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Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 29 Jan 2015, 17:16
by Scott Brehaut
Who in their right mind goes onto social media after having sex, and posts about it? Surely some things are meant to stay behind closed doors?!

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 29 Jan 2015, 20:24
by Gullscorer
Who indeed? Well, there are quite a few idiots in the world. However, idiocy is not (yet) a crime, but guilt assumed by mere accusation is becoming very real. Consensual sex can easily become rape if she begins to have regrets, or wants to shift the blame for her sluttish behaviour, or wants to avoid bringing shame on herself, or doesn't want to admit she's been unfaithful to her boyfriend.. Or even if there's been no sex at all, if she's feeling vengeful or vindictive. In future, no evidence required, your guilty as accused, unless you can prove your innocence: ... rules.html

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 29 Jan 2015, 20:39
by robbotufc
what about letting the whole country know your business on The Jeremy Kyle Show ! and why do people do the lie detector test on this show knowing that they are going to fail

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 30 Jan 2015, 11:49
by Gullscorer
New Rape Rules Will Criminalise Innocent Men: ... ocent-men/

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 02 Feb 2015, 15:48
by Gullscorer
The man, a grandfather, worked nights taking home the drunk and the occasional disorderly character, the noisy, those who threw up inside his cab, and those who dropped cigarette butts that burned holes in his upholstery. At about 3am he picked up two women in their early twenties outside a well-known nightclub. He dropped the first one at her home and took the other to her home, a couple of miles away.

The moment he stopped the cab she ripped open her blouse and bra and screamed at the top of her voice: “Rape! Rape! I’m being raped!” Two men heard her screams and rushed to her aid. They dragged the driver from his cab, punched and pinned him to the ground, while one of them called the police.

The cab driver was taken in handcuffs to a police station. His cab was impounded while he was kept in custody for days being interviewed for hours on end. All the while he protested he had not touched the woman. The police didn’t (or couldn’t be seen to) believe him. From that moment, nobody else seemed to believe him either. News spread. This man was now a rapist. He explained to a colleague that the idea you are innocent until proven guilty was a myth. It may apply to other crimes he said, but not when a man is accused of rape.

Out of the blue he was told that all charges had been dropped. The police would not be prosecuting him for rape, or any other crime. “Why?” he asked. The father of the first woman had asked her what she knew. He persisted when she clammed up. Eventually she burst into tears and said: “Dad, all she did was try to get out of paying the fare. What’s wrong with that?” The cabbie has never driven his taxi since.

Warren Blackwell, a 36-year-old father of two, came off even worse. He was arrested, convicted and jailed for sexual assault and rape. He always maintained his innocence. His wife stood by him throughout. He served three years as a convicted rapist. Then in July 2006 he was released after a detailed investigation by the British Criminal Cases Review Commission concluded he was innocent all along.

Who can imagine the horrors he had to endure because of the evil actions of the woman, whose identity was protected under British law while his name was published repeatedly in the national press? Even the woman’s mother described her as “A persistent liar, very manipulative and a bully.” It emerged that the woman had a history of making serious false allegations. To date she has not been prosecuted.

How many other innocent men have had their lives wrecked because anonymous accusers make false allegations and get away with it? And how many of these dishonest women make it even more difficult for genuine rape victims to secure convictions against their vicious attackers?

From ‘Venus – The Dark Side’

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 02 Feb 2015, 17:05
by Scott Brehaut
When I was in the force and somebody claimed rape, we had a little thing called swabs to check for DNA. Works amazingly well, and often sorted out the "wheat from the chaff" so to speak.

Put it this way, if somebody claims they have been raped in the above scenarios, a quick swab would highlight if there had been any sexual activity between the two parties.

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 02 Feb 2015, 17:19
by Gullscorer
Scott Brehaut wrote:When I was in the force and somebody claimed rape, we had a little thing called swabs to check for DNA. Works amazingly well, and often sorted out the "wheat from the chaff" so to speak.

Put it this way, if somebody claims they have been raped in the above scenarios, a quick swab would highlight if there had been any sexual activity between the two parties.
You'd think that would be normal procedure, but would that also prove mere physical contact or beating by the accused, and what if any sex was consensual? These days there seems to be pressure to bring accusations of rape and sexual violence to court regardless of the evidence, and even in the absence of any evidence when accusations are made months or years after the alleged event, where the passage of time effectively prevents the accused from mounting a meaningful or fair defence.

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 07 Feb 2015, 18:16
by Gullscorer
Police/CPS ignore blackmail letters, charge Derbyshire fire chief with rape. Jury takes just ten minutes to find him not guilty: ... nutes.html

And this: ... ations.pdf

Or this:

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 04 Apr 2015, 12:06
by Gullscorer
Serial rape wrongly accused: ... een-set-up
The most famous wrongly accused man in history: ... ongly.html

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 02:57
by Gullscorer
False accusation of rape: Western Times - Friday 5 November 1886

George Neel, 18, a fish hawker, was charged with committing a rape upon Mary Evans, at Berry Pomeroy, on the 2nd of September. Mr. Underhay prosecuted; Mr. Carter defended. The prosecutrix is the wife of John Evans, a boat builder, of Brixham.

The Judge said that during the 11 years he had been on the Bench he had known more absolutely false charges for rape than for any other offence. As had been remarked more than 200 years ago, it was a charge easily made, but very difficult to disprove. The present was a somewhat extraordinary case in which there was violent and conflicting testimony with which the jury must deal. His Lordship summed up strongly in favour of the prisoner, who was acquitted.


Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 10 Apr 2015, 20:51
by Gullscorer
At last, a judge with common sense! A pity this doesn't extend to the politically correct Crown Prosecution Service. ... l#comments

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 15 Apr 2015, 23:44
by Gullscorer
More than 50% of rape and sexual abuse accusations are false: ... -rape.html
Avoid social media:

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 18 Apr 2015, 22:58
by Gullscorer

Is nobody safe..?

Posted: 28 Apr 2015, 09:26
by Gullscorer