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Am I being enormously cynical?

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 16:59
by Gullscorer
Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions, has today, yet again, referred to alleged rape victims as 'victims'. Except where there is objective corroborating evidence of rape, they are not victims. They are accusers. And by referring to them as victims, she is by extension, even before any trial, assuming that those accused are automatically guilty. She is thereby also propagating the worst instincts of the baying lynch mobs who always circumvent trials and proceed straight to executions.

This sort of thing is being reflected in the media by politicians and others who should know better, and is creating a climate of hysteria in which there will be little chance of a fair trial for any accused. And she seems to be blind to the fact that the same measures she wants to bring in to help and support 'victims' (accusers) will have the consequence of also making it easier for false accusers.

But she doesn't want to stop there. She also wants judges to instruct juries as to how they look at evidence (if any) and what she said/he said. Furthermore, she wants campaigns, from the Government and in the media, to create a general climate of opinion in which juries will automatically favour the accuser over the accused: ... prosecutor

And to hell with evidence, due process, and innocent until proven guilty. The mere accusation will be sufficient to convict. This is the kind of 'justice' one sees in totalitarian regimes and in Salem witch trials. Saunders is unworthy of the post of DPP and should resign in disgrace.