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Be interesting to see what people say next season if he does well, funny how one minute he is everyones hero and then the next the villian.very sad.
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Post by Burnhamgull »

IF is a massive word and nothing I've seen so far encourages me for next season.

However, don't be fooled if we do win some early games, the opposition will be weaker.

Unfortunately some supporters financial input has been lost by events last season and this.
TUFC never fails to let its fanbase down.

27/08/18 - Time to step back from this shambles and focus on things in life that make me happy. TUFC doesn't.
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Well we shall see burnham, but he needs the chance at least, most on here seem to think he has failed already, I look forward to him proving them wrong.
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Post by frenchgull »

This is the second time that Chris Hargreeves has kept quiet after a game,I suppose if you got nothing to say,say nowt but its pathetic really and just shows his lack of managerial expierence, he should get angry, slag off who he thinks let him and Torquay down,what's he got to loose,I suspect he is drawing on his only expierence as being a player and they certainly would not like to be publicly slated off.I think at the start of the season you keep everything in house but with three games to go the stable door is well and truly open,so speak your mind Chris,nothing to loose
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Post by yellowwot1 »

Torquay utd is a totally dysfunctional football club from the board, players, youth staff etc. CH is to blame so is the board and so are all the coaches involved. If you think it is just the first team that can't score you are wrong even the kids midfielders and strikers mirror the naivity of the first team. There is zero communication between the club and fan base or understanding for that matter and that feeling goes right the the way through the club from under 9 to the first team. You can blame players all you want but with a complete lack of care descent coaching and communication from club and staff don't expect them to perform the club are silent because there.nothing positive left to say and nobody prepared to publicly wipe egg off their faces once again as all the excuses have run out, yes it is a disgrace, the very least someone could do is address.the.loyal fans that paid.their money and showed up in support of Tufc and CH. This situation has been coming for the last 3 seasons the club has.been festering from a.cancer of naivity and disorganisation from the ground up. The sooner it comes back to bite those in charge from to the.bottom the better.Put us all out of our misery and go down now where you belong and start over.
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Post by yellowwot1 »

Every Tufc fan should feel angry as hell, upset and hurt because of the complete disregard shown for their club and supporters blame the board blame knill blame ling blame Herrera blame harrop, veysey blame them all, they are tje people supposedly taking care of our club our players our youth our life ad the motivation of our players not to mention their confidence. They have failed us and and should all be ashamed of thrmselves, but as long as they get.paid I guarantee you they just don't care and that includes CH
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Post by brucie »

I don't see how you can blame Harrop - the first team has sod all to do with him. However judgiing by his one game in charge he seems to have more tactical nous in his big toe than Knill and Hargreaves put together.
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Post by taunton_gull »

A strongly worded post from yellowwot but there are certainly elements in there I agree with. The communication coming out of the club (or lack of) is quite simply appalling and makes the board appear as in touch with the supporters as their predecessors. I appreciate the season isn't yet officially over but we all know this has been coming for some time and the fact that no one from the club was willing to fulfil their contractual obligations and offer any sort of explanation after the game on Friday simply makes the problem much worse. To rub salt into the wound we all log on to the official site simply to see next seasons ticket prices and we're expected to blindly stump up the money when we have no idea what's going on. This 'strategy' is completely counterproductive on the club's part and will cost them even more in the long term.

I know of people who normally would renew their season tickets without hesitation but they're now hanging on before parting with their money because there seems to be so much uncertainty regarding next season and beyond which no one at the club will properly address. Others also feeling the same way must run in to the hundreds. I certainly feel very disillusioned and don't in any way feel guilty that I have watched the side play for the last time this season. If the new conference season were to begin tomorrow I wouldn't feel like going either, the fans absolutely deserve answers and accountability before the club can expect anything in return. We have already been made to suffer beyond anything which could be considered to be acceptable.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

ROADRUNNER wrote:Well we shall see burnham, but he needs the chance at least, most on here seem to think he has failed already, I look forward to him proving them wrong.
Why does he need the chance RR? I take your point and we won't see what CH can do until next season obviously but we have been in a very fortunate position to witness first hand the way CH has gone about these past 4 months and if we go by the Knill situation then CH doesn't really deserve a crack at managing us next season.

