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Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 17:44
by Alley
Well I am glad to say I like responses like that from bob it shows that what I was saying , by all means if we are not happy about certain things voice it but again all any of us want is the club to do well and we can do this by sticking together and stop back biting at one another c,mon you Gulls

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 17:57
by Gloomy Gull
PlainmoorB0b wrote:Haven't really seen anything but the supporters getting behind the young team - but as I keep saying let's not patronise the players and the manager into relegation and oblivion by not registering our displeasure when choices are blatantly misguided and performances unacceptable - these are all still professionals after all - this "go easy on them guys, they've had it tough" really gets my goat

It's beginning to feel like Stockholm syndrome round here!

REALLY :goodpost:

Added in 9 minutes 5 seconds:
Can someone confirm Nicholson does have some coaching badges........doesn't he????

Will support as always but desperately disappointed with this.

All the rhetoric about "get behind the players and the board" is admirable BUT as said on many occasions, when/if this goes pop, the board will move on, manager will move on, players will move on and the loyal supporters will be left with nothing.

Massive gamble. If Nico doesn't achieve in 10 games or show some ability to do so, support will fall away and that is the death knell for OUR club.

Added in 1 minute 40 seconds:
Can someone confirm Nicholson does have some coaching badges........doesn't he????

Will support as always but desperately disappointed with this.

All the rhetoric about "get behind the players and the board" is admirable BUT as said on many occasions, when/if this goes pop, the board will move on, manager will move on, players will move on and the loyal supporters will be left with nothing.

Massive gamble. If Nico doesn't achieve in 10 games or show some ability to do so, support will fall away and that is the death knell for OUR club.

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:01
by PlainmoorB0b
Exactly - we don't have time for a manAger with zero experience to feel his way into the role.

Supporters are at risk of being haemorrhaged by the club. If that happens we go under financially - boom.

We wanted a "roll your sleeves up this is how we're going to go about it" approach based on some experience - didn't need to be a name just a cv backed up by some evidence of having been there and done it - did NOONE offer this?

If the club thinks numbers will flock back because one of the old gang is back THEYRE so wrong ( though I sincerely hope it's me that's wrong! I really do.)

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:08
by wodger of awabia
With the club in the state that it is in, it does not matter who the manager is. unless he is given a shed load of dosh to sign better players, or has the contacts to get in some good loans. All Nico will be able to do is to get the players working their socks off , kicking the sh#t out of the opposition & learning a few set plays.This could be enough to secure a fith from bottom place.

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:20
by kevgull
Underwhelmed by this appointment. Conference South here we come.

10 points adrift by Christmas!

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:22
by Mattpuma
Pep Guardiola was a rookie manager and ex-player. He did all right .
In all seriousness we have to remember that success is relative and this season a 20th place finish would be a success for us. I see no reason Kev cant achieve that and then build on it next season.
But he needs the supporters to back him. No matter what your feelings on the appointment. If we dont back him and the club then the club is dead. Simple as that.
Time to decide if you want a TUFC or not.

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:24
by frenchgull
plainmore Bob,you have hit the nail on the head.I think this is a terrible decision but I will support the team.It's a bit like a DIY decision to build your own bathroom knowing you are crap at DIY but I have saved a lot of money.

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:39
by portugull
On Saturday I posted `I will be utterly amazed if Kevin Nicholson is appointed manager`. I am utterly amazed no doubt about it.

I think the appointment really confirms just how perilous the clubs financial position must be.

Like all true fans of TU all I want is first of all for the club to survive as we have one of the best little grounds in the national league and in the fullness of time to regain our football league status. There are many examples of former players at all levels being appointed manager and for every nine that fail one succeeds. All we can hope is that Kevin is the one and funnily enough many of us could be wrong because in a strange way I think he does not have the ego of Chris Hargreaves and he is the sort of guy, very down to earth, who just might inspire our young team to survive this season.

Despite recent results we do have a number of decent players and I think Paul Cox did an amazing job in a short period of time in bringing in some very good players such as Hurst, Butler, Smith (admittedly on loan) Marsh who I really rate and Durrell Berry who impressed me so much last season.

The vast majority of fans who post on this site do so because they are real fans of the club who have been going to Plainmoor for very long periods of time, in my case, 60 years. A small minority only post because they think it is clever to be negative.

If we want our club to survive we have only one choice. We have to support the Board who saved the club this summer from certain oblivion and get down to Plainmoor for every match.

Abroad on Saturday but hope to bring to mates next Tuesday for the Dover match and I implore all true fans to back the club because the thought of our club going out of existence is just too hard to contemplate.

Good luck Kevin.

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:43
by PlainmoorB0b
I would actually prefer to believe that what happens on the pitch will dictate whether we survive or not.

If the club lives or dies it will have everything to do with application, performances and results as that will dictate attendances.

All this " make a fuss and the club will die" nonsense makes me cringe.

The ultimate insult for the paying supporter of 30, 40, 50 years will be to be told " well you didn't deserve the club to survive because you wouldn't back the umpteenth ludicrous decision made" .

Anyone taking the time to be on here obviously loves the club and is a dyed in the wool supporter - I sat through Webb, the great escape mk1, the 4-0 to Preston followed by the 8-1 to Scunthorpe, Eddie may, the failure to secure promotion in 98, the needless relegation of leroy's side, relegation from the football league, the 4-1 defeat v exeter in the play offs, the second relegation somehow achieved by Hargreaves and Knill and the deliberate misinformation about Martin Ling that made his return impossible. I am not unusual - most on here will have seen the same. This is Torquay.

However, Cyril Knowles' team, Wembley, Loram, Sharpe, Graham, Caldwell, beating Spurs, beating West Ham, achieving promotion from League 2 AUTOMATICALLY, Rodney Jack, Eunan OKane, Blackpool at Wembley, thrashing Yeovil live on telly as a non- league club promotion at Wembley this is ALSO Torquay.

Don't accept that it can only ever be like the former, coz it's the hope that we can have days like the latter is what keeps us going.

Many peoples' attitude seems to be accept our lot and expect no better.

If Kevin has the charisma to whip his charges into some kind of unit with confidence and a bit of grit then I will be sooooo happy to have been wrong.

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:46
by portugull
potnoodle I think you forget that Paul Cox brought in a number of very decent players for this level.

The loss of Luke Young was huge and so unfortunate for the Manager.

Please do not underestimate his contribution.

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:50
by Mattpuma
I think the issue is not people making their feelings known, rather the people who have stated they wont come to games anymore.
You are certainly entitled to make critical observations, just please keep coming to the games whilst doing so as the club will die if the crowds keep falling.

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:55
by Southampton Gull
potnoodle wrote:I told you all, yet some of you decided to not believe me. Well I'm so pleased I bothered to come back on here.

My hope is that the board give Nico a proper contract and he Is given the finance to sort it out on the pitch. Because otherwise you lot will be blaming him if we are relegated.

Good luck Nico, nice to see you back. 'Nico's Yellow Army!'

To be fair, I got in there before you did, I was just more subtle ;-)

Tim Flowers for assistant anyone?

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:59
by PlainmoorB0b

Get to the games

Whatever your feelings - suck it up

Sing the lads home

Vent on here.

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 19:02
by Mattpuma

Next Manager- confirmed: Kevin Nicholson

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 19:06
by Dave
Southampton Gull wrote:

To be fair, I got in there before you did, I was just more subtle ;-)

Tim Flowers for assistant anyone?
Are you being subtle again, or just a guess?