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Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 12:32
by leetufc
brucie wrote:Hargreaves biggest error was bringing on Stevens yesterday.
What a load of garbage!

How was bringing Stevens on for the last five minutes when we were already one down the biggest mistake? He didn't cost us the game, and I would argue he was more likely to produce a chance than the other options on the bench - Downes, Rice, Harding or Benyon.

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 13:49
by SuperNickyWroe
leetufc wrote: What a load of garbage!

How was bringing Stevens on for the last five minutes when we were already one down the biggest mistake? He didn't cost us the game, and I would argue he was more likely to produce a chance than the other options on the bench - Downes, Rice, Harding or Benyon.
dont talk wet.

he may have been "more likely" in your opinion, but according to the posters on here he touched the ball once in the time he was on - and that was sh*t too.

a goal down with 5mins left, benyon should have been brought on then we might have had a better chance of scoring instead of someone who hasnt played league football for nearly 12months.

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 14:14
by frenchgull
Mr Hargreaves was the wrong choice of manager.What Torquay needed was expierence.Chris Hardgreves is a nice guy but will never be a football league manager,quite happy to have him in the conference to learn his trade ,but we should have gone with expierence.His position in life is as a coach to youngsters,sorry but you have to know your limitations in life and this job is one step beyond his expierence.

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 14:42
by Alpine Joe
according to the posters on here he touched the ball once in the time he was on - and that was sh*t too.
Hasn't it always been the case that the number of touches Danny gets is mainly dependent on how often his teammates pass him the ball, as he's not the first one you think of who's going to put in a robust tackle and win the ball off an a opponent for himself.

I'm surprised that his one touch (if that's factually true) has been described as sh*t, as I couldn't see how it could have been any more perfect.It probably wouldn't hurt to check back to see if these 'posters' have made any previous comments regarding Danny, as I've a suspicion they could be being a bit biased against him rather than totally fair minded.

Instead of applauding Andy Murray's passing shot when he hits a winner that lands on the line, we'd have to describe it as sh*t because it was almost out.Instead of cheering a fine penalty that beats the keeper by going into the corner of the net, we'll have to remember to think of it as sh*t because it almost hit the post.

In the same fashion Danny drew his opponent to him, and then released the ball with perfect pace and direction, giving his teammate maximum time and space because he had drawn the opponent away.

I know that there are those who are absolutely desperate to start having a go at Danny. But if you just have a little more patience then if he plays a bit more he will make some genuine mistakes, and you'll be able to moan all day and all night about them just like the good old days, without having to tell fibs. :)

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 14:47
by Fonda
Whilst finding fault with a perfectly reasonable pass is unnecessary, so is describing in detail a pass anyone on this board could have played. He passed in a straight line, to a team-mate 10 yards away. His signing and selection is clearly justified afterall!

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 14:49
by Mattpuma
I agree there was nothing wrong with Stevens one touch, in fact it was a precision 5 yard backpass. But one touch in 15 minutes equates to 6 touches a game. We need people who can affect games not be aimless passengers. He might be a great guy but he is not L2 standard. Sorry if the truth hurts.

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 16:45
by SuperNickyWroe
Alpine Joe wrote:SupernickyWroe Hasn't it always been the case that the number of touches Danny gets is mainly dependent on how often his teammates pass him the ball, as he's not the first one you think of who's going to put in a robust tackle and win the ball off an a opponent for himself.

I'm surprised that his one touch (if that's factually true) has been described as sh*t, as I couldn't see how it could have been any more perfect.It probably wouldn't hurt to check back to see if these 'posters' have made any previous comments regarding Danny, as I've a suspicion they could be being a bit biased against him rather than totally fair minded.

Instead of applauding Andy Murray's passing shot when he hits a winner that lands on the line, we'd have to describe it as sh*t because it was almost out.Instead of cheering a fine penalty that beats the keeper by going into the corner of the net, we'll have to remember to think of it as sh*t because it almost hit the post.

In the same fashion Danny drew his opponent to him, and then released the ball with perfect pace and direction, giving his teammate maximum time and space because he had drawn the opponent away.

I know that there are those who are absolutely desperate to start having a go at Danny. But if you just have a little more patience then if he plays a bit more he will make some genuine mistakes, and you'll be able to moan all day and all night about them just like the good old days, without having to tell fibs. :)
its nothing to do with "having a go" at him - he hasnt played league football for 12months for gods sake - and there are players at the club better than him anyway.
patience, and time for that matter is something that we are also running out of.
id bet anybody £100 that if CH hadnt rolled up as manager than neither would have stevens. thats the harsh truth.

