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Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:19
by Fonda
I'm not sure we can claim misfortune. Make no mistake we've done this to ourselves and invited all the problems we're currently facing.

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:20
by Dave_Pougher
Dutchgull wrote:Gargs second was an o.g when do we ever get a break like that. More stomach churning crap from that clown Sparkes on Radio Argyle. By the way they only paid £750 for their pitch. What a shame we cant get away with cheating like that.

Didn't think they even paid that. Apperently the guy who layed the turf was offered .007p in the £ by the administrators

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:22
by Modgull
Didn't expect anything from today's game so not too disappointed, especially since we have minimised the effect on our goal difference.

The disappointment came from Argyle and Dagenham winning and Aldershot now having two games in hand.

I said before the York game that that was the biggest game in the Club's history since our Wembley triumph but that has been superseded by next week's game against Barnet. If we don't win it I think it will be almost all over because I can only see a maximum of two points from the last two games.

So lets all get down to Plainmoor next week and create a massive 12th man effect! COYY!!

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:24
by Gazzableedsgull
In reality though that's 3 defeats in a row .. I know it's against promotion chasing teams but teams around us manage a victory against these teams, argyle today against Cheltenham and against city last week, Dagenham beating city today, rochdale hammering Fleetwood, it's clear we don't have the quality or mental ability to deal with this situation. I think we should play dirty for the last 3 games, hard tackles, shoot on sight .. We don't need attractive football now .. We need points and goals!

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:28
by Dutchgull
Come on Port Vale on Tuesday but the way its been going ........
:( :(

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:30
by Burnhamgull
When was the last time the crowd created an atmosphere the players excelled in??????

Anyone thinking we can get something from the Rovers game are deluded. They have already sold their allocation of tickets and I know several supporters who have plans to come into the home sections. Plainmoor will be swamped by blue and white and believe me, they're coming to party.

This is a dark time and nothing other than a win against Barnet will give us any chance. As Gazza says, we don't have the mental attitude to deal with this. Too many players seem uninterested in our plight and the leadership at the top has failed dismally.

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:38
by Lloyder5
Versus York City 23-03-2013

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:43
by taxilady
Re Rovers...yes they already have purchased tickets in the home sections. Yes, they know about that at Plainmoor. Ticket Office girls told me last week that if they display colours or shout, they will be escorted out.

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:46
by Fonda
I can only imagine the stewards will be well up for escorting scores of Rovers fans out of the ground. In reality, if they turn up in big numbers, they'll be free to do whatever they please, and the club will be left to stand by and hope for the best. Much like in every other aspect of our season in fact.

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:46
by tauntongull
Re Rovers...yes they already have purchased tickets in the home sections. Yes, they know about that at Plainmoor. Ticket Office girls told me last week that if they display colours or shout, they will be escorted out.
Yes, right. We'll simply roll over and let them scratch our belly - can't wait to see them enforce that!

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:46
by Dutchgull
Stewards will be busy for once then !!!

:lol: :lol:

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:48
by tauntongull
Optimism on our chances for survival is one thing. Blind optimism is another!. I wonder how demoralising it is standing on the pitch watching the Gillingham players celebrate promotion. Personally, I can't see that we have it in us to survive. Psychologically this is a damaged team. Our only hope is other results in my opinion.

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 17:49
by coley in stripes
So it all comes down to next week's game. Expected to get beat today, only 1-0 so we actually got a result and + GD is just enough to be an advantage through to the end....Win next week and may squeeze enough points by the end, draw won't be enough even though many will not 'stop believing' (sad that), lose and we will go down.....I'm sure that's the general feeling am I right ????

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 18:08
by Scott Brehaut
coley wrote: draw won't be enough even though many will not 'stop believing' (sad that)
Why is it "sad" if some don't stop believing?

Re: Gillingham v Torquay United - 6/4/13

Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 18:10
by SuperNickyWroe
its not scotty!