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The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 12:09
by Gullscorer

The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 19:39
by KeithMalone
Nick Griffin

If #JoCox dies (& we all pray she doesn't) just watch #Remain exploit the tragedy in attempt to shore up their crumbling blackmail campaign

Words cannot explain my feelings toward Nick Griffin following this tweet, a truly vile human being!

The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 19:46
by Gullscorer
:goodpost: Agreed. And he's a complete idiot. I'll never understand the mentality of some people. All decent people's thoughts and prayers are with Jo Cox's family. Any attempt to politicise her murder belongs in the gutter.

The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 16 Jun 2016, 21:53
by Trojan 67
Another cracker from cracker Pat:


The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 18 Jun 2016, 21:16
by chunkygull

The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 19 Jun 2016, 11:50
by Trojan 67
The EUSSR is infamous for its totalitarian management by unelected bureaucrats. All functions are carried out by its "civil service".

At the sh*tty end of the EUSSR stick, Torquay is known worldwide for its Fawlty Sybil service.


The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 19 Jun 2016, 12:32
by KeithMalone

Someone thought this poster was a good idea, can only assume it is someone who dismisses the 2nd World War as having not happened. Personally I'm looking forward to it all being over on Thursday. If we have learned nothing else during this campaign it is that there are some serious muppets in Government and whichever side loses they will harp on about how it could have all been so different had they won, blaming anything bad on the party that did win.

The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 19 Jun 2016, 13:04
by Trojan 67
Cracker Pat:


The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 19 Jun 2016, 16:34
by Trojan 67
Cracker Pat's view on migration :


The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 19 Jun 2016, 23:35
by Gullscorer


The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 20 Jun 2016, 22:28
by Gullscorer

Stronger Safer Chickens

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 14:18
by Alpine Joe


The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 09:58
by Gullscorer

The NHS will be killed off if the UK votes to stay in the EU: ... pean-Union ... -permanent

After a British EU exit, we can spend as much money on the NHS as it requires, and also fund all the services, grants, and subsidies we need and still have loads left over.


The Remain campaign claims this is untrue, but we do send more than £350 million a week to the EU: The ONS says £19.1 billion is ‘debited’ from the UK each year in favour of the EU institutions (£367.4 million a week). (So £350 million is an under-estimate). Yet according to the House of Commons library we actually send £7.1 billion a year to the EU.

The Remain campaign try to claim the money we get back in rebates is EU money. It’s not, it’s British taxpayers’ money, but it’s the EU who controls it, it's the EU that decides who gets it, and how it is used.

Our actual net contribution to the EU is £115 million a week, or £6 billion a year. That is £115 million a week that we don’t get back and which we could use to fund UK industries, health, education, and housing. ... 5-million/

Here are some other costs we pay to the EU which you won’t hear the Remain side mentioning:

£2.4 billion in VAT paid direct to Brussels;
£1.7 billion ‘punishment for success’ because we had higher growth than expected;
£642 million fine for ‘poor accounting’ on farm subsidies (from our money);
£1 billion toeards bail-out of Greece;
£150 million for not flying the EU flag on projects partly funded by the EU with our money;
£250 million to Turkey and Albania to help them join the EU;
£300 million fine every year until we meet pollution targets set by the EU;
£22 billion gifted from the EU to boost the French economy;
£300 million estimated cost to UK businesses of EU red tape;
£40 million lost due to unpaid EU student loans;
£250 million towards helping with the costs of the migrant crisis in Europe.

Plus 5% higher costs in VAT for our energy bills, more than any other EU country;

Plus the EU Water Directive which makes it impossible to effectively dredge our rivers, causing dlooding which costs the country millions.

The EU will drag us into poverty: ... dum-Brexit

The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 10:01
by Gullscorer
The case for Brexit is strategic and clear. The EU is not – and cannot become – a democracy. Instead, it provides the most hospitable ecosystem in the developed world for rentier monopoly corporations, tax-dodging elites and organised crime. It has an executive so powerful it could crush the leftwing government of Greece; a legislature so weak that it cannot effectively determine laws or control its own civil service. A judiciary that, in the Laval and Viking judgments, subordinated workers’ right to strike to an employer’s right do business freely.’

The EU has now approved tax measures which will lead to a harmonised corporate tax base (CCCTB) and the introduction of tax identity numbers for every EU citizen. This is a shameless attempt to lay the foundations for a European tax and create a centralised EU tax system. Along with the Euro currency, this is proof of the EU’s intentions to create a superstate ruled by EU Commissioners who cannot be voted out of office.

Europe catches a third of the world’s fish and most of it comes from Britain’s waters in the north atlantic, but Britain doesn’t benefit from it (Spanish trawlers do). Even if the Northern Irish and Scots don’t want to fish themselves they could make a pretty penny from issuing licences to those who do. ... key-issue/ ... ooklet.pdf ... ntrol.html ... exit-58389

The European Union: In or Out?

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 10:10
by Gullscorer
If we left the EU with no trade deal – inconceivable given the tariff-free zone from Iceland to Turkey – our exports would face EU tariffs averaging just 2.4 per cent. But our net contribution to the EU budget is equivalent to a 7 per cent tariff. Paying 7 cent to avoid 2.4 per cent costs is mis-selling that dwarfs the PPI scandal ! In addition, the EU forces us to impose tariff barriers to the rest of the world, which impoverish, for example, African farmers. By leaving the EU, goods from the rest of the world would be cheaper, and producers worldwide would also benefit.

If the E.U was such an economic success story we wouldn't have an economic Chernobyl in Greece with 25% unemployment and 45% youth unemployment, a similar situation in Spain and Portugal, with the IMF bailing out countries. The "remain" camp have already lost the economic argument to stay in the E.U, because the E.U is an economic disaster.

Did you know Eu Central Bank had power to confiscate a big % of your bank account ? A repeat of 2008 may see them impose it on Uk bank accounts. If you just got the cheque for a mortgage that day, unlucky.