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Brace yourselves

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 19:52
by Richinns
ferrarilover wrote:Suppose GI do make a statement, will any of us believe what it says?


Brace yourselves

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 19:56
by lucy6lucy
Well it can only get better, it can't be any worse than it currently is surely. GI are unlikely to come out tomorrow and say we only acquired the club to get the land, will not invest anymore money and the future is uncertain.lets just see what statement of intent is released. Boycotting matches at the moment is not going to benefit the future of the club

Brace yourselves

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 20:02
by Thegulls1981
Agree Lucy, I have thought long and hard think about where I am with things and have settled on the fact my 6 year old loves the club and I won't deprive him of the opportunity to support them when we can.

He doesn't get what's going on and to refuse to take him would be very selfish and something I would regret even more if he doesn't get the chance to watch them in the future.

Brace yourselves

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 20:12
by Richinns
Not going and crowds reducing further will only and add emphasis for them to run the club down should that be their wish.


Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 20:23
by Rjc70
The stadium at Poole has been there since the 1930's, Gloster.

There's been a ceremonial ground-break at Swindon where a unified fan base and local authority came together after flats and housing on the outskirts 10 years on had been the only progress of the site and its environs. A triumph of community over bulldozer and additional housing? Perhaps. If it gets past the ceremonial stage. I hope so. (even if they were the Argyle to my Torquay back before my club died ;-))

Dave - Yeah, very sad re Reading. I think plans are in for alternative use now. I'm not sure as I have tried to distance myself a bit as it still hurts. Odd that my love of TUFC will doubtless lead to me looking further into the demise of a former love.

Gaming International have taken our club hostage

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 21:23
by Scott Brehaut
Phillips and the gang haven't kept us informed of anything throughout their tenure, so don't hold your breath....

Gaming International have taken our club hostage

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 21:34
by Plymouth Gull
And even when he does.. it's probably a lie.

Gaming International have taken our club hostage

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 21:53
by arcadia
I don't know if it's a coincidence but Bristol Rovers have a Ken Masters as a director any relation.

Gaming International have taken our club hostage

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 22:02
by Dazza
We who stand to be convinced about GI are all very angry they have been given any chance with us given their track record. We had hoped that every avenue would be completely thoroughly explored before the club was passed to them. However I don't think you right on your allegation Scott- it's an easy one to make at this time but I don't think it's factually correct.

Brace yourselves

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 22:06
by Jerry
Posted earlier on the TFF:

The whistle-blowers would like to inform you of the facts;

They say that hind-sight is a great thing, so we are going to provide you with information prior to press release tomorrow
(19 Dec 16):

1. Thea Bristow has written off the £200,000 floating loan.
2. TUFC directors had no intentions of letting the club be owned by the community.
3. Pete Masters has travelled to TUFC, from Truro, twice a week for many months. We will not insult your intelligence by
explaining why he has done this, most of you are fully aware of his reasons.
4. The staff were willing to work for FREE for one month to ensure that GI did not get control of the club.
5. Some staff had raised in excess of £87,000 which would see the club through until the end of January. They did this to
prevent GI taking control.
6. The chinese business group, from Hong Kong, had the necessary funds to take over the club at the end of January. In the
long term, this would have been a far better option for the club.
7. All directors travelled to Truro on Thursday to see Pete Masters in relation to the free GI take over. When I say
£120,000 is nothing when you stand to gain millions from DEVELOPMENT.
8. It is alleged that TUFC received a letter from Torbay Council stating that they would sell Plainmoor. This was in October
and coincides with when GI opened up a new company.
9. At a meeting on Friday, Rob Stanley, Manager/Club Secretary offered his resignation when it became clear that the board
were prepared to let GI have the club. However, GI held the board over a barrel by telling them that they were personally
liable for the loan from GI. Also recall that Pete Masters has in excess of £50,000 invested in TUFC and it was on his
advice that the board took GI's offer despite the fact that the Chinese business group was a far, far better offer. They
refused Rob Stanley's resignation.
10. It is clear that TUFC, as we know it, will have a very short life span and both Pete Masters and GI have done the club no
favours at all. They say that they will put £500,000 in; any company would put in £500,000 if they knew categorically that
they would receive millions in return.
11. Everyone should now write to the council, condemning any sale to private companies as it is in the public's interest to
keep Plainmoor as a football ground. Profit should not be a priority over the communities history and happiness.
12. This take-over has been planned to coincide with the Christmas period when they know that we are all committed to our
families, as we should be at this time of year. However, we all love our club as our fathers did and our children will; we
must take a stand to save it now. It may be late in the day, but GI has not signed the contracts and we respectfully
request that you bombard Dave Phillip, who is clearly hell-bent on letting GI have TUFC, stating that he should not sign
the contracts with GI. If he decides to proceed with this, he should hang his head in shame on his way out the door to
Australia. Although he will be at the club for a short period of time, it will be a farce.
13. The club have other options that will be a far better option; including the chines business group.
14. The Herald Express has been contacted on many occasions and in our opinion, the paper has failed to keep the fans truly
15. The writing is on the wall for TUFC; this could be the final year for TUFC as we know it.
16. We can block them in many ways; we call upon Dave Phillips to call a halt to the agreement with GI, despite being
blackmailed (in our opinion) by GI who state that the directors are personally liable for the GI loans. We would also like
to remind Dave Phillips that Pete Masters was supposed to be an adviser, not the decision maker - don't forget the
investment he has made.

