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Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:24
by Dave
austrianandygull wrote:Ellis now on level terms for the season with one of our main strikers on 2 goals!! (Sorry Tai)
It's a squad game andy :na:

Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:26
by bixieupnorth
austrianandygull wrote:I've had 2 accas Bix. £20 on Oxford, York, Oldham, Sheff Wed and Swindon and £20 on Gilligham, Kidderminster, Grimsby, West Ham and Preston.
good luck with that andy, chuffing blades behind!! did an odd bet, barnsley and boro double, the two teams i swore never to back!! quite a few quid accs but nothing worth posting on here, unless they come in later of course!!
Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:26
by Dave
Daggers 1 up now, Plymouth might have to beat Creepy if stays like this.
Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:27
by bixieupnorth
good save and gather by bobby then
this wind literally sounds dreadful doesnt it!! we're playing against it this half so hopefully we can use it to our benefit in 2nd half
Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:28
by Dave
Against a strong wind, we must happy with this so far.
Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:29
by Gulliball
bixieupnorth wrote:is that a software fault with this forum??
No, what happens is that if anyone replies bewteen the time you click reply and the time you submit your post, the new messages are shown to you before your post is published. This gives you a chance to change your post if you want to. It stops repeat posting, ie if someone asks a question and it is answered before you then you don't have to repeat it. It also allows you to adapt your post if the post above you is now no longer the one you are replying to.
Obviously when a goal is scored there's a lot of people posting very short posts at exactly the same time, so it's liable to happen. Just keep clicking submit and usually on the 2nd or 3rd time your post will be submitted.
Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:34
by Dave
Is Bobby.O a Carlsberg Keeper
Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:35
by bixieupnorth
kin barnsley, i bloody knew it!!
Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:37
by bixieupnorth
amd now boro too!! that'll teach me, only £2
Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:37
by exilegull
Hereford equalised at Oxford so at the moment we are in a place off position

Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:38
by Dave
exilegull wrote:Hereford equalised at Oxford so at the moment we are in a place off position

SSSSHHH , hopefully no one heard you

Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:39
by exilegull
Play off obviously
Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:42
by Dave
exilegull wrote:Play off obviously
Thats what i meant aswell, you might jinx us.

Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:47
by exilegull
I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it
Re: Morecambe v Torquay United - League Two - 21/1/12
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:49
by Dave
H/T Happy with that, now we have the wind behind us..COYY