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Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 12:05
by Dave
Personaly I would not accuse Tai Atieno of being lazy or directly lacking interest, however their were times on the pitch were he looked as if he was not interested,whether he meant it or not.

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 12:26
by Chris B
ferrarilover wrote:Another excellent rebuttal which addresses the points raised, have a cookie.

What 'points' were raised?!

Kittiwake – who I'm guessing knows Tai personally – highlighted Atieno's goal-to-minute ratio for 2011/12 was better than Howe's (I don't know if this is accurate), and answered claims he didn't try or take his career seriously.

The rest of us are more than aware Atieno has deficiencies in his game, but realise we've had many worse players in the past and will in the future. Seven goals, including winners against the top 2, is hardly a record for a reserve striker to be ashamed of.

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 12:35
by royalgull
I agree with Ling's summary pretty much. Atieno's career suggests there wasn't much else to come from him, at best we'd get a similar story to this year, maybe 5-6 goals but he's just not a player that will move the club forward. Much like McPhee and a few others. From what I hear Jarvis has been mustard in training and at 25 with his pedigree I also agree with Ling that there is more in the locker with him than Tai posesses. If it's a straight choice then for me it's a no brainer.

It depends where the club wants to go, if we want to be a midtable/lower end of the table club then the likes of McPhee and Atieno are adequate. If the club wants to be better than that then they need better players simple as that. If I was a Conference club manager I'd certainly consider taking Tai as I don't consider him to be hopeless, just not quite up to it at this level consistently. Which again his career path highlights.

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 12:35
by nicktufc
He scored some good goals and some important goals, but as McLeod proved at Barnet, goals aren't the be all and end all of football.

Tai ran his socks off in some games, and looked disinterested in others, not uncommon at this level. The issue is with his overall contribution and unfortunately also with actual ability. He does not have the first touch of a professional footballer, nor the consistency to succeed in L2.

Overall he was better than I initially thought he would be, but not as good as we need him to be in order to contribute regularly in a squad the size we work with.

Good decision by Ling

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 12:37
by ferrarilover
Kittiwake also suggested that Tai had done extra training and stayed away from the demon drink. I made the extrapolation that, I'd he doesn't have fitness, sloth or other problems to raise as a defence against his generally poor show this year, he must suffer a lack of talent. In the absence of a rebuttal, one can only reasonably presume my assertion correct.


Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 12:48
by Chris B
ferrarilover wrote:I made the extrapolation that [...] he must suffer a lack of talent.
You make it sound like you've reached an original conclusion to his frustrating performances!

I'm not sure how many more times I can say we are all aware of his limitations, it would just be fitting to wish him well and accept his contributions to an undoubtedly positive season. As much as he's a better player, who performed more effectively and scored more goals, I would argue Rene, with his two red cards, let us down more than Atieno during 2011/12.

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 16:06
by nicktufc
How you can suggest that Rene let us down more than Atieno is beyond me. Time and again he had chance to nail down a place in the side, and every time, Howe proved his worth to us, and the gap in talent was never more apparent than Cheltenham away in the play off game.

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 16:13
by stefano
When Atieno was forced in to our side to replace Howe who was suspended for indiscipline he fitted in well and we never lost. He scored some very important goals and even got our only play off goal after others had missed several simpler chances. Much under rated I think and I certainly wish him well - other than playing against us ;-)

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 16:55
by Southampton Gull
kittiwake wrote: I'm interested to see how Jarvis is used next season. Will he become Howe's back-up, like Tai has been, or go up 4-4-2.
It may surprise fans that Tai's goal tally in comparison to minutes on the pitch, compares favourably to Howe's!

As Stefano so eloquently put it, when we needed Tai he delivered. I wish him well wherever he goes and I thank him for wiping the smile off that arrogant toerag Buckles face. There is definitely something there and with the right backing he will deliver for someone.

Please wish him well from me, and thanks for your time as a Torquay fan, all the best, Dave.

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 17:09
by gullintwoplaces
I also wish him the best, hope he finds a decent club to take him on. He scored some valuable goals for us.

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 19:00
by ferrarilover
stefano wrote:When Atieno was forced in to our side to replace Howe who was suspended for indiscipline he fitted in well and we never lost. He scored some very important goals and even got our only play off goal after others had missed several simpler chances. Much under rated I think and I certainly wish him well - other than playing against us ;-)
Why are we getting relegated two divisions?


Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 19:14
by jonnyfive
ferrarilover wrote:So, no beer, no sloth, plenty of interest, no distractions, extra training, high fitness. Only one thing left, he must suffer a lack of talent. Sadly, of all the traits here mentioned, the only one beyond his control is ability, you can't polish a turd, but you can make it run more and stop drinking. Shame.

Downright rude comment to make to someone who obviously knows the player personally.

Still it wouldn't be ferrarilover if you didn't attempt to shock by making a p*ss-weak attempt at a witticism.

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 20:19
by Chris B
nicktufc wrote:How you can suggest that Rene let us down more than Atieno is beyond me.
Stefano and SG summed it up pretty well, and it's quite simple. We all know Howe's better than Atieno, but I can't feel let down by someone who played to the maximum their ability allows. Atieno did this, but it doesn't mean it was good enough to lead to a contract renewal, hence why Ling opted to release him.

Rene's two red cards were unprofessional and, in truth, he was even a little fortunate only one resulted in a serious injury (former Gull Reuben Hazell missed the rest of the season). Through his indiscipline he let us down in those 2 games and the subsequent lengthy suspensions he had to serve, during which Tai ably deputised. Don't get me wrong, though, I love Rene!

Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 20:42
by ferrarilover
jonnyfive wrote: Downright rude comment to make to someone who obviously knows the player personally.

Still it wouldn't be ferrarilover if you didn't attempt to shock by making a p*ss-weak attempt at a witticism.
You want to get a new record pal, this one is both shit and stuck.

Pot - kettle - black.


Re: Atieno gone

Posted: 24 May 2012, 20:52
by kittiwake
jonnyfive wrote:
Downright rude comment to make to someone who obviously knows the player personally.

Still it wouldn't be ferrarilover if you didn't attempt to shock by making a p*ss-weak attempt at a witticism.

Thanks Jonnyfive, I thought so too, so let's hope it was Matt's idea of humour.

Edited to fix quote - SG