We would like to wish you all a happy Christmas and wish you happiness for all times. Before you comment on this post, we would ask that you read it a couple of times so you can understand what it is we are trying to tell you.

Let's save our beloved club - support the TUST and lobby the council not to sell the grounds.

Yours sincerely

The whistle-blowers ... lTo=123700

Merse then comments on BTPIR that the staff members mentioned who raised the £87,000 were Rob Stanley (who has offered his resignation), Sharon Cox and Kevin Nicholson. ... ip?page=61

Brace yourselves

Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 22:43
by Thegulls1981
I know a fair amount of this to be 100% correct (certainly not all of it), so have no reason to disbelieve the other parts (although I was informed the funds the staff were raising were for the Americans that came back in not Chinese).

As I mentioned on a different thread 'good people' had done something fantastic to try and save us from GI but I didn't want to name names as a lot are still at the club but now the whistle blowers have stated who I think they deserve huge credit for all their efforts.

Contrary to Merse (the self created font of all knowledge and he who must be reveared and listened too who bans you from his site should you dare to challenge!!!) I was not directly involved so had no benefit to be "milking it for all it's worth" I just heard what a fantastic thing these guys had done and felt people deserved to know. Up until about 2pm on Friday as I understand it they had succeeded.


Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 23:08
by brucie
Do you really think that Osborne "is going to be honest with the fans" - this is the bloke who ten days ago was denying that GI were involved in any takeover.

This is the same Osborne who hadn't been anywhere near a Torquay match when they were supposed to be buying the club earlier in the year.

Do you really think the likes of Masters/Osborne will be good for the club?

They just want the ground for their own ends, that's the top and bottom of it. The one thing that Masters/Osborne and Phillips have in common are that they are blatant downright LIARS - the lot of them.

It already seems that people want "to give them the benefit of the doubt" - its amazing how easily people can be duped and hoodwinked, they will lap up any bullshit however it is fed to them.


Posted: 18 Dec 2016, 23:31
by IanGull01
Is Harrop involved with Osborne? I thought I read when they were first interested that they are related? I might be wrong.


Posted: 19 Dec 2016, 00:02
by SenorDingDong
The Bristol Rovers story is the one you really should be concerned about. It's a minor miracle they survived.


Posted: 19 Dec 2016, 09:57
by Dave
Really do not think it's a case of fans, being duped, hoodwinked, naive, gullible or anything else, all of us who follow the forums, social media etc, know by now the history and reputation of G.I.

For me it's case of hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

At this stage none of us really know what G.I are going to do with our football in a matter of fact, we think we know, we suspect we know, actions of course speak louder than words. Withdrawing support, protesting, will force G.I to do exactly what we think they're going to do.

Do G.I deserve a chance to speak and be heard by us fans, yes they do, they also deserve a chance to prove themselves, however if as we suspect their intentions are not honorable, then what we the fans going to do about it ?