Now that is a very provocative thought.Gullscorer wrote: But there is one other possibility: that the son is using his Mum as an excuse to avoid going to the match, even perhaps being secretly desirous of going to church with her rather than supporting the Gulls. Oh, perish the thought..!
Some would call it a Ling blasphemy.
Now I’m not a God botherer myself, but I would have thought that most churches would have more than one service, and even within an area they would have staggered kick-off times. Evensong etc.
After all, this is not the end of season games to decide the play-offs and most people attending will already know the result.
I am becoming increasingly concerned for chippygull’s spiritual wellbeing if he cannot attend his own place of worship (The Pop).
Surely a compromise can be found before it is too late?
I am praying to God that someone does.......