Mario Balotelli
Posted: 13 Jan 2015, 11:43
Madgull, with that angry rant you are displaying much of the ignorance, bigotry, racism and extremism which you see in the views of those with whom you disagree, which I’m sure you do not intend. Exaggerations, half-truths, a distorted and selective view of history, and personal attacks (including fallaciously attributing attitudes or statements to them which they have not displayed), do nothing to advance your own particular position in the discussion. I believe you’re better than that.
Where to begin? The Jews? Jews are moneygrabbers? All stereotypes contain a grain of truth, this one probably originating centuries ago in the Jewish practice of usury (moneylending at exorbitant rates) simply as a way to survive, in response to the historical social discrimination and legal restrictions placed upon Jews merely because Jews were a religious minority who dared to be different and ‘alien’. This can be seen in ‘The Merchant of Venice’, for which some misguided people declared Shakespeare to be anti-Semitic. The same misguidedness with which you appear to accuse others on this thread of racism, and with which religious and political ideologues attack anyone who dares to question or criticise or lampoon the prevailing group-think.
It’s ironic that a number of French Jews, fearing for their safety following the latest atrocities in Paris, are fleeing to the security of Israel, a state which, since it’s creation (and before, thanks to Zionist terrorism) has been driving Palestinians from their land and homes to make space for Jewish settlers. As much as anything else, this situation, and the unquestioning support of the USA for successive Israeli Government policies, has created the Arab grievances which have led to the growth of extreme Muslim groups.
As I tried to indicate earlier, to be offensive or insulting, to mock, ridicule and lampoon, even to perpetuate stereotypes, is actually a question of the degree to which one exercises common decency, good taste, courtesy and good manners. A healthy society copes with all this, even responds in kind, without resorting to accusations of extremism, racism, sexism, bigotry or whatever. Where the line is crossed, as all civilised people would agree, is in the making of threats, the inciting of hatred, violence and discrimination, and of course the resulting despicable acts committed by religious and political extremists. It would be a victory for these ideological fanatics if our society resorted to self-censorship, or worse, in order to appease their bullying. If nothing else, history has shown that such appeasement never works.
Can you see the difference? Or (to ask your own question) are you really so stupid..?? I don’t think you are; I hope not. Simply a lack of clear thinking, due to the lateness of the hour and perhaps a little too much imbibing..??
Where to begin? The Jews? Jews are moneygrabbers? All stereotypes contain a grain of truth, this one probably originating centuries ago in the Jewish practice of usury (moneylending at exorbitant rates) simply as a way to survive, in response to the historical social discrimination and legal restrictions placed upon Jews merely because Jews were a religious minority who dared to be different and ‘alien’. This can be seen in ‘The Merchant of Venice’, for which some misguided people declared Shakespeare to be anti-Semitic. The same misguidedness with which you appear to accuse others on this thread of racism, and with which religious and political ideologues attack anyone who dares to question or criticise or lampoon the prevailing group-think.
It’s ironic that a number of French Jews, fearing for their safety following the latest atrocities in Paris, are fleeing to the security of Israel, a state which, since it’s creation (and before, thanks to Zionist terrorism) has been driving Palestinians from their land and homes to make space for Jewish settlers. As much as anything else, this situation, and the unquestioning support of the USA for successive Israeli Government policies, has created the Arab grievances which have led to the growth of extreme Muslim groups.
As I tried to indicate earlier, to be offensive or insulting, to mock, ridicule and lampoon, even to perpetuate stereotypes, is actually a question of the degree to which one exercises common decency, good taste, courtesy and good manners. A healthy society copes with all this, even responds in kind, without resorting to accusations of extremism, racism, sexism, bigotry or whatever. Where the line is crossed, as all civilised people would agree, is in the making of threats, the inciting of hatred, violence and discrimination, and of course the resulting despicable acts committed by religious and political extremists. It would be a victory for these ideological fanatics if our society resorted to self-censorship, or worse, in order to appease their bullying. If nothing else, history has shown that such appeasement never works.
Can you see the difference? Or (to ask your own question) are you really so stupid..?? I don’t think you are; I hope not. Simply a lack of clear thinking, due to the lateness of the hour and perhaps a little too much imbibing..??