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Re: Our next manager

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 21:09
by PlainmoorRoar
im going to do a supergulls here

He will get the job.

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 21:15
by Southampton Gull
PlainmoorRoar wrote:im going to do a supergulls here

He will get the job.

It would help if he actually wanted it..................

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 21:25
by AustrianAndyGull
I feel we are heading into another possible disaster here with the clamour for the Knill/Brass combo. Yes they have done well on a short term basis after enjoying the benefit of the 'new manager effect' and two brief but important loanees in Joss and Jordan. In addition, the football was bound to improve slightly as it couldn't have possibly got any worse than we'd seen under Ling and so by default they could only improve the side and the performances. To consider their appointments as nailed on or presuming they would do well for us is jumping the gun and we need to be careful here otherwise the very same people desperate for them to get the job might be the very ones coming on in a few months complaining that they were the wrong choice if things don't go as planned.

They have both done a superb job in securing our league 2 status and for that i'll be ever grateful but managing us long term and relatively successfully is a whole different kettle of fish and they aren't necessarily what we should be looking for. Obviously they have the advantage of being in situ and knowing the players and whats what to a certain extent and perhaps that is why they are favourites for the job but a new manager coming in would have 3 months to get up to speed ready for the new season also and so i feel strongly that the board should take some time to consider all the possible options before handing them the jobs (assuming they would want them of course).

I have no problems in them taking us forward but i'm not 100% convinced yet that they are the right people for the job. They deserve the opportunity but i hope the board will have a look around at who else is out there before nailing their colours to the mast.

What is for sure is that are sure to be plenty of twists and turns until the new season kicks off and i'm loving sitting back and watching what unfolds because if there is something i have learned about supporting Torquay these last 6 or 7 years is that nothing is ever quite what it seems!

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 22:23
by AlexGulls
Heard a rumour that Paul Sturrock could be lined up from it on another forum. Person is a Plymouth fan who claims its from a reliable source. If Knill doesn't want it we could do a lot worse.

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 22:28
by hector
AlexGulls wrote:Heard a rumour that Paul Sturrock could be lined up from it on another forum. Person is a Plymouth fan who claims its from a reliable source. If Knill doesn't want it we could do a lot worse.

I would be quite happy if that was true. He did an excellent job at Southend and you cannot really argue with his record.

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 22:32
by wodger of awabia
Sean North, " the brains behind the Buckle" :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 22:36
by usagullmichigan
Lance Armstrong

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 22:39
by AustrianAndyGull
usagullmichigan wrote:Lance Armstrong
He'd need more than drugs to get through a season managing us!! :lol:

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 05:18
by ferrarilover
lucy6lucy wrote:Surely the favourite and indeed the majority on here will want knill, but does he want it full time. I am sure a few others may put themselves forward, warnock, David's, buckle????? Oh god please the former
What the hell is David's Buckle? Sounds like a rock off the coast of Ireland.


Re: Our next manager

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 06:26
by Plymgull
AlexGulls wrote:Heard a rumour that Paul Sturrock could be lined up from it on another forum. Person is a Plymouth fan who claims its from a reliable source. If Knill doesn't want it we could do a lot worse.
Close Argyle mate said the same to me. Although i believe it's just him hoping rather than there being any truth in it.

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 07:18
it will be alan knill, next 72 hours. :scarf:

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 08:23
by miltonkeynesgull
Western Morning News reporting that Shaun Taylor will stay on as Assistant to whoever the knew manager is.

If indeed it is Knill, as the article suggests it will be, I hope he gets the chance to bring Chris Brass back as well. He played a big part in keeping us up.


Re: Our next manager

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 08:46
by SBP
Its quite refreshing to see our board act so quickly on this issue. They have given ML 2 years and we have gone backwards. Other people are mentioning a manager for the long term. Well whoever gets the job, there is the extra bit of pressure that if results and performances are not there then its down the road!
The board had considered there options some time ago and this decision came as no surprise. I would be very surprised if the next manager has not already been informed. Have a great holiday Alan Knill, sort that retained list out and I look forward to next season with you at the helm.
Just remember everyone, my resounding memory of this season is the early FACUP exit to some team in Yorkshire( cant even bear to type the name), for those that were there watching that complete load of rubbish and subsequent performances after under ML.
Look at the difference on Saturday. Attitude and desire, couldnt be more different!

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 08:56
by Behind-the-Gulls
[quote="miltonkeynesgull"]Western Morning News reporting that Shaun Taylor will stay on as Assistant to whoever the knew manager is.

If indeed it is Knill, as the article suggests it will be, I hope he gets the chance to bring Chris Brass back as well. He played a big part in keeping us up.

The article only says he remains as assistant manager-which I take to mean for now;could all change in next 48 hours.

Re: Our next manager

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 09:05
by miltonkeynesgull
Behind-the-Gulls wrote: The article only says he remains as assistant manager-which I take to mean for now;could all change in next 48 hours.
Apologies if I've read too much into it! I took it as meaning he'd be staying on no matter what, which I found a bit surprising considering Knill's preference to work with Brass.