The European Union: In or Out?
Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 09:37
Plainmoor78 and S4fedrive, this is absolute bollocks. It was the Remain campaign that twisted the truth, accusing Brexiters of not keeping their 'promises' when they made no promises, no commitments, since they were not in Government and not in a position to make any. 'Leave' merely pointed out the possibilities for the country if we left the EU. The Remainers never told you the truth. Indeed, they resorted to dirty tricks such as using taxpayers money to send pro-EU propaganda to every household, extending the deadline for electors' registration in the belief that more young pro-EU voters would register, and engaging in 'project fear' including the major financial institutions, bankers and business people with their vested interests.
'Remain's negative campaign of fear focussed on the economy, ignoring the facts: The EU is a failed and doomed project, its economy has failed, it has the highest unemployment rates, its currency has failed, and it has brought demographic chaos upon itself. It has not even maintained peace in Europe - NATO did that - the EU failed in the war in Serbia, Bosnia, etc. and provoked Russian involvement in Ukraine. The EU was always a political project aiming for eventual union in a totalitarian European-wide super-state, its leaders lying to the peoples of Europe from the very beginning, and plotting with global corporations and capital behind closed doors.
Once the immediate volatility (caused by speculators, not Brexit: the Government has not even begun the process of leaving the EU yet) is over, investors and business will begin to see the opportunities opening up for the UK worldwide. As Daniel Hannan pointed out, immigration is not going to be stopped or even reduced immediately upon leaving the EU. But we shall be in control of immigration and of our own borders; we shall control the rate of immigration to keep it consistent with the development of our infrastructure, schools, housing, health. We shall regain our sovereignty and remain a democratic nation. We shall control our own laws, and make our own trade deals. This is what every other country in the world does outside the EU. Other nations and trading blocks worldwide don't require free movement of labour, nor political union and loss of sovereignty. Why should it be different in Europe?
On the three crucial issues of the economy, sovereignty/democracy, and immigration, the case for leaving the EU is overwhelming. ... -tax-hikes ... ng-7511809 ... ll-before/ ... -time-low/
'Remain's negative campaign of fear focussed on the economy, ignoring the facts: The EU is a failed and doomed project, its economy has failed, it has the highest unemployment rates, its currency has failed, and it has brought demographic chaos upon itself. It has not even maintained peace in Europe - NATO did that - the EU failed in the war in Serbia, Bosnia, etc. and provoked Russian involvement in Ukraine. The EU was always a political project aiming for eventual union in a totalitarian European-wide super-state, its leaders lying to the peoples of Europe from the very beginning, and plotting with global corporations and capital behind closed doors.
Once the immediate volatility (caused by speculators, not Brexit: the Government has not even begun the process of leaving the EU yet) is over, investors and business will begin to see the opportunities opening up for the UK worldwide. As Daniel Hannan pointed out, immigration is not going to be stopped or even reduced immediately upon leaving the EU. But we shall be in control of immigration and of our own borders; we shall control the rate of immigration to keep it consistent with the development of our infrastructure, schools, housing, health. We shall regain our sovereignty and remain a democratic nation. We shall control our own laws, and make our own trade deals. This is what every other country in the world does outside the EU. Other nations and trading blocks worldwide don't require free movement of labour, nor political union and loss of sovereignty. Why should it be different in Europe?
On the three crucial issues of the economy, sovereignty/democracy, and immigration, the case for leaving the EU is overwhelming. ... -tax-hikes ... ng-7511809 ... ll-before/ ... -time-low/