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Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 12 Sep 2012, 16:43
by Regiment
i think it's impossible to pick a favourite film. it is for me anyway. depending on the mood i'm in, i'll watch something one day, and not be interested on another day. I also work in the film industry, so i tend to look for certain things in films now that don't effect most people's viewing pleasure. anyway, some films i've watched stupid amounts of times, and will watch many more times include :-

Blues Brothers (this is probably as close as i could get to picking "a favourite").
Bourne Films
Terminator Films (1 & 2 anyway)
Lethal Weapon Films
The Amazing Spiderman (not the best of films, but the best 3D i've seen to date)
Prometheus (again, not the best film, but visually amazing)
Con Air
Toy Story
Forrest Gump
Escape To Victory
The Bucket List
American Pie (1-3, and reunion)
Boyz N The Hood
Bad Boys 1 & 2
Cool Runnings
Pulp Fiction
Ferris Beuller's Day Off
Lord Of Rings Films (and soon to be released, The Hobbit should be just as good if not better)

see, i just can't pick a sensible number, i could be here all night..........sorry

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 10:33
by Glostergull
Trojan 67 wrote:You passed over my house without calling in ? :red:

Randle Patrick McMurphy has nothing on Trojan. ;-)

No He doesn't. But I bet the seasgulls will. if you wait long enough :lol:

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 11:25
by monkeyboy
1 - Leon
2 - Pan's Labyrinth
3 - Rocky
4 - Wizard of Oz (original)
5 - Usual Suspects

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 11 Oct 2012, 22:14
by stratfordgull
Some good choices already and if limited to only five mine would have to be:

Oh Mr Porter
The Man With X-Ray Eyes
Kind Hearts and Coronets (the proper original)
It's a Mad Mad World

Could exchange all five for

Sons of the Desert
The Premature Burial
The Ladykillers
The Third Man
Disney Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

So that's ten then and could still find another ten to swap out.

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 12 Oct 2012, 18:03
by Gullscorer
I forgot to mention the Russian film version of War and Peace, directed by Sergei Bondarchuk. Saw it in the cinema at the time, at the end of the nineteen-sixties? A film so long that it had to be shown over two evenings. I still remember it now, the drama, the romance, the battle scenes, the tragedy, the pathos of people's lives and the ultimate triumph of human destiny. Absolutely awesome.

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 26 Oct 2012, 13:21
by Gullscorer
And choose your own from this lot. Start here:

But on a more serious note, I would put this one top:

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 26 Oct 2012, 13:33
by AustrianAndyGull
The Sound of Music is by far the best EVER :Oops:

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 00:12
by Gullscorer
austrianandygull wrote:The Sound of Music is by far the best EVER :Oops:
No it's not. 'The Plank' is the best ever:

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 13:35
by AustrianAndyGull
I clicked on the link GS but was put off the film after about 3 seconds when i saw a timber yard! :zzz:

I'm currently watching SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS - TALES FROM THE DEEP and it's actually bloody good! Beats anything with Ray Winstone playing a cockney geezer in it! :lol:

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 13:36
by AustrianAndyGull
Oh sorry, just forgot to point out that i am actually watching Spongebob with my little girl and not on my own :Oops:

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 13:38
by AustrianAndyGull
I have the option of watching Liverpool on skysports but Spongebob is far more appealing.

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 13:48
by cambgull
Keep digging Andy...

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 13:58
by AustrianAndyGull

Good game too by the sounds of it the mersey derby.

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 14:35
by Gullscorer
Put off after 3 seconds? You don't know what you missed! 'The Plank' is one of the funniest films ever made! Watch it again, and stick with it... :-D

Re: Top 5 films

Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 20:42
by chunkygull
i was thinking about starting a thread on this topic, but checked through thoroughly and found this.

been having a good read through, i agree with many choices some have made. however there is no way i could pick 5, there are many, hundreds probably, it usually depends on my mood which then that means it depends on genre, but i have narrowed it down to films i could just stick on and watch over and over at any time -

1. the rocky films (if pushed 2)

2. the star wars films (if pushed empire or jedi)

3. all the batman films (if pushed the original michael keaton, new lot would be batman begins, possibly not b and r).

4. the back to the future films ( if pushed 2)

5. the lethal weapon films

i could easily change my mind, but at the moment they spring to mind, rocky's, star wars and back to the futures never go out of my top 5, they might move up or down in the rating but they will always be there, probably because they were a constant in my childhood.

every superman film comes close (especially 2) including the reboots and every spiderman, avengers assemble, most of the police academy's, the beverly hills cops, coming to america, in fact quite a few of eddie murphys , lock stock..., snatch, some of the star treks (3+7 mainly), tango and cash, stand by me, an american werewolf in london, some like it hot, a few elvis films, some of the old black and white universal horrors like frankenstein, wolfman etc, and a few hammer ones, scream, psycho 2, pulp fiction, quite a few james bond's notably man with the golden gun/diamonds are forever/octopussy/tomorrow never dies, terminator 1+2, die hard 1-3 goodfellas - quite a few old black and whites, - loads of comedies like blues brothers, old school, austin powers films, beetlejuice, the goonies, teenwolf, big , the commitments, uncle buck, all the smokey and the bandits ,forrest gump, crocodile dundee, the naked gun's , friday, jay and silent bob films, pirates of the caribbean 1, some adam sandler films (yeah i know),ferris bueller, ghostbusters, scrooged, home alone, gremlins, elf , american pie 1-7, national lampoons vacation films , the mask , ace ventura, liar liar + many, many more, too many to mention. :|