Ideas for the big screen

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Post by Glostergull »

happytorq wrote:They should use the first 45 seconds of "The Bay" by Metronomy, as in intro.

Torquay never looked so good.
It depends on what it costs to screen it. I would suspect that Metronomy would charge a fee for it to be used comercialy. They would get a royalty for it just to be played on Radio. Fees get bigger for screening at a comercial venue.
We could always put up a fly on the wall documentary. Maybe of Trojan and Ferrari in a love in. or Film Trojan doing his impression of Walter and dress Matt up as Achmed. It'll keeel you. :lol:
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Post by DevonYellow »

Out of season, during World Cups and Euro Championships it should be used to screen England games. Use some protective material on the pitch - like they use at gigs, charge people to come in and use the existing catering for food/refreshments, Gulls Nest for booze.
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Post by SteveDeckchair »

DevonYellow wrote:Out of season, during World Cups and Euro Championships it should be used to screen England games. Use some protective material on the pitch - like they use at gigs, charge people to come in and use the existing catering for food/refreshments, Gulls Nest for booze.

Cracking idea!
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

I think ultimately the screen is to be used as a massive electronic advertising billboard and i suppose it brings in revenue to the club which is good news. The basics like scores and a clock and maybe team line ups would be up there as well but all in all an anti climax and i'm not sure what the club are expecting of fans' suggestions when the options of putting on anything other than adverts and basic info are all that are open to us.

All in all we'll get extra cash from the advertisers and it will add a bit of technology to a ground lacking in any but i somehow think that after a few weeks of looking at the same old adverts many people will forget it's even there. No complaints though if it brings cash in to the club.
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Post by usagullmichigan »

Maybe the screen can be used for advertising the luxurious shopping, beautiful scenic walks, classy pub/restaurant, friendly people of the quaint village of Hele for the away fans.
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Post by happytorq »

Glostergull wrote: It depends on what it costs to screen it. I would suspect that Metronomy would charge a fee for it to be used comercialy. They would get a royalty for it just to be played on Radio. Fees get bigger for screening at a comercial venue.
this thought crossed my mind too, but hey, maybe they'd waive that given that they're quite proud of their South Devon roots. I'll ping them on Twitter and ask. hah.
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Post by ferrarilover »

So, we seem to have reached a consensus among ourselves that the screen will be used to show, predominantly, a clock, the team line ups, the general match info, and a shed load of adverts.

None of you seem overly enamoured with this, my question is: why?

For 100 years, we haven't had a screen, what have you all done for 90 minutes at Plainmoor? You've watched the football. Why is it suddenly now that we have a big screen, you all want to watch episodes of Coronation Street on ITV player?

While play is on, I hope the club do show adverts, I hope they show so many adverts that we set the Guinness World Record for "most adverts in one place, ever". I hope they manage to convince some poor sucker to part with £100 of his hard earned every time the ball is passed, or every time Bartlett shouts something meaningless, or every time there is a week in the month. I hope we end up with 25 big screens, showing adverts 24/7, adverts for things no one wants. I'll even tolerate adverts for the Labour Party (those last two probably represent a tautology) and do you know why?
I'll tell you anyway, it's because during the time the match is on, I don't give a shit what's on the screen because I'll be watching the match. And what's more, if I get my way and we have nothing but adverts, adverts, adverts, I'll be watching a Championship side, because we will have money coming out of our ears. A big screen, with the exception of the very gentle running costs, is a great, fat cash cow.
During half time, they'll show some highlights, and hopefully put up the match statistics and the scores from around the league, that's what I'd want.

Allied to this, we seem to be TorquayBashing again, with absolutely no evidence either way.

How many of you are happy with TQ1? How many of you would go one step further and say it's the best match day programme they've ever seen (I know I would)? How many of you notice that there are adverts in the programme? None of you, and you know why? Because you skip over them to the bits which require your attention. The big screen will be exactly the same. You won't notice the adverts, because while they're on, you'll be watching Wayne Rooney (our new centre forward, paid for by the proceeds of the big fecking screen) smash in his 25th goal of the season on the third weekend!

And allied to all of this, we have something of which we might be rightly proud. Do you know what they show on the big screen at Anfield, home of the multi-time European Champions, many, many time English Champions and many time other domestic and European cup winners? The answer is absolutely nothing, because Liverpool don't have a big screen.
Who can tell me what they show on the big screen at that Massive-Club-Stuck-In-The-Wrong-Division, Bristol Useless? Again, the answer is nothing, because they haven't got one.

Be thankful, children, for the big screen cometh. And the Lord saw. And the Lord said, let there be transfer budget, and it was so. And the Lord saw that it was good.

