him play better, whereas a little encouragement may.
Our team is full of youngsters and as such their form is going to dip occasionally.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 19:26
by Phipsy
Absolutely right forever. The Directors, god bless em,are doing their best.
However they have little knowledge of football with the possible exception of Brian Palk who actually played.
Last season everything was attempted on the cheap. They needed to speculate on one or two signings that , Marquis for instance, would have made the difference.
Financially I am sure we would be better off financially than our current situation.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 01:30
by Gullscorer
If the club cannot afford to pay McQuilkin at the present time, and signed him on that basis, presumably that means he's currently playing for us as an amateur.

When was the last time we had an amateur footballer playing for the first team..??

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 04:08
by Gulliball
Last week.

Berry made his debut after signing on the same terms.

The one before Berry might be harder to remember.

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 12:27
by Tamargull
Oh, I now understand its my lack of ambition for TUFC that is the problem!! Yes of course I want us to be in the Conference, I do not dream of playing Div 1 football or God forbid, the Championship. I simply want us to continue our decline - I sometimes despair!!!!!

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 13:15
by Scott Brehaut
Tamargull wrote:Oh, I now understand its my lack of ambition for TUFC that is the problem!! Yes of course I want us to be in the Conference, I do not dream of playing Div 1 football or God forbid, the Championship. I simply want us to continue our decline - I sometimes despair!!!!!
What the heck are you talking about?

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 15:32
by Dave
Scott, can't speak for the author, but I would suggest the post made by Tamaragull could well be a sarcastic reaction to a post made by G/S yesterday at 09.26 .

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 16:01
by Gullscorer
Gulliball wrote:Last week.

Berry made his debut after signing on the same terms.

The one before Berry might be harder to remember.
That's the one I meant.. :)

James McQuilkin Midfielder signs

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 16:02
by Gullscorer
forevertufc wrote:Scott, can't speak for the author, but I would suggest the post made by Tamaragull could well be a sarcastic reaction to a post made by G/S yesterday at 09.26 .
!0:36, I made it.. :~D