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Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 13:18
by Lloyder5
Not as dull as I expected


Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 13:32
by Gulliball
I won't be able to watch the video until this evening. Could anyone who was there clarify the ground issue? All reports I've seen of the forum have said that all of the interested parties are not interested in ground development, but the Herald Express were reporting 24 hours ago, with quotes, that talks with the council about the freehold were back on?

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 13:46
by Gullscorer
Scott Brehaut wrote:The Board have been a disgrace in their handling of this club pretty much since they took over, however the handling of the GI affair is nothing short of gross negligence. How any of these guys managed to run a successful business is beyond me.
These negligent fools have taken a load of money off me via the players fund (I'm aware there are many that invest a lot more, and spend in other ways too), but I'm seriously contemplating withdrawing my support in this venture until we have people in charge that know what they are doing.
The ONLY reason I've got any hesitancy in stopping my money is down to my utmost belief in Nico, and the fact that he needs the support so desperately. I really hope that we get people in charge soon who share the vision Kev has for this club and actually back him. If he gets the backing, we could actually start to get somewhere again.
Whilst the current lot are in charge, we've no chance.
torq2u wrote:Kevin Nicholson once again demonstrated he is intelligent, a man with vision, a strategic thinker, and a firm believer in his philosophy. He has stood by his guns for the entire past year. Passionate about TUFC. Who else would do the variety of jobs, commit the amount of time that he does while being paid peanuts?
Of course he must stay.


Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 14:23
by torq2u
Gullscorer wrote:
Thank you, Gullscorer. Yes, I thought so too ;-)

I agree with Scott, though unfortunately it's true that without this Board, there would be no club. Kev did confirm that the money in the players fund (£14,000) had already been used to bolster the squad. As unbusinesslike as it is, at least the pound from our pocket has found its way to the right cause.

PS Has anyone acknowledged on here Thea Bristow's continuing generosity in allowing the full amount from Gus's sale to go to the club. Even if already mentioned, it's surely worth repeating.

Thank you, Thea.

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 16:42
by TUFC2016
Lloyder5 wrote:Not as dull as I expected

I'm only in a few minutes in and its a very you and us approach.

Can someone clarify why is Rob Stanley an investor?
Why is he answering a lot of Q's around the sale of the club etc?

Also they tried to instantly blame the trust for breaching a non disclosure agreement - not quite the case though...

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 16:56
by Orange Gull
TUFC2016 wrote: Also they tried to instantly blame the trust for breaching a non disclosure agreement - not quite the case though...
Care to elaborate?

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 17:03
by Orange Gull
I've just watched the whole thing, who were the people at the end who really wanted to speak and whom one man (amongst others) at the front was so against asking a question?

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 17:22
by gullpower
Orange Gull wrote:I've just watched the whole thing, who were the people at the end who really wanted to speak and whom one man (amongst others) at the front was so against asking a question?
The gentleman who wanted to ask the question was speaking on behalf of TUST. Not sure who the people at the front were - probably the Board - one of the reasons in my previous post I made a comment about the Board not liking TUST.

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 17:53
by Gulliball
Orange Gull wrote: Care to elaborate?
TUST have asked for an apology, as they did not break the NDA. They were aware of the GI loan terms well before signing the NDA, and agreed to keep quiet about it as requested by the club, rather than the terms of the NDA.

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 18:15
by gullpower
Gulliball wrote: TUST have asked for an apology, as they did not break the NDA. They were aware of the GI loan terms well before signing the NDA, and agreed to keep quiet about it as requested by the club, rather than the terms of the NDA.
Good luck there then.

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 22:17
by Louis
What hope has Jon got of improving the TUST with fans and board treating him like that. Absolutely shocking, Jon is a passionate and dedicated fan of ours.
Kev you did great and remained calm and professional throughout and we all have every faith in you.
Some answers from the board were erratic and cryptic.

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 03 Nov 2016, 23:47
by Uberwozza-san
?! The video evidence is clear. They didnt say that TUST had breached NDA. They said there was a verbal agreement before/during the meeting and before the NDA was signed.

He didnt 'blame' the trust.

This is a time when we need to pull together so get your facts straight before creating more issues between supporters

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 00:16
by ferrarilover
Uberwozza-san wrote:?! The video evidence is clear. They didnt say that TUST had breached NDA. They said there was a verbal agreement before/during the meeting and before the NDA was signed.

He didnt 'blame' the trust.

This is a time when we need to pull together so get your facts straight before creating more issues between supporters
I've not seen the video, so what follows must be general, rather than specific advice.

You'll not do well on here dealing in facts. The currency in this place (not, it must be said, uniquely) is bullshit opinion, often punctuated with the word FACT! at the end.
Writing it in caps is key, after all, as Homer Simpson correctly observed, if you've gone to the trouble of pushing Caps Lock, you must really know what you're talking about.


Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 00:19
by Dutchgull
There is certainly an anti TUST feeling from the board, that cannot be denied. Too many people view the current board and Thea etc through rose tinted glasses.

What is the meaning of Torquay UNITED ? Not a lot as far as I can see. Too many personal agendas and not enough who actually want a football club to exist,survive and compete as a professional club.

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 06:18
by Glostergull
it was clear from what was said and was not disputed by TUST that they knew of the money that Masters put in and how much. it was also clear that TUST were asked to keep quiet about it. the fact that they never signed anything to that effect doesn't make them right. there was a gentlemans agreement which was between them and the board. too many want to let things out which should remain confidential and that will no doubt colour the judgement of the board in the future. if you are asked to not say anything then you should abide by that or not expect to be asked again. thats life I'm afraid. and I myself can see that as a reason them confidential matters would never be discussed in front of TUST again. I know they feel they have the club at heart but the long term damage done will be harder to repair than if they had not said anything in the short term and been more included in the future.
the video was long but interesting. Nico came over very well and even admitted he made some mistakes in the summer. most if not all managers wouldn't be so forthcoming. especially in light of what was said about players.
interesting facts about players the forum keeps banging on about. I think Nicho was right. Huh was a mystery and we would all have been on his case if Huth had been signed on the basis of one game and turned into a turkey. which is what some people are looking on our team as (Turkey United, ready for Christmas)
Intersting listening to comments on Players who didn't go to the fans. and good reasons possibly behind it. take note. you can go on all you like about having the right to pay your money and abuse them but it won't make them play any better. Nico is right about that too. but will certain people Listen NOOO.