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Re: Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 28 Oct 2013, 22:28
by tomogull
BFC wrote:
I must say I find the comment about 'crap support' to be a tad uncalled for.
If we cast our eyes 8 miles south-east we can see the floodlights at Manchester City, 8 miles to the south west and we can see the lights at Old Trafford, so I think it's fair to say that it's not easy to attract people to Gigg Lane don't you?
You and your fellow supporters - and indeed us long suffering Gulls fans and fans of other clubs like ours - are the real football supporters. Not Premier League Fantasy stuff. We have to have better eyesight than you lot to see any Premier floodlights. Our nearest Premier side is Southampton which is about 120 miles away ..... Argyle fans have been saying for about 300 years that they are potentially a Premier league side. If you promise to get the double over them, we'll promise to beat Rochdale in the Cup - okay ?

Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 29 Oct 2013, 08:46
by Gazzableedsgull
I say 'Burry' and 'Shrowsbury' .. I've got a Leeds accent. What is correct?
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 29 Oct 2013, 09:57
by hector
Gazzableedsgull wrote:I say 'Burry' and 'Shrowsbury' .. I've got a Leeds accent. What is correct?
Probably not the Leeds accent :Oops:
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 29 Oct 2013, 11:14
by AustrianAndyGull
hector wrote:
Probably not the Leeds accent :Oops:
It would appear that the west side of Yorkshire like Leeds and Huddersfield whom are closest to Lancashire say 'BURRY' but people like myself from North / South Yorkshire say 'BERRY' on the whole.
I mean it's not as if us having the correct pronounciation will help us on the pitch but i'm right anyway. :na:
It is also very interesting how you have mentioned Shrewsbury Gaz because I too say 'SHROWS' not 'SHREW' but for the 'bury' part of it I actually say 'BURRY' and not 'BERRY'.
Which is odd because Bury to me is BERRY on it's own.
All in all it's bloody weird and I've given myself a headache now.

Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 29 Oct 2013, 12:20
by SuperNickyWroe
Gazzableedsgull wrote:I say 'Burry' and 'Shrowsbury' .. I've got a Leeds accent. What is correct?
i think you will find, that both are pronounced "sh*thouse".
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 29 Oct 2013, 18:58
by Mr Burnz
Anyone going up from the Bristol Area needing a lift ping me a PM, more than happy to share the petrol costs.
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 06:08
by manchestergulls
yep I will be going
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 19:07
by Keithhal
For those undecided on going or still peed off at the last price promo you did not get here are this seasons prices
Match day Ticket Prices
All tickets are for any stand
Match Day Prices
Adults: £15.00
Senior Citizen, Student, Unemployed, and Disabled & under 23: £10.00
Under 11’s: £5.00
Under 5’s: Free of charge
Adult & 1 Child (Under 16): £15.00
Adult & 2 Child (Under 16): £20.00
Read more at ... 4JQdFe7.99
There is a promo on for this game as well and I do not know, but suspect it does apply to you. We now have a board that appears to listen if not speake to the fans (who to be fair were up in arms at away fans not being included in deals).
All children under 16 who are accompanied by an adult can purchase a ‘special offer’ Family Ticket, with entry to any section of the ground at a reduced rate*:
See below for Saturday’s fun day prices:
1 Kid & 1 Adult = £10
2 Kids & 1 Adult = £15
1 Kid & 2 Adults = £20
*Please note: if you are under 16 and are not accompanied by an adult then standard ticket prices apply.
Read more at ... rYeGqyr.99
A call to the club on 0871 221 1885 3 should tell you if it applys to Gulls fans or not.
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 19:11
by ferrarilover
Student and the great unwashed get in cheap, but no mention of a discount for Her Majesty's fighting men. I know this is going to sound VERY Daily Wail, but does anyone else think that's a bit off.
Not a Bury problem, of course, no suggestion of that kind, just something which occurred to me as I was reading this thread.
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 19:26
by AustrianAndyGull
I'm quite pleased to be paying a bit less than what I believe the price all seats in league 2 should be.
Well done Bury!
I will buy a programme and maybe light refreshments too now.
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 21:20
by tomogull
ferrarilover wrote:Student and the great unwashed get in cheap, Matt.
How DARE you call me and Wivel the great unwashed ...... !!

Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 31 Oct 2013, 01:45
by ferrarilover
I was under the impression that was the appropriate collective for two curmudgeonly Torquay fans?
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 31 Oct 2013, 11:15
by tomogull
ferrarilover wrote:I was under the impression that was the appropriate collective for two curmudgeonly Torquay fans? Matt.
Now you're calling us bad tempered !! BA*TARD !!!! At our age, we've earned the right to be grumpy :na:
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 01 Nov 2013, 20:59
by AustrianAndyGull
So what sort of numbers are we expecting to get up there tomorrow? I reckon 120 ish?
Are you going to Bury?
Posted: 01 Nov 2013, 21:10
by AlexGulls
200ish I reckon. We had 72 of us there on a Tuesday night before so hopefully get around that for a Saturday match.