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Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 17:51
by Richinns
Eddy - you are bumming me out. Club are working hard to get the right people in. We don't need a left back as if we sign a midfielder (which I belive will be the next addition) then Butler can drop back to his natural position with Nicho as adequate back-up.

Added in 2 minutes 42 seconds:
With Briscoe gone we need a wide man to replace him and a central midfielder to replace Heslop.

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 18:23
by Dazza
On his day he was a match winner and I wish him well. However his injury record wasn't brilliant and he 'rested' in games so he wasn't likely to be saving us from the drop. He was just a big bloke and personally I think a lot of the nasty remarks were totally uncalled for. So was Neville Southall and to me he was a legend.

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 19:00
by SBP
On his day he was a match winner?? Not sure I agree with that Dazza. How many games did he win for us?? I cant remember any. In fact I wonder just how many games he actually lasted the full 90 min? Cant remember too many of them to be fair.

Of course I wish him well, he did have ability and he did show flashes of it but Im glad to see the back of him to be honest.

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 19:56
by Jeff
SBP wrote:How many games did he win for us?? I cant remember any
Barnet last season (on the TV) without a shadow of a doubt - he was outstanding that day.

But I'm in the camp that aren't too fussed to see the back of him. Clearly had quality on the ball, but he was just so inconsistent and went missing for far too long far too often.

We weren't getting value for money out of him, so lets hope the chunk of wages available can be used for better purposes

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 20:01
by DevonYellow
Disgraceful a professional footballer can allow himself to be in such poor shape. Good riddance.

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 20:30
by Kernowgull
Dazza wrote:On his day he was a match winner and I wish him well. However his injury record wasn't brilliant and he 'rested' in games so he wasn't likely to be saving us from the drop. He was just a big bloke and personally I think a lot of the nasty remarks were totally uncalled for. So was Neville Southall and to me he was a legend.

Hardly the same 1) Southall was a keeper, so not required to run around for 90 minutes 2) he was bloody brilliant. If Briscoe was bloody brilliant, no one would criticise his size, he isn't, and his lack of fitness is a big part of why,, so they can, and do.

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 22:27
by tomogull
He sometimes promised much, but rarely delivered. Maybe he'd be a good player if matches were 30 minutes each way as he never lasted a full 90 minutes. He was handy to have as a bench warmer (when he declared himself fit), but I'm not sorry to see him go ...... as long as we bring in someone to replace him who can show more commitment.

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 22:28
by eddyh
Richins- we are saying the same thing. We need a midfielder and someone else to play left back which could come from signing a winger Although I thought Butler left massive holes behind him when he played at the back and looks better further forward. I still think we need a decent keeper as for all his promise, lavercome costs us a lot of points through his inexperience

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 23:35
by midtable
A decent player but clearly carrying an injury which is why he could not last 90 minutes. Good luck to him in the future. Remember his wages are considered low at other non-league clubs so no one at Torquay should ever be branded greedy. Unless, of course you seriously believe Luke Young should have abandoned his contract at the beginning of the season after his serious injury.

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 13 Jan 2016, 23:57
by yellowforever
Not going to lie, the title amused me a lot. I can just imagine Nicholson being told he needs to get rid of some players before he can bring in another, and turning to Briscoe like this ten minutes later.


On a more serious note it's probably a good move. Talented as he may be, you can't have expensive passengers like him in a relegation battle.

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 11:54
by pinitgull
That will be the Lavercombe fee paid to Briscoe then....

I have my concerns about the people running this club. Why didn't they get him out on loan if they wanted to free up some money!!

Added in 4 seconds:
That will be the Lavercombe fee paid to Briscoe then....

I have my concerns about the people running this club. Why didn't they get him out on loan if they wanted to free up some money!!

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 12:09
by Kernowgull
pinitgull wrote:That will be the Lavercombe fee paid to Briscoe then....

I have my concerns about the people running this club. Why didn't they get him out on loan if they wanted to free up some money!!

Added in 4 seconds:
That will be the Lavercombe fee paid to Briscoe then....

I have my concerns about the people running this club. Why didn't they get him out on loan if they wanted to free up some money!!
What? They've free'd up allegedly a grand a week, and you're complaining? That's at least 1 decent player in exchange for one who has never performed, if not 2 or 3.

Who would want him on loan that would pay enough towards his wages to make it worthwhile? Maybe he wanted out and has agreed to terminate for 1 or 2 months salary. Maybe he has fixed up another club and left for free. Maybe he wants to be a car salesman. All of those are more likely than us paying up his contract in full. If we'd paid his contract up in full, we would have just kept him on until the end of it, surely.

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 12:23
by ferrarilover
pinitgull wrote:That will be the Lavercombe fee paid to Briscoe then....

I have my concerns about the people running this club. Why didn't they get him out on loan if they wanted to free up some money!!

Added in 4 seconds:
That will be the Lavercombe fee paid to Briscoe then....

I have my concerns about the people running this club. Why didn't they get him out on loan if they wanted to free up some money!!

I have my concerns that Torquay United seem to have attracted yet another stupid 'supporter' with a mouth much bigger than his brain.

Where do you lot keep coming from? Is there a farm where you're bred and released periodically into society, or do you just roam free until you find a place you like?


Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 12:28
by Stevie_RitchTea
New striker to be announced soon according to Twitter

Briscoe Terminated

Posted: 14 Jan 2016, 12:43
by pinitgull
Forgive me if I am wrong.....I assume Louis has to have his contract paid up. He will have been under contract until June. Even if it wasn't paid up in full, I know that the club will have had to offer a settlement.

You can't just tell a player he is free to leave..........