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Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 15:29
by Neal
What I would like is


That's it, the rest are useless, even at conference level.

What I think will happen


Some of you seem to rate chappell, I don't, just because he looks tricky, can beat a player (sometimes) his distribution is dire, so as I've said before no point! Plymouth can have him. OK some smart arse will point to one or 2 occasions when he got it right, that's not good enough even at conference level.

And to whoever listed players who are "happy" to stay, bet they f king are if the wages quoted on here are anywhere near correct. They should all, p#ss off and go and screw some other naive and desperate club.

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 15:37
by Scott Brehaut
Hawley is contracted for next season, as is Harding. There are others too, but I forget who else - it's been discussed elsewhere.

I do know that Manse, Nico, Rice and Poke are all out of contract, as are Bodin, Labadie and (I think) Downes.

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 21 Apr 2014, 15:55
by Rjc70
Downes has another year

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 00:52
by Dockers Pal
Since Hargreaves has been the manager and based purely on playing in points gaining matches compared to playing in non-points scoring matches we should in particular wish to keep
Benyon (19points/15appearances), Tonge (15/12), Lathrope (16/14)and if poss Cargill (6/3);
and to release Chappell (1/10), Hawley (3/7)and Bodin (7/10).

All our other contracted players who have played under Hargreaves have points scoring = games played +or - 1.

It helps me try to make sense of all the different line-ups we've used in these 19 games!!

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 20:46
by AustrianAndyGull
What do you mean by 'points' DP? What are they and how are they generated?

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 20:50
by yellowwot1
Neal wrote:What I would like is


That's it, the rest are useless, even at conference level.

What I think will happen


Some of you seem to rate chappell, I don't, just because he looks tricky, can beat a player (sometimes) his distribution is dire, so as I've said before no point! Plymouth can have him. OK some smart arse will point to one or 2 occasions when he got it right, that's not good enough even at conference level.

And to whoever listed players who are "happy" to stay, bet they f king are if the wages quoted on here are anywhere near correct. They should all, p#ss off and go and screw some other naive and desperate club.

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 20:56
by A Realist
AustrianAndyGull wrote:What do you mean by 'points' DP? What are they and how are they generated?
He means that when those individual players play in games, its how many points the team pick up. So eg, in 15 appearances that Benyon has made the team have gained 19 points. Yet Chappell has made 10 appearances and the team have only gained one point in all those matches :O

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 21:00
by AustrianAndyGull
Of course. Bloody hell I feel a bit daft now! :Oops:

Thanks for that A Realist.

I can't believe that we've won so many points with Tonge in the side, especially as he loves conceding and not scoring penalties.............. :)

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 21:14
by Dockers Pal
Thanks A Realist for that.
You could say this identifies 'lucky' players rather than good ones. At the moment we need lucky players!!

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 21:23
by AustrianAndyGull
Just as well then because we ain't got any good ones. :lol:

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 21:28
by A Realist
Dockers Pal wrote:Thanks A Realist for that.
You could say this identifies 'lucky' players rather than good ones. At the moment we need lucky players!!
Very true. Luck is something thats not been in abundance this season. Well, good luck at least.

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 00:48
by gullno4
with a good clear out, I'm actually quite looking forward to the next season in the conference! last time there were some of the best days I've had as a Torquay fan, the atmosphere was a million times better than what it is now, and some of the players genuinely loved the gulls. If Pearce goes in the summer, toddy would be a great signing! to be honest we could do worse than tim sills aswell? or maybe I'm pushing it! however with players like stuart fleetwood playing conference south football, it makes me wonder how we've ended up with Karl hawley? he needs to go, it's yeomans season!

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 08:20
by hector
gullno4 wrote:with a good clear out, I'm actually quite looking forward to the next season in the conference! last time there were some of the best days I've had as a Torquay fan, the atmosphere was a million times better than what it is now, and some of the players genuinely loved the gulls. If Pearce goes in the summer, toddy would be a great signing! to be honest we could do worse than tim sills aswell? or maybe I'm pushing it! however with players like stuart fleetwood playing conference south football, it makes me wonder how we've ended up with Karl hawley? he needs to go, it's yeomans season!
I don't think we would get anywhere by recreating our Conference team from 7 years ago. I don't think our forthcoming Conference experience is going to be anything like the last time.

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 09:53
by bobby93
When we went down last time, we only retained about three players. I was saying to someone the other day that if that was to happen again I'd keep Rice, Pearce and Yeoman.

I rate Chappell but Hargreaves obviously does not. I think he needs a run of games, but someone will come in for him no doubt. I also think Bodin will be sold (and Pearce, probably).

As for the older players, I am grateful for the massive contributions that Manse, Nico and Downes have made to our club over the years but I think all of them would admit they've struggled this year. No doubt if we go down they would be cheap options though, and probably would stay.

Contract renewals and extensions

Posted: 24 Apr 2014, 10:10
by Richinns
I think Cameron has shown enough to make me want him around next year. Him and Chapell on tuther wing could be useful in the league below.