J5 said, "ferrarilover is 100% correct"
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Post by Plymouth Gull »

I won't have any problem with adverts, as long as it isn't a distraction. If it's constant flashing that you can see in the corner of your eye, its going to be annoying. Obviously we shouldn't moan until we see it in action against Northampton, and as long as there isn't an audio accompaniment across the tannoy with every advert (which would be unbelievably annoying for every throw-in, etc) then it will be okay.

In an ideal world it'll show highlights much like Fleetwood's screen did.

On a totally different note, I'm guessing they're planning on putting the wires behind the screen itself, and not hanging across it like they are now?
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Good to see you posting again Nick. There won't be any more unecessary reactions from me to you so please feel free to post whatever you like. :-D :scarf:

Apologies once again.
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Post by HeavenAndHele »

usagullmichigan wrote:Maybe the screen can be used for advertising the luxurious shopping, beautiful scenic walks, classy pub/restaurant, friendly people of the quaint village of Hele for the away fans.
They could get Judith Chalmers to present it, and call it "Wish you were Hele". I'll get me coat.
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Post by LukeGull »

I totally agree with you Matt, that the more money we can make out of it through adverts, the better! The only thing that slightly annoys me is how we are being asked for creative suggestions, when it is inevitable that it is just going to be a huge amount of adverts during the game and the same at half time with just some scores, league tables and maybe some highlights. Yes I admit we didn't have these things before, and they are going to be a great addition, but I just feel as if it was made out that the screen would do a lot more than this. I have to say, I did jump on this bandwagon, without really thinking about the reality of the situation.
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Post by ferrarilover »

What were we promised, Luke? What was it "made out to be"?
It's a big screen, while there is live action going on, what do we want on it? I go to Plainmoor to watch the boys play football, not to watch some shit graphics on a big screen. I've been having a think, and I will have E-Mailed the club by the time the NTFC game comes around and I expect that some of my ideas will be considered, and even used, and some will be thrown in the bin.

As a member of the Focus Group, I must be most vociferous in insisting that the club are most keen to listen to the voice of the common supporter. Despite some of our more retarded users using it as a stick to bash me with, I have never lorded myself otherwise than an ordinary geezer who happens to support Torquay, yet I pitch up at the Focus Group meetings, chuck some ideas into a hat and a number of them have been adopted. I am, by no stretch, even close to the most successful contributor to that Group, either. There is one chap who has introduced the Pride in Plainmoor scheme, which sees a couple of deserving but unable individuals now allowed to attend matches by doing valuable work for the club in exchange. It's an excellent thing and it came about, essentially, as the result of the club asking for people to come up with ideas ever so often and pitch them at a little, friendly meeting.

Andy Candy, in particular, is totally open to suggestions. Webmaster Tim is also happy to receive ideas about things such as programme content. Both of those chaps read this board and check their emails (although even the most privileged among us don't get a response first time, so a gentle reminder with a police issue Tazer is required on occasion), so if you want to get your idea into the minds of those who make the decisions, then go right ahead. That said, please be aware that the budget for these extra-curricular projects is nil pounds and nil pence, so you have to get a little creative, but I'm sure that with the combined talents and imagination of those on here, we can come up with some really good ideas, if only we could get past the notion that, for whatever reason, we will be ignored.

So, in that spirit:

When a goal is scored by TUFC, a picture of the player and their sponsor is displayed (the one from the programme will do), alongside this, a big 'thank you' message goes out to all those who sponsor that player or the team for goals scored.
In a similar vein, at the end of the match, those who have sponsored us for a clean sheet (if, by some miracle, we have kept one), get their name in lights too.
The 50/50 draw number and winners name is displayed for the duration of HT and at FT, along with the value of the crossbar challenge.
Birthday or celebratory messages are displayed on the screen, as well as other notices ("John, I know about her, pack your stuff and get out", for example)
Match stats
Results from other matches, live updated and broadcast periodically.

And they are off the top of my head. No, they're not ground breaking, but then, that's not what we're after.

In the longer term, the idea of broadcasting events on it is an excellent idea. I suppose the ultimate goal would be to take out own AV kit to away games and beam them, live, back to the big screen. I'm not sure how this would work Re: broadcasting licenses and being prohibitively expensive, but if we could get 500 people a week in through the gates to watch away games on the screen for, say, £5 entry, think of the money that would make us by the time they've had a beer and a pie too.

Andy, if you're reading, any thoughts on that?

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Post by Glostergull »

ferrarilover wrote:So, we seem to have reached a consensus among ourselves that the screen will be used to show, predominantly, a clock, the team line ups, the general match info, and a shed load of adverts.