Knill kept us up thanks to the odd goal by Labadie but by and large the standard of football remained the same when he took over, there were no signs of improvement on the field and because he kept us up then many (including myself) thought he deserved his chance the following season purely based on this. We ignored the fact that he still couldn't motivate or get a team playing with purpose and aggression even though it was there for all to see and we accepted him as our new manager.

I can see this same mistake happening with CH and nobody can say (if it turns out to be true) that we haven't had fair warning. Yes the players were generally shit and already in a mentality of failure but in everything CH has done has in essence made us WORSE than before he took over. He has added loanee players by and large who are worse than we already had, he picked the wrong formations, he has made tepid substitutions (often none at all) and made in-game match decisions that have seen us try to defend losing positions rather than go for the throats of the opposition and I could go on really.

So you see with CH, we have seen first hand that IMO there is a greater likelihood that he will struggle badly next season when in fact it is the most critical in modern times. Under Buckle we had a bit of cash yes, we also had man who was an arrogant cock. As most know, in this world arrogant people often have an edge about them, they take risks and don't really care about anyone but themselves and so it came to pass that eventually Buckle got the job done.

As an example, if Buckle took over when Knill was sacked then how many of us would even have entertained us going down at that point?

If CH fails next season the repercussions may be limitless and for the sake of not wanting to hurt anyones feelings I think we need an experienced head at the least alongside him and not Hodges. Otherwise we need a new manager because is it really worth the risk again? Fair enough, we have played the most horrific of football for two years and been at the foot of the table for much but we only drop into the conference. Hard to take but not that big a deal. If we continue to play horrific football with CH making inept decisions and we go on the verge of dropping into the conference south then I don't see a way back.

For the sake of saying just give someone a chance because he deserves it and because he was our hero as a player is mindblowing. He has had 4 tough months in the job already I know and although I expected to still be relegated and although I expected to still struggle I did not expect to be witnessing such ineptness, weakness and vulnerability from him on a weekly basis. He could have thrown the kitchen sink at this, he had nothing to lose but instead he chose safer options to no effect and if we are to achieve in the conference then such a unacceptable management approach is not required. He has made us a worse team.

Fans can complain about how unfair some are being to Chris and that is their right but we just cannot risk going into the conference with him as manager. None of this is personal but many of you won't get your heads around that either. He has given large clues in 4 months that indicate that he won't be anywhere near capable of turning this ship around and as that is all I have to go on other than the blind faith argument some seem to like then that is good enough for me.

We need to get someone in who is an old hand at this level and someone with a personality. Someone who can just simply see what the frig the rest of us can from the stands and at the very least try and do something about it instead of being frightened about making errors. Ling, Knill and Hargreaves all come across to me as men who just aren't ruthless and who opt for safety behaviours. As an anxiety sufferer I know that safety behaviours just help you get by, they don't allow you to face the fear and make real changes for the better. They don't work.

99% of the fans I've seen post on this site who are against CH are not doing so because they think he's an arsehole or that they want to see Torquay fail. They are against Chris because although they fully appreciate the situation he has been handed, they haven't seen anything positive to come from the 4 months in charge, they have been shocked how someone so combative as a player can be so inert as a manager they also see that actually some of his methods are really quite disturbing.

Having seen this first hand we STILL go into next season with hope rather than expectation?

That is why Torquay will always be a tiny tin pot club. Because we go into perhaps the biggest season in our history with some hope.

We should EXPECT and demand and we should get. Stop being victims saying that is how it is and hold people accountable for what they do and are doing. We are a professional football club run by professional people and represented by professional footballers and it's about time we stopped hoping for success and demanded it. If other tiny tin pot clubs with poor resources can do it then so can we. We just need to get in the right people which has sadly been our downfall these past 2 seasons and now we 'HOPE' it doesn't happen again?