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 17:26
by brucie
Stevens wasn't on the pitch for five minutes though - he was on the pitch for around 13 or 14 minutes counting the extra time. He genuinely did touch the ball once in that time. he was a complete passenger.
Are you seriously suggesting that Benyon would have strolled up and down the pitch in nigh on quarter of an hour and would have done absolutely nothing.
I actually despair of what some people post on here.
Cameron scored in a friendly in the week didn't he? his reward for that was to kept out of the squad by a disinterested dwarf who is only here because he happens to be the managers best mate.
Morale has already been discussed - as I said Benyon pissed off down the tunnel as soon as Stevens came on looking less than happy. Who can blame him?

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 17:36
by hector
brucie wrote:Stevens wasn't on the pitch for five minutes though - he was on the pitch for around 13 or 14 minutes counting the extra time. He genuinely did touch the ball once in that time. he was a complete passenger.
Are you seriously suggesting that Benyon would have strolled up and down the pitch in nigh on quarter of an hour and would have done absolutely nothing.
I actually despair of what some people post on here.
Cameron scored in a friendly in the week didn't he? his reward for that was to kept out of the squad by a disinterested dwarf who is only here because he happens to be the managers best mate.
Morale has already been discussed - as I said Benyon pissed off down the tunnel as soon as Stevens came on looking less than happy. Who can blame him?
In all likelihood, yes!

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 17:43
by Fonda
Whatever accusations you level at Benyon, his work rate and desire can't be questioned.

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 17:46
by hector
frenchgull wrote:Mr Hargreaves was the wrong choice of manager.What Torquay needed was expierence.Chris Hardgreves is a nice guy but will never be a football league manager,quite happy to have him in the conference to learn his trade ,but we should have gone with expierence.His position in life is as a coach to youngsters,sorry but you have to know your limitations in life and this job is one step beyond his expierence.
There is a possibility that the club have made an error in not providing Hargreaves with a mentor for this season but the die has been cast. Hargreaves has a promising managerial career ahead of him but it is being threatened to be derailed before he gets going because of the shambles he inherited possibly being too big a job for someone so inexperienced and with so little time to salvage the season.

The club failed by sticking with the previous manager for three months too long. We are stuck because of their inertia and lack of bravery when we still had a fighting chance. Many of us were suggesting this. For people to be turning against Hargreaves so quickly is nonsense after just SIX games when people were prepared to wait and wait for Knill to get it right, when he was a supposedly experienced manager.

Chris Hargreaves is our manager now and will be for the long-term. He cannot help what cards he has been dealt although the constant reshuffling doesn't help. However, the situation at Plainmoor is beyond crisis now and I suppose all that's left to do is try and rally behind whatever team is put out.

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 17:54
by CP Gull
Personally, I thought at the time that Paul Sturrock would have been an ideal mentor for Greavsie. His contacts and knowledge of the game at this level could have been invaluable. Seems a shame that someone like that, albeit with health issues, is sat at home just a few miles down the road ....while we continue to struggle. Not knocking the job that Greavsie is doing but you cannot buy experience and he doesn't have that.

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 17:58
by Fonda
I very much doubt Hargreaves would have left a decent coaching job at Bournemouth to be effectively a number 2 at Plainmoor. And as he was very evidently on a short-list of 1 for the job, he was in a strong bargaining position.

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 18:00
by Dave_Pougher
CP Gull wrote:Personally, I thought at the time that Paul Sturrock would have been an ideal mentor for Greavsie. His contacts and knowledge of the game at this level could have been invaluable. Seems a shame that someone like that, albeit with health issues, is sat at home just a few miles down the road ....while we continue to struggle. Not knocking the job that Greavsie is doing but you cannot buy experience and he doesn't have that.
Good call, it might dispel the theory that some players might be playing/not playing for contracts that might not be renewed should we stay a football league club?

Saint Greavsie...?

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, 18:07
by Gullscorer
brucie wrote:Stevens wasn't on the pitch for five minutes though - he was on the pitch for around 13 or 14 minutes counting the extra time. He genuinely did touch the ball once in that time. he was a complete passenger.
Confirmed on the BBC Live Text Commentary of the match that Stevens and O'Brien came on as subs in the 85th minute, so could not possibly have been on the pitch for as long as you say Brucie (there were four minutes additional time). The BBC is never wrong... :~D