None of you seem overly enamoured with this, my question is: why?

For 100 years, we haven't had a screen, what have you all done for 90 minutes at Plainmoor? You've watched the football. Why is it suddenly now that we have a big screen, you all want to watch episodes of Coronation Street on ITV player?

While play is on, I hope the club do show adverts, I hope they show so many adverts that we set the Guinness World Record for "most adverts in one place, ever". I hope they manage to convince some poor sucker to part with £100 of his hard earned every time the ball is passed, or every time Bartlett shouts something meaningless, or every time there is a week in the month. I hope we end up with 25 big screens, showing adverts 24/7, adverts for things no one wants. I'll even tolerate adverts for the Labour Party (those last two probably represent a tautology) and do you know why?
I'll tell you anyway, it's because during the time the match is on, I don't give a sh*t what's on the screen because I'll be watching the match. And what's more, if I get my way and we have nothing but adverts, adverts, adverts, I'll be watching a Championship side, because we will have money coming out of our ears. A big screen, with the exception of the very gentle running costs, is a great, fat cash cow.
During half time, they'll show some highlights, and hopefully put up the match statistics and the scores from around the league, that's what I'd want.

Allied to this, we seem to be TorquayBashing again, with absolutely no evidence either way.

How many of you are happy with TQ1? How many of you would go one step further and say it's the best match day programme they've ever seen (I know I would)? How many of you notice that there are adverts in the programme? None of you, and you know why? Because you skip over them to the bits which require your attention. The big screen will be exactly the same. You won't notice the adverts, because while they're on, you'll be watching Wayne Rooney (our new centre forward, paid for by the proceeds of the big fecking screen) smash in his 25th goal of the season on the third weekend!

And allied to all of this, we have something of which we might be rightly proud. Do you know what they show on the big screen at Anfield, home of the multi-time European Champions, many, many time English Champions and many time other domestic and European cup winners? The answer is absolutely nothing, because Liverpool don't have a big screen.
Who can tell me what they show on the big screen at that Massive-Club-Stuck-In-The-Wrong-Division, Bristol Useless? Again, the answer is nothing, because they haven't got one.

Be thankful, children, for the big screen cometh. And the Lord saw. And the Lord said, let there be transfer budget, and it was so. And the Lord saw that it was good.

Matt The n00b.
I for one hope any advertisers out there dont read this forum. if they see your post they wouldnt come within a mile of advertising on the screen.
I checked up on the rates. I am afraid they didn't impress me though. They are talking big money really to adverstise to only 2,000 people 25 times a year.(I counted one home game in each of the competitions each season on average assuming we enter 3 competitions and have a home draw in two of them.)
I will be interested to see how bites at the cherry to advertise and whether any of them come back. You can have an Advert on TV for little more than 10k nowadays. it would reach something like 1/2 million people minimum. if it's the South West then I would estimate close to 2 million over a period of 3 months.
Advertising on Tv type media as based on ITV costs around £6.36 per thousand reached. so if your spending 10k you would expect to easily reach 1/2 million people over a course of 3 months based on 3 to 6 commercials in a secific spot. (not Corrie or any of the major spots obviously.
This would make our Board rather expensive in comparison. Any advertiser would have to think of his advertising strategy very clearly and be sure of who he wants to reach. what core values he wants to get over and what he is selling in general. Assuming most away fans go straight back to where they came from. The board will mostly only be reaching our home crowd. Mostly the same people week in week out. If its a mass market product or service then One would hope it would reach 1/4 of the crowd, thats around 500 people. They would have to spend on average over £100 each on that service or product to make it worthwhile. Would a pub get that sort of extra revenue. That i doubt. There aren't that many products or services out there that could generate enough to look at the board.
In the main we have to hope that anyone who wishes to advertise don't look too hard to see what revenue it apreciates. My business would not benifit at all. Maybe a mbile phone company might or a car franchise possibly.. But a high volume low profit venture would be doubtfull.
Just my twopence worth. agree or disagree but I will be interested in who actualy pays up to show up.
My main thing with the board was to see any action myself. I wouldn't be looking at it once the matches start unless we score and then I won't be looking at adverts. I want to see the action. if many think like me then advertisers will soon get the message.
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Post by Glostergull »

stevegull wrote:How about a 'text the screen' system that you see in some universities or big companies. You can text the screen for, say 20p, and get your message up on the big board. Bonus as the club also get some money!
Would probably have to be monitored.

I certainly hope so. Imagine one guy (I had a friend who asked this) texting to his wife via the board who is also in the crowd.

Happy Birthday to my georgeous wife,. Best wishes and I have the present you always wanted.

only to see the reply. How about a divorce!
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