**** me.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by frenchgull »

good post Andy
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

There is nobody out there that has any money that wants to invest in Torquay.

We have no money
We have no money

That's why drastic managerial changes won't happen now, or anytime soon. That's why we WILL get our wish and a load of players will move on at the end of the season.
That's why we will see a team full of free transfers, loanees and youngsters that are playing for **** all next season.

WE HAVE NO MONEY - anybody who thinks Chris is going to get the push is totally and utterly deluded.

Once more - WE HAVE NO **** MONEY.

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Post by Robiberto22 »

Scott Brehaut wrote:There is nobody out there that has any money that wants to invest in Torquay.

We have no money
We have no money

That's why drastic managerial changes won't happen now, or anytime soon. That's why we WILL get our wish and a load of players will move on at the end of the season.
That's why we will see a team full of free transfers, loanees and youngsters that are playing for f*** all next season.

WE HAVE NO MONEY - anybody who thinks Chris is going to get the push is totally and utterly deluded.

Once more - WE HAVE NO f**king MONEY.
ALAN KNILL'S YELLOW ARMY !!! - Oh wait ...
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Post by yellowwot1 »

CH knew when he got the job he wouldn't get the push too! Another example of opportunism whilst taking advantage of a club on its knees, I don't think it's delusional just bloody wishful thinking,, there is no money because of calamitous decisions just like the appointment of CH. A complete mess.
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Post by Gloomy Gull »

Scott Brehaut wrote:There is nobody out there that has any money that wants to invest in Torquay.

We have no money
We have no money

That's why drastic managerial changes won't happen now, or anytime soon. That's why we WILL get our wish and a load of players will move on at the end of the season.
That's why we will see a team full of free transfers, loanees and youngsters that are playing for f*** all next season.

WE HAVE NO MONEY - anybody who thinks Chris is going to get the push is totally and utterly deluded.

Once more - WE HAVE NO f**king MONEY.
Point made - but, if we as fans are finding it difficult to find any shred of hope to latch on to that next season will be better/different with CH to lead us, there will be even LESS f**king MONEY because the numbers coming through the turnstiles will plummet.

I think we are all aware that Thea cannot continue to suffer "open cheque book" surgery, and I cannot recall having seen any calls for her to put in more money.

What I/we are looking for is an acknowledgement that this season has not been all we hoped for, but that there is some plan to instigate improvements next season. ST holders, new and existing, will be reluctant to flush their money down the toilet unless they are given something to believe in.

I do not believe anyone is expecting cash to be splashed wantonly ...but just saying we have no F**KING money is presenting the problem without offering a solution....... "OK, so tell me why I should invest mine for next year - what are you going to do differently that will make me want to spend my money on your product?" Because without some reassurance we will NEVER HAVE ANY f**king MONEY!
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Post by Dave »

Your right Scott, the club has no money CH won't get the push, but the reason why is simple, the club did have money and wasted it, spent a fortune on a training ground still not fit for purpose, chased a level 3 academy that has meant they had to take 2 extra full time coach's and some wonder why staffing costs have gone up, and placed managers on 1 year rolling contracts they couldn't get out of, after sacking Lingy, they went and put Knill on the same gord darn contract.

The board have taken us from one sodding cluterfuck to another, it started when Rovers approached to speak to Buckle before the play-offs and not only did we say yes, but simple even drove him there, if Rovers had been approached by a bigger club say for their manager in the same circumstances , Rovers would have stuck 2 fingers up, it then moved on to the following season when our thin and tiring squad was sat 2nd in the league and Lingy was not allowed to bring a couple players in, why, because we would have gone up.

The board then used money to sack Knill, that they could and should have used to back him in the first place, we wouldn't be stuck with some of these players he signed because that's all he could afford, I no longer have any trust in the board of our club and the main reason why they will not receive £295 of my